Transcript Lecture 6x

Lecture 6: Plankton
Plankton: Definitions
• Plankton: organisms living in the water
column, too small to be able to swim counter
to typical ocean currents
– Holoplankton – spend entire life in water column
– Meroplankton – spend part of life in water
column, are benthic for remainder of life
Plankton: Definitions
• Phytoplankton – photosynthetic protists and
bacteria. Single celled or chains of cells.
• Zooplankton – nonphotosynthetic protists and
animals. Range from single celled to small
• Mixoplankton (or mixotrophic) - can be
classified at several different trophic levels
Plankton Size Classes
Position in Water Column
• Phytoplankton must be near a source of
– 50-100 m in open ocean
– Shallower depths in inshore waters and estuaries
• Zooplankton usually feed on phytoplankton,
or organisms that feed on phytoplankton
Vertical Position in Water Column
• Ways to avoid sinking (neutral buoyancy):
– Regulate bulk density (the mass of an organism
divided by its total volume) by varying chemical
– Gas secretion
– Body shape
– Swim
Vertical Position of Plankton
• Smaller organisms denser than seawater sink
with a constant velocity, proportional to
organismal mass (Stokes’s Law)
• Heavier organisms will sink faster than lighter
• Irregularly shaped plankton sink slower than
predicted by Stokes’s Law
• Numerous groups,
including many flagellated
• High diversity
• Different groups have
different nutrient needs
(e.g., Fe, Si, Ca, P, N)
• Different groups have
different properties such
as bulk density, ability to
• Plantlike Single-celled Protists
Green algae
Cryptomonad flagellates
• Cyanobacteria
• Crustacean Zooplankton • Other
• Gelatinous Zooplankton
– Arrow Worms
– Pteropods
– Planktonic polychaetes
• Animal-like Protists
– Ciliates
– Foraminifera
– Radiolaria
Critical Factors in Plankton
Major Physical Factors Affecting
Primary Production
Patchiness of the Plankton & Its
• Spatial changes in physical conditions behavioral responses and population
growth/mortality responses
• Water turbulence and current transport
• Spatially discontinuous levels of grazing
• Localized reproduction
• Social behavior
Wind and Turbulence
• Wind can affect
patchiness at a wide
range of spatial scales
– Langmuir circulation –
wind driven water
movement creates
small vortices which
result in small
divergences and
convergences of water
• Result in linear
convergences at surface
Directional Flow and Obstructions
• Directional water flow can cause persistent
spatial patterns in circulation
• Flow patterns can be altered at obstructions
(islands, mouths of estuaries, passes, etc. )
Depth and Plankton Layers
• Phytoplankton and small zooplankton can be
concentrated in layers at different water
Patchiness of the Plankton
• Concentrated patch of phytoplankton must
eventually disperse due to the transfer of
wind and current energy into kinetic energy
Phytoplankton Patchiness
• Population density
determined by
interaction between
turbulence and
population growth
• Blooms probably
caused when you have
a rapid increase in
phytoplankton growth
in an area with
restricted circulation
Spring Phytoplankton Bloom
• Predictable seasonal pattern of phytoplankton
abundance in the temperate and boreal
waters of depths of ~10-100m
• Spring diatom increase = phytoplankton
increase dramatically and are dominated by a
few diatom species
Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Nutrients, and
Light Throughout the Year in Temperate-Boreal
Inshore Waters
Latitudinal Variation in Cycle
Geographical Comparisons of Primary Production
Polar Seas
Temperate Seas
Tropical Seas
Well lit in summer
Light varies
Well lit throughout
No stratification
Occurs throughout
Mixing replenishes
Low nutrient content
in surface waters
Primary Production
Only occurs in icefree summer but can
be quite substantial
Major peak in spring
with minor peak in
Low but constant
Spring: small, rapidly
growing diatoms;
Summer: larger
diatoms; Late
Winter: Small
dominate year-round
