Transcript 0 - 12

Pompidou Group Conference
Families, lifestyles and drugs –
reaching families in prevention
Porto, Portugal, 19-20 November 2007
Anneke Buehler
Diploma in Psychology - University of Gießen, University of Jena, Germany
PhD – University of Jena, Germany
Membership of professional bodies :
German Society for Psychology, German Society for Addiction and
Addiction Therapy, Bavarian Academy for questions on Addiction
Present position : Senior Scientist, Prevention Research Group, IFT Institut
fûr Therapeiforschung, Munich, Germany
Professional Experience Record :
Senior Scientist since 05/98 : Heading the prevention research group
(life skills programmes evaluation, smoking cessation, school policy
evaluation, evaluation of prevention with selective groups, reviews on
effectiveness of prevention activities).
Selected publications :
Bühler, A., Kraus, L., Augustin, R. & Kramer, S. (2004). Screening for alcoholrelated problems in the general population using CAGE and DSM-IV:
characteristics of congruently and incongruently identified participants.
Addictive Behaviors, 29 (5), 867-878.
Bühler, A., Schröder, E. & Silbereisen, R.K. (2007). The role of life skills
promotion in substance abuse prevention – A mediation analysis.
Health Education Research, Advance Access published September 25.
Bühler, A., Schröder, E. & Silbereisen, R.K. (2007). Welche
Lebensfertigkeiten fördert ein suchtpräventives
Lebenskompetenzprogramm? – Quantitative und qualitative Ergebnisse
einer schulbasierten Interventionsstudie. Zeitschrift für
Gesundheitspsychologie, 15 (1), 1-13.
Bühler, A. & Heppekausen, K. (2005). Gesundheitsförderung durch
Lebenskompetenzprogramme in Deutschland. Grundlagen und
kommentierte Übersicht [Health promotion through life skills programs
in Germany. Basics and overview]
Gregor Burkhart
Study of Medicine in Mainz (1985-1991) and
Public Health in Düsseldorf (1994-1996).
Doctoral thesis 1994 on Perception of Body and
Disease in the Candomblé-Cults in Bahia
(University of Düsseldorf, Medical
1992-1996 Community paediatrician in Cologne.
Since 1996 at the EMCDDA
( in Lisbon,
Development of EDDRA
(, the
Prevention and Evaluation Resource Kit
(PERK) and of the Evaluation Instruments
Bank (
Several Projects on guidelines for the evaluation of
prevention and outreach work. Organisation of
both European Conferences on the evaluation
of drug prevention (Lisbon and Strasbourg).
Projects on Drug prevention in workplaces, in
recreational settings and on on-site pill testing
Development of common European indicators on
the implementation of prevention policies
Annette Cina Jossen
Dr in Philosophy
FSP Psychologist
Senior lecturer at the institute of
research and council in the field of
the family
Fribourg University - Switzerland
Triple P Director Swiss alemanic
Research and work :
Stress and its effects on the family unit
Prevention of disorders within the child
and parents
Child education
Couple relationships
Maurizio Coletti
Psychologist, Researcher, family psychotherapist,
Trainer and clinician in family therapy since from 1976
Researcher in the drug field at Itaca and other organisations
Author of 122 papers published in the most important
international journals on drug abuse and psychotherapy
(including leading in the drug field).
Author and/ or Editor of 8 books published in Italian,
Spanish and English.
Founder of Centro Studi di Terapia Familiare e Relazional.e
Founder and President of I.E.F.Co.S. (Istituto Europeo di
Formazione e Consulenza Sistemica) School of
Psychotherapy officially recognized by Italian Ministry of
Education and University.
Founder and current President of Itaca, European
Association of Professionals working in the Drug Field.
Main interest fields: drug addiction treatments, treatment of
families of addicts, evaluation of treatment and prevention,
training in the drug field
Family Therapy of Drug Addiction; Drug Issues, 1994;
Evaluation of Drug Abuse Treatment, Cedis, Roma, 1997
(Editor with J.L. Linares) La intervenciòn sistemica en las
Familias Multiproblematicas, Paidos, Barcelona 1997
The design and effectiveness of Therapeutic Community
Research in Europe: an overwiev. In European Addiction
Evaluation of Drug Abuse Treatment, Cedis, Roma, 1997
Adelino Ferreira
Clinic psychologist
Work on Drug addiction public
service since 1989
Expert on Prevention work
Expert on Treatment work
Regional Director of IDT at
North Portugal
Karin Knobel
Social Worker
Project manager in
Health Care projects
and interculture
health care.
Fernando Mendes
President Irefrea, Portugal
Vice-president of Instituto
Portugués da Droga
e da Toxicodependência
Expert of the Prevention Platform
of the Pompidou Group
Fàtima Tregueiros
Function: Senior Advisor to the Portuguese National Coordinator for
the Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction and Substitute to
the Pompidou Group Permanent Correspondent.
Professional Experience: On behalf of the Ministry of Trade has
been responsible for Multilateral and EU negotiation and
national enforcement for Dual-Use and Strategic Goods
external trade, including drug precursors.
Works exclusively in the drug field since 1997, when she started to
work at the Ministry of Justice’s Office for the Fight against
Designated Permanent Correspondent to the Pompidou Group from
1997 until 2001, returned in 2006 as Substitute Permanent
From 2001 is a Senior Advisor to the President and Executive Board
of the Institute for Drugs and Drug Addiction and of the
National Coordinator.
Member of the Portuguese Steering Group for the Evaluation of the
Portuguese 1999-2004 National Strategy and Portuguese
representative to the EU Steering Group for the Evaluation of
the EU 2005-2008 Action Plan.
Publishing Activity: Has several books on drugs’ enforcement and
international cooperation as well as articles on dual-use and
strategic goods external trade and drug policy evaluation
published on academic journals,
70 and The evaluation of the Portuguese drug policy
1999-2004: the process and the impact on the new policy,
Maria Moreira, Fátima Trigueiros and Carla Antunes of the
Institute of Drugs and Addiction, Drugs and Alcohol Today
Vol.7, Issue 2 , July 2007.
Mieke Vergeer
Function: Senior innovation
worker Netherlands Youth Institute
Studies: Dutch and Pedagogue
Mieke Vergeer is a pedagogue.
She implemented several programmes
in Holland: Neighbourhood network
0 - 12 in the programme Mothers
inform Mothers. She developed
training materials and she trained new
trainers. She knows the practice as a
prevention worker in the field of care in
She specialises in the preventive
approach on youth crime in the project
Communities that Care (CtC). And
she is implementing a new standard
for Child abuse in Holland.