Australian animals - AshandKylieICTInterativeResource

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Australian Animals
Year Five
Science Lessons
Lesson Sequence
Lesson Three:
Endangered Animals
Learning objectives:
1. Explain the meaning of endangered animals.
2. Discuss the difference between extinct, critically
endangered and vulnerable and list some species that
are currently endangered.
3. Identify reasons for endangered species.
4. Create a poster using to publish findings.
Prior Knowledge
 Have been on an excursion to the Perth Zoo.
 Can describe characteristics of different animals and
explain their significance.
 Are aware animals fall into six classification groups.
 Have explored what habitats and food webs are.
 Are aware of the relationship between an animal and the
living and non-living elements in its habitat.
What are the six
animal groups?
What do we mean
when we say an
animal is
 Extinct means that the entire species has
died out and can never return.
The Tasmanian Tiger is
a mammal that was
hunted to extinction in
the early 1900s
 Critically Endangered is the highest risk
category for wild species. Critically
Endangered means that a species' numbers
have decreased, or will decrease, by 80%
within three generations.
The Regent Honeyeater
is a bird facing an
extremely high risk of
extinction in the wild
An endangered species is a species which is at risk of
becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or
threatened by a changing environmental or predators.
The Dugong is a large
marine mammal whose
population is
dwindling and at threat
of extinction
A vulnerable species is one which has been categorised as
likely to become Endangered unless the circumstances
threatening its survival and reproduction improve.
The Green and Golden
Bell Frog is an
amphibian that is
considered vulnerable.
Video: Endangered
Species in Australia
Class Activity
Use to make a poster
about an endangered animal.
Open the wikispace:
There are instructions and helpful links!
You have been assigned a group and
animal classification so first look for this!