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Transcript Psychopathology

 It
is the study of mental
illness, mental distress
and abnormal,
maladaptive behavior.
What is Psychopathology?
 Medical-
Psychopathology is the
disease of the brain, no different
than any other disease of the body.
 Learning- Psychopathology is
learned or acquired.
 Psychoanalytical- The result of
childhood fixations during
psychosexual development
3 Models for Psychopathology
 There
are 250 different disorders
recognized by the APA. All of these
fit into 11 different categories.
Types of Psychopathology
 1.
Disorders diagnosed before
adolescence (ADHD)
 2. Organic disorders (dementia). Can
include Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Gun
shot wound to head, drug abuse.
 3. Substance related disorders (sex
4. Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia)
5. Mood disorders ( bipolar, depression)
6. Anxiety disorders (OCD, panic, phobia)
7. Somatoform disorders (people think
they are blind, but they aren’t)
8. Disassociative disorders (Multiple
Personality disorder) *Most know they
have the disorder.
 9.
Sexual disorders (fetishes,
impairments, identity disorders).
 10. Eating disorders (Bulimia,
 11. Personality disorders
 Any
type of disorder: 3035%
 Anxiety disorder: 15-20%
 Substance Abuse: 15-20%
 Mood disorders: 5-10%
 Psychotic disorders: 1-2%
 Abraham
(depression/possible Bipolar)
 Kurt Cobain (ADD & Bipolar)
 Michael Phelps (ADHD)
 Howard Hughes (OCD)
 Winston Churchill (depression)
 Elton John (Bulimia)
 John Forbes Nash (Beautiful Mind)
Famous People with Disorders