Transcript HBS - Quia

Unit 3 Review
Be able to
 PP-Name the three entities the body needs to survive
 P-Describe how long the body can survive without each
 Adv – For each of the three entities -give one factor about an
individual that would increase survival and one factor that
would decrease survival.
On a diagram of the
digestive system
 PP/P-Be able to label
the stomach, liver, large
intestine, small intestine,
esophagus, pancreas and
 Adv -Provide an
example that illustrates
how the structure of an
organ in the digestive
system is specifically
linked to its function.
Be able to
 PP/P-Name four factors that affect the function of an
enzyme in the digestive system.
 Adv- discuss the conditions required for the digestion of
proteins in the stomach and how you could design an
experiment to test these.
Be able to recognize (and/or label) the
definitions of the key terms (PP):
 __Abdominal cavity
 __ Alveoli
 __ Bronchi
 __ Diaphragm
 __ Expirational Reserve Volume
 __ Inspirational Reserve Volume
 __ Minute Volume
 __ Oxygen Capture
 __ Residual Volume
 __ Respiratory Rate
 __ Spirometer
 __ Thoracic Cavity
 __ Tidal Volume
 __ Total Lung Capacity
 __ Vital Capacity
Be able to
 (P) List the steps of respiration in order and gas exchange,
including the flow of blood.
 (Adv) Apply your knowledge of the respiratory system to
the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory symptoms and
Be able to
 (PP) Labe the following structures on diagram of kidney and
Bowman’s capsule
Collecting Duct
Distal Convoluted tubule
Loop of Henle
Proximal convoluted tubule
Afferent Arteriole
Efferent Arteriole
On a dissected kidney, be able to
 P-Locate the
 Renal capsule
 Renal Medullar Pyramid
 Renal pelvis
 Renal cortex
 Where you would find the bowman’s capsule and glomerulus
 P-Discuss where filtrate enters the nephron.
 P-State what structure should not have blood in it.
 Adv -Describe where urine is most concentrated.
On a case studies
 Describe if ADH and aldosterone would be present in certain
situations (in the blood stream)
 What you would find on a urinalysis in certain situations