Successional Patterns No real succession
because production
only occurs in
Light and Phytoplankton
• Light irradiance decreases exponentially with
increasing depth
• Light becomes limiting factor to
Compensation Depth
• Compensation depth – the depth at which the
amount of oxygen produced in photosynthesis
equals the oxygen consumed in respiration
Net increase of oxygen over time
Net decrease of oxygen over time
Compensation Depth
• Is controlled by season, latitude, and
transparency of water column
– Longer photoperiod in temperate-boreal waters
– Arctic winter has a zero photoperiod
– Suspended matter in coastal waters intercepts
Photosynthesis and Light Intensity
Before the Spring Phytoplankton Increase
• In winter:
– Water density is similar at all depths
– Wind mixing homogenizes water column
– No bloom because any potential profit in
photosynthesis would be lost to mixing
Seasonal Changes in Mixing and Light
Water column stability is essential to the development of the
spring bloom
Key Processes Leading to Spring
Phytoplankton Increase
Key processes:
• Development of thermocline
• Trapping of nutrients
• Retaining of phytoplankton
Spring Bloom in the Gulf of Maine
Decline of the Spring Phytoplankton
• Nutrients are being removed from stable
water column
• No replenishment of nutrients from deeper
• Zooplankton grazing has some effect but is
often secondary to sinking
Rejuvenation of Conditions for the
Spring Phytoplankton Increase
• In fall and winter: water cools, water column
becomes isothermal with depth, wind mixing
restores nutrients to surface waters until
conditions are right next spring
Water Column Exchange in Shallow
Waters and Estuaries
• Importance of water column stability varies
with basin depth and season
• Benthic-pelagic coupling – nutrient exchange
between the bottom and the water column
– Fuels more phytoplankton growth
Water Column Exchange in Shallow
Waters and Estuaries
Benthic-Pelagic Coupling and a
Beach Bloom
Water Column Exchange in Shallow
Waters and Estuaries
• High primary production in estuaries
• Nutrient regime is determined by the
combination of the spring freshet with mixing
and net water flow to the sea
Important Factors in Water Column
Exchange in Shallow Waters and
• Residence time - time water remains in
estuary before entering ocean
• Rate of nutrient input from watershed
• Nutrients may be released to coastal zone
• Nutrients are dissolved or particulate
substances required by plants and
photosynthetic protists;
• Can be limiting resources
Nutrients in Marine vs. Terrestrial
• Agricultural soil = 0.5%N
• Allows for greater primary
production per m3
• Long-lived plants
• Ocean waters = 0.00005%N
• Allows for much less
primary production per m3
• Short-lived plants
• Nutrients are often limiting
Nitrogen – New vs. Regenerated
• New production:
– Nutrients for primary production may derive
from input of nutrients from outside the photic
• Regenerated production:
– Nutrients derive from recycling in surface waters
from excretion
Phosphorous (P)
• P is rapidly recycled between water and
• Sediments accumulate P from phytoplankton
• Diffusion of P from bottom due to benthic
• Winter mixing returns P to surface waters
N and P as Limiting Nutrients
• N and P are depleted by phytoplankton
• Phytoplankton more enriched in N than P,
suggesting that N is limiting to primary
production on the scale of the entire ocean
• P ultimately comes from weathering of
• Important limiting element for diatoms
• Sinking of diatoms from surface waters
removes silicon
• Silica (Silicon dioxide) delivered to ocean by
wind and river transport
Fe, Si often enter the ocean by windborne particles
Iron as a Limiting Nutrient and in
Climate Change
• Is commonly in short supply and is thus limiting
to phytoplankton
• May be crucial in parts of the ocean where
nitrogen appears not to be limiting factor (HNLP
• Phytoplankton sequester large amounts of CO2
during photosynthesis
• Dr. John Martin – Idea was that if you increase
phytoplankton production, you could slow global
