Transcript Diet Pill

Diet Pills
By Cathy Chang
Obese patients taking the weight-loss drug
rimonabant — also known as Acomplia — have an increased
risk of developing severe depression and anxiety, a new
study reports.
In addition to a potential risk of depression and anxiety,
the FDA also found an increased chance of irritability,
insomnia, panic attacks, aggression and suicide in patients
taking the diet pill. Several patients taking rimonabant were
prescribed antidepressants or tranquillizers to keep their
symptoms under control.
Evidence suggests that obese people may, on the
whole, be even more prone to depression in the first place.
Studies found a modest 5 percent to 10 percent
decrease in weight in patients taking rimonabant. Study
authors note that this weight loss would most likely not be
sustained once treatment ended, and the patient would
need to continue taking the drug for life to see lasting
improvement in obesity-related risk factors.
 Have
you ever worried about your
 What have you done to loose weight?
 What do you think is the best way to
loose weight?
 Why do you think that people would
prefer to take diet pills?
 What has caused this focus on
weight in today’s society?
Obese 過胖的
Severe 嚴重的
Potential 可能性;潛力,潛 
Irritability 易怒
Insomnia 不眠症
Panic attacks 恐慌發作
Aggression 侵略
Antidepressants 抗抑鬱的
Tranquilizers 鎮定劑
Symptoms 症狀,徵候
Prone 有...傾向的
Modest 適度的
Sustained 持久的;持續的
Risk factors 風險因素
 Fait
Acomplia? New Study Lends
Weight to FDA Concerns