4. 명사와 복수

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Transcript 4. 명사와 복수

제 4 장
<명사 복수형 & 명사 종류>
* 명사의 복수형 만들기 *
A. 규칙변화
1. 명사 + s (ex) flower - flowers, book - books
2. 어미 s, sh, ch, x + es , ㈜ -ch[k] 일 때 + s
(ex) bus - buses, dish - dishes, church - churches
box - boxes ㈜ monarch - monarchs
3. 어미가 자음 + O => + es , 모음 + O => + s
(ex) potato - potatoes, hero - heroes, radio - radios
(예외) piano - pianos, photo - photos
4. 자음 + y => y를 i 로 + es, 모음 + y => + s
story - stories, monkey - monkeys
5. -f, -fe 로 끝난 말 => -f, -fe를 v로 고친 후 + es
(ex) leaf - leaves, knife - knives
(예외) roof - roofs, safe - safes, chief - chiefs
B. 불규칙 변화
(ex) (man - men, woman - women, goose - geese
tooth - teeth, foot - feet, mouse - mice)
(ox - oxen, child - children)
(sheep - sheep, deer - deer, fish - fish)
{짝을 이루는 물건 => 항상 복수형}
(ex) a pair of socks ( pants, shoes, scissors…)
* 명사의 종류
1. 보통명사 : My uncle is a farmer.
2. 집합명사 : Tom’s family is very large.
3. 고유명사 : Seoul is the capital of Korea.
4. 물질명사 : I like gold better then money.
5. 추상명사 : Art is long and life is short.
1. 보통명사
a) 부정관사(a, an),정관사( the), 복수형 사용
• There is a book on the desk.
• This(That) is my book.= This(That) book is mine.
=>(복수) These(Those) are my books.
b) 종족 대표
•A(The) horse is a useful animal.
= Horses are useful animals.
c) the + 보통명사 = 추상명사
•The pen is mightier than the sword.
•She felt the mother when she looked at the child.
(참조): the+형용사=복수 보통명사
• The young have to help the old(=old people).
2. 집합명사
a) Tom’s family is very large.
Three families live in the house.(복수집합)
b) My family is very large.(집합명사)
My family are all well. (군집명사)
c) We Koreans are a diligent people.(민족,국민:단수)
There are many peoples in Asia. (민족,국민:복수)
There are many people in the park.(사람들:복수)
3. 고유명사
a) Seoul is the capital of Korea.
b) The Mayflower crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
c) He wants to be a Newton. ( ~와 같은)
A Mr. Brown came to see you. ( ~라는 사람)
4. 물질명사
a) much, little, some, any, a lot of + 단수형
•There is much(a little) sugar in the box.
b) 수량 표시
a cup of tea, a glass of water(milk), a loaf of bread
a piece of chalk(paper, furniture), a bottle of beer
a pound of sugar, a spoonful of salt(sugar)
two cups of coffee, two slices of bread
5. 추상명사
a) 추상=>보통~ : She was a beauty in her day.(美人)
b) of+추상명사=형용사 : of wisdom = wise
of use=useful, of value=valuable, of ability=able
c) with(in, by)+추명=부사 : with ease=easily
in safety=safely, by accident=accidentally