Transcript Document

Challenges - Opportunities
McKinney presently has a growing population of 150,000+ and remains one of
the fastest growing cities in the U.S. This feeds transfer growth for some
churches but many churches aren’t growing.
There may be 50 churches with an average Sunday attendance of 200 or 10,000
people attending a local church on Sundays. Doubling that number, still leaves
80% of McKinney residents “unchurched” or 130,000 – 140,000 people.
Only one person is reached for Christ each year for every 85 church members in
the United States. At that rate only 235 people are reached per year in
1,300 new churches are needed to “reach” McKinney – 1/1000 – but only a few
are started each year under the prevailing model of church planting. Much of the
new church plants come from transfer or realignment of members.
Despite high average income of McKinney residents, 1 in 10 are living in poverty
Mission – Vision – Values
Mission – to go with the Gospel to every resident living in
McKinney so that they have an opportunity to hear
Evangelism + Discipleship = Gospelizing
Values – to make disciples toward a disciple-making
movement changing lives thru the power of the Gospel
The workers and the resources are in the harvest
Vision – to transform our city by bringing the Gospel into
every community of of McKinney
Not just a decision – a lifestyle
July 4th, 2014
An Initiative of
5 year plan
visited all the
towns and
villages of
looking for a
“house of
Matthew 9:35
Apartments Complexes =
Unreached Villages
90-95% of
dwellers are
but represent
a prepared
“field” for
Gospel seed
1. Local churches adopt a
local apartment complex
for prayer, Prayer-walks
are scheduled.
2. Training is conducted
regularly followed by
“House of Peace”
searches at apartment
3. Evangelize, equip and
establish reproducing
disciples leading to new
multiplying church plants
4. Missional community
formed to carry vision
forward until ….
- GO - Every apartment complex in McKinney will be prayerwalked and will have a “house of peace” search conducted,
so that…
- GOSPEL - Every person living in McKinney will have
opportunity to hear the Gospel, so that…
- GROW - Every apartment complex will have at least one
discovery Bible study, reproducing disciples, so that…
- GATHER - reproducing disciples are formed into new
reproducng churches until there is….
- Commence T4T training for local churches to be outwardly
focused, gospelizing within their nearest “unreached village.”
- Mobilize 100s of workers within McKinney who are trained to
live as reproducing disciple-makers in their neighborhoods
and communities
- Evangelize, equip and establish a network of reproducing and
multiplying house churches within McKinney to the “outer
most reaches.”