C) Sex in Advertising presentation

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Transcript C) Sex in Advertising presentation

What messages
do you receive
from the
following ads?
Why do you think women
tend to be
often than men?
Why might young men now be
in the same
In advertising and other media, women are
sometimes portrayed in poses that physically
subordinate them to men. Men are often
shown in a dominant position and in control of
the situation portrayed.
Rather than using full
body shots, advertising
often chooses to
dismember women's and
men's bodies and market
their separate parts: slim
legs, large chest, firm
buttocks. This process is
often referred to as
In some cases,
women are depicted
in contorted
positions, looking
foolish or silly. Men
are often portrayed
as serious, brooding,
and introspective.
In some advertisements,
women are seen
receiving male approval
as their sole measure of
achievement. Many
males depicted in the
media approve only one
thing - sexually
attractive and available
Advertisers have often used
sex to sell products, even
when the product being
advertised has nothing to do
with sex. Car, alcohol, soft
drink, and jean ads often
market women's bodies as
well as the actual products
being advertised.