Tracey McFall and Pete Burkinshaw

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Transcript Tracey McFall and Pete Burkinshaw

Facing the Future – Tackling
drugs in the new decade
Workforce Development
Tracey McFall, Deputy Head, STRADA
What do we need to tackle drug in
the new decade?
Government commitment
Policy Drive
Evidence Based treatment – what works?
Access to treatment
Equality of accessibility
Services that fit the needs
Recovery focus?
Skilled workforce
Skilled leaders
Centres of Excellence set up
Each focused on sector of field and workforce
Scottish Training on Drugs and Alcohol (STRADA)
Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS)
Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities
Scottish Institute for Residential Childcare
Criminal Justice Social Work Development Centre for Scotland
Dementia Services Development Centre
Scottish Experience
Government commitment – Centres of excellence
Policy drive - Recovery, Alcohol Framework
Workforce development – 2010 (local model)
Recovery – New approach to working with people
within the drug and alcohol field
The Continuous Learning Framework – “sets out what
people need to do their job well now and in the future
and describes what employers need to do to support
them” – Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and
What have we learned in Scotland
Recovery consortium
Recovery Academy
Recovery Champions??
Workforce development in relation to recovery focus
Core competencies
Words of caution!!!!
Future of workforce development
Spending review – uncertain future?
Impact of workforce development – front line? (are we
being asked to do more?)
Impact on service delivery
Impact on service design
Impact on Quality
Competitive Market – Alliances/Protection
Impact on policies – Recovery, Child Protection
1. How important is workforce development of your
2. How important is workforce development in the
current climate?
3. What part do you need to play in the continuation of
workforce development in your
4. What training/workforce developments gaps are
there in your role/team/organisation/sector?
5. What would you like to say to policy makers in
relation to your fears as to workforce development?
Contact Details
Tracey McFall
Deputy Head, STRADA
0141 330 2400
[email protected]
Relevant Websites/Information
252/0 (National guidance for protecting children –
Consultation September 2010)
414.pdf (Framework for Action)