Transcript Power_point

Recreational Drug Use
• Five different types of recreational drugs:
GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate)
LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)
• How is Cannabis used?
• Cannabis is usually smoke, although it can be
eaten. Joints are the most common method of
smoking but a wide range of pipes, bongs,
hookahs, and other devices are used. Cannabis
can also be prepared in butter or cooked directly
into foods for ingestion.
What are the effects of Cannabis?
• Cannabis is found to relax and stimulate the body.
• The senses are enhanced as well as the appetite.
• Users may experience nausea, mild hallucinations,
anxiety, or paranoia.
• Cannabis tends to cause an increase in heart rate,
reddening of the eyes, and dryness in the mouth.
The drawbacks of Cannabis
• Cannabis slows down reaction time and
impairs driving.
• Some people feel uncomfortable, nauseous,
or paranoid after using cannabis.
• What is a standard dose?
• A standard dose of alcohol is defined as 12 oz. of
beer, 5 oz. of table wine, or 1.5 oz. of liquor.
• Alcohol affects some people more or less strongly
than other, and can affect the same person
differently at different times.
• A standard drink is metabolized out of your
system in approximately 1.5 hours.
The effects of drinking alcohol
• The effects of drinking alcohol are that low to
moderate amounts can produce feelings of
relaxation, lowed inhibitions, and increased
• Large amounts can cause dizziness, nausea,
slurred speech, slower reflexes, sleepiness, bad
judgment, dehydration and a hangover the next
• Overdoses can cause loss of motor, blackouts,
temporary coma (passing out) and in extreme
cases, death.
GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate)
• What is GHB?
• GHB is a odorless liquid, slightly salty to
the taste, and it is sold in bottles. It has
been found in powder and capsule form.
• It was originally developed as a sleep aid.
What are the effects?
• The effects of consuming GHB is similar to
alcohol, and can make the user feel relaxed, happy
and sociable.
• Higher doses can make the user feel dizzy and
sleepy, and can sometimes cause vomiting, muscle
spasms, and loss of consciousness.
• Sometimes GHB can slow breathing down to a
dangerously low rate which has caused a number
of deaths.
Speed (Amphetamine)
• What is Speed?
• Speed is a stimulant drug.
• It produces alertness, confidence, and raise
levels of stamina.
• It reduces appetite and lessens the desire
and ability to sleep.
How is Speed used?
• Speed can be swallowed, snorted, or injected.
• Regular use of speed can produce a need to
increase the dose to get the same effect, and can
lead to a physical dependence on the drug.
• Speed is used to increase alertness, confidence,
and raise levels of energy and stamina.
The effects of Speed
• Speed can cause seizures, heart attacks,
strokes, and deaths from overdoses.
• Many users become physically run down,
which leaves them susceptible to a wide
range of illnesses.
LSD (Lysergic Acid
• What is LSD?
• LSD is a hallucinogenic or psychedelic drug
and is usually found and absorbed into tiny
pieces called “blotter” but it is sometimes
found as a pure liquid or absorbed into
sugar cubes.
The effects of LSD
• The LSD experience is usually described as
a “trip”. The trip is broken down into four
The Onset Phase
The Plateau Phase
The Peak Phase
The Comedown Phase
The Onset Phase
• After 30 minutes of ingestion, colors appear
shaper, moving objects have trails behind
them and flat surfaces may appear to
The Plateau Phase
• Over the second hour, the effects become
more intense. Imaginary visions can appear
from nowhere-from shapes in smoke, to line
on the palms of the hand.
The Peak Phase
• Time is slowed to almost still. Users may
feel like they are in a different world, or
movie. For some, this is profound and
mystical, but it can be very frightening for
The Comedown Phase
• Five or six hours after taking the drug, the
sensations are to subside. After eight hours,
the trip is usually over, although residual
effects may last until after sleep.
Finally, The Conclusion
• After a coach has done research and understood
the effects of recreational drugs, they can be more
inclined to recognize the drug use in their athletes.
Athletes use recreational drugs in order to play
better, gain strength, and stamina that they think
will make them perform better. If an athlete had
any knowledge about drug use, they would
understand that drugs only slows down their
performances and cognitive level of thinking.