Transcript Document

What are Mental Disorders?
- Illness of the mind that can affect thoughts, feelings,
& behaviors, preventing that person from leading a
happy, productive life.
Types of mental disorders
Functional – psychological cause. May result from
stress, fear, or heredity.
Organic – caused by physical illness, brain injury.
ex. Tumors, drug OD
Anxiety Disorders
– real or imagined fears of something specific.
- characterized by chronic fear.
- 4 main types
1. Phobias
2. Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder
3. Panic Disorder
4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
– Strong and irrational fears of something specific.
ex. Spiders, closed places, heights, etc.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
– trapped in a pattern of repeated thoughts and be
- persistent, recurrent, unwanted thoughts
ex. Hand washing, locks, etc.
Post Traumatic Stress
- stress after exposure to a terrifying event,
- ex. War, 911, rape, etc.
Panic Disorder
– sudden unexplained feeling of terror
- shortness of breath, dizziness
Mood Disorders – mood extremes
Clinical depression
- feelings of helplessness, sadness, etc.
- last for more than a few weeks
- interferes with normal every day activities
- over 19 million
Bi-Polar disorder
- extreme mood changes
- high to low for no apparent reason
- chemical imbalance in the brain
- loss of contact with reality
- delusions, hallucinations
- chemical imbalance
- affects 1 percent of population
- appears between 15-35 years
- no real cure
-everything is wrong with them - so they think
- always assume the worst
Personality Disorders
Anti-social personality disorder
- irritable, aggressive, impulsive, and violent
- usually unable to show remorse (intense fear of scrutiny
Borderline personality disorder
- troubled relationships
- high risk activities, poor self esteem,
- lash out at those they need the most
Passive aggressive personality
- uncooperative, resent being told what to do but
rely on others direction