• Evidence – Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991
IronEx Studies
• IronEx I (1993) – First open ocean iron fertilization
– Single iron addition to a 100 km2 patch of water near
Galapagos Islands
– Results not very dramatic
– Proved that iron can limit primary production in some of
the world’s oceans
• IronEx II (1995) - Sequential additions of solubilized
iron to water patch in Equatorial Pacific
– Produced enormous phytoplankton bloom
• Have been 13 iron fertilization experiments since 1993
Intense and Harmful Algal Blooms
• Conditions:
1. A stable water column
2. Input of nutrients
3. Sometimes an initial
input of resting stages
• Principally some
dinoflagellates and
• Population crashes may
reduce oxygen in water
Red Tide off Florida Coast
Phytoplankton Succession
• Seasonal change in dominance by different
phytoplankton species
• General properties correspond to the seasonal
trend in nutrient availability
Phytoplankton Succession
Mechanisms poorly understood:
• Shift in advantage of nutrient uptake, later species in
season may depend upon substances that are not in the
water column in early spring
• Stratification
• Chromatic adaptation
• Allelopathy
Paradox of the Plankton - Hutchinison
• Coexistence of many photosynthetic and
heterotrophic groups under nutrient limitation
• Would expect an equilibrium would be
reached and one species would dominate
• Remains to be solved, but could be due to:
– Spatial patchiness of nutrients
– Reproductive capacity of phytoplankton
3 Major Pathways for Flux of Organic
• Grazing food chain
• Microbial loop
• Sinking flux
The Microbial Loop
1. Bacteria take up large amounts of nutrients and
organic matter from the water column
2. Bacteria are consumed by ciliates and other
3. These heterotrophs are consumed by other
smaller zooplankton
The Microbial Loop
DOC=dissolved organic carbon
POC=particulate organic carbon
DIOC=dissolved inorganic carbon
The Microbial Loop and Deepwater
• Bacteria in microbial loop feed on oil droplets
(is a source of C) and associated contaminants
• May alter microbial loop and its functioning
• Allows contaminants to enter planktonic food
web and reach higher order consumers
Marine Snow
• Fragile organic
aggregate made up of
dissolved organic
molecules or degraded
gelatinous substances
• Usually enriched with
• Found in relatively quiet
Zooplankton Grazing
• Zooplankton growth depends on
phytoplankton growth
• Zooplankton abundance usually increases
after the peak of phytoplankton abundance
• Grazing effect: Difference between grazing
rate and phytoplankton growth rate
• Grazing quite variable
North Sea: grazing results in alternating
patches of phytoplankton and zooplankton cycles of abundance
Zooplankton Grazing
Copepod feeding response to diatom density
Zooplankton Feeding/Grazing
• Zooplankton can select phytoplankton
particles by size
• Could influence species composition of
Diurnal Vertical Migration of Zooplankton
• Rise to shallow water at night, sink to deeper water
during the day
Planktonic shrimp, Sergia lucens
Causes of Diurnal Vertical Migration of
• Strong light hypothesis – plankton are adversely
affected by UV radiation and strong light, so they
migrate away from surface waters during the day
• Problem?
Causes of Diurnal Vertical Migration of
• Phytoplankton recovery hypothesis - zooplankton
migrate downward to allow phytoplankton to
photosynthesize and recover during the day
• Problem?
Causes of Diurnal Vertical Migration of
• Predation hypothesis - zooplankton migrate
downward to avoid visual predation during
• Problems?
Causes of Diurnal Vertical Migration of
• Energy conservation hypothesis - zooplankton
migrate downward to avoid higher surface
temperatures during the day, which saves
energy (metabolic rate and energy needs are
lower in cooler waters)
• Problem?
Defenses Against Predation
• Body spines
• Being nearly transparent
• Bioluminescence
– Counterillumination
– Deceptive signals
– Camouflage
– Lures
• Toxic substances