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Reece • Urry • Cain • Wasserman • Minorsky • Jackson
Clicker Questions by
Roberta Batorsky
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Which of the following questions asks about proximate
causes of behavior?
a) How does the behavior aid survival and
b) What is the behavior’s evolutionary history?
c) How variable is this behavior for the species?
d) How does the animal’s experience during growth
and development influence its response to
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Which of the following questions asks about proximate
causes of behavior?
a) How does the behavior aid survival and
b) What is the behavior’s evolutionary history?
c) How variable is this behavior for the species?
d) How does the animal’s experience during growth
and development influence its response to
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
The territorial response in three-spined sticklebacks
(Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a fixed action pattern that is
triggered by a sign stimulus. What environmental cue
did Niko Tinbergen determine was the sign stimulus for
aggression in three-spined sticklebacks?
a) the color red
b) a torpedo shape
c) the stickleback spines
d) a square shape
e) a swollen belly
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
The territorial response in three-spined sticklebacks
(Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a fixed action pattern that is
triggered by a sign stimulus. What environmental cue
did Niko Tinbergen determine was the sign stimulus for
aggression in three-spined sticklebacks?
a) the color red
b) a torpedo shape
c) the stickleback spines
d) a square shape
e) a swollen belly
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Which of the following does not correctly describe a
fixed action pattern?
a) They are essentially unchangeable.
b) Once started, they are usually carried to
c) They are more prominent in juveniles.
d) They are triggered by an external cue.
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Which of the following does not correctly describe a
fixed action pattern?
a) They are essentially unchangeable.
b) Once started, they are usually carried to
c) They are more prominent in juveniles.
d) They are triggered by an external cue.
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Which of the following statements about migration is
not concerned with ultimate causes of this behavior?
a) Many animals use magnetic fields to orient
themselves during migration.
b) Migration allows animals to use favorable
breeding and feeding areas that are
geographically separate.
c) Migration is often physically extremely
d) Risk of nest predation is often lower further north
for migratory birds in the arctic.
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Which of the following statements about migration is
not concerned with ultimate causes of this behavior?
a) Many animals use magnetic fields to orient
themselves during migration.
b) Migration allows animals to use favorable
breeding and feeding areas that are
geographically separate.
c) Migration is often physically extremely
d) Risk of nest predation is often lower further north
for migratory birds in the arctic.
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Which of the following statements about animal
communication is true?
a) It requires transmission and reception of a
b) It is only found in vertebrates.
c) It always has both a visual and auditory
d) It is of little importance for mating.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Which of the following statements about animal
communication is true?
a) It requires transmission and reception of a
b) It is only found in vertebrates.
c) It always has both a visual and auditory
d) It is of little importance for mating.
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Which of the following statements about pheromones is
a) They must be released at high concentrations
to overcome typical levels of environmental
b) They are chemical signals used to communicate
among individuals of the same species.
c) Many animals can detect pheromones of a
different species.
d) Pheromones can play an important role in
communication over both long and short distances.
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Which of the following statements about pheromones is
a) They must be released at high concentrations
to overcome typical levels of environmental
b) They are chemical signals used to communicate
among individuals of the same species.
c) Many animals can detect pheromones of a
different species.
d) Pheromones can play an important role in
communication over both long and short distances.
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Learned behaviors are shaped by experience while
innate behaviors are developmentally fixed. Which of
the following statements is true?
a) Learned behaviors are much less variable than
b) Learned behaviors are much more variable
than innate.
c) There can be no variation in innate behaviors.
d) Learned behaviors cannot be passed onto
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Learned behaviors are shaped by experience while
innate behaviors are developmentally fixed. Which of
the following statements is true?
a) Learned behaviors are much less variable than
b) Learned behaviors are much more variable
than innate.
c) There can be no variation in innate behaviors.
d) Learned behaviors cannot be passed onto
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Many distasteful insects are brightly colored. What type
of behavior might help explain this?
a) fixed action pattern
b) associative learning
c) kinesis
d) spatial learning
e) habituation
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Many distasteful insects are brightly colored. What type
of behavior might help explain this?
a) fixed action pattern
b) associative learning
c) kinesis
d) spatial learning
e) habituation
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Which of the following statements about cognition and
learning is true?
a) Learning that develops over long periods only
occurs in humans and certain marine mammals. In
other groups learning can only happen over minutes
or hours.
b) Cognition is limited to vertebrates.
c) Problem solving is the cognitive activity of
coming up with ways to go from one state to
d) Problem solving has only been demonstrated for
primates and certain marine mammals.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Which of the following statements about cognition and
learning is true?
a) Learning that develops over long periods only
occurs in humans and certain marine mammals. In
other groups learning can only happen over minutes
or hours.
b) Cognition is limited to vertebrates.
c) Problem solving is the cognitive activity of
coming up with ways to go from one state to
d) Problem solving has only been demonstrated for
primates and certain marine mammals.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Complete the following statement. In a population,
individuals with the highest fitness ______________.
a) may behave very differently from other individuals
with high fitness
b) behave the same way as all other individuals with
high fitness
c) behave in a unique way
d) retain high fitness regardless whether behavior of
other individuals changes
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Complete the following statement. In a population,
individuals with the highest fitness ______________.
a) may behave very differently from other
individuals with high fitness
b) behave the same way as all other individuals with
high fitness
c) behave in a unique way
d) retain high fitness regardless whether behavior of
other individuals changes
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Every time your dog goes to lie down in her bed, she
makes three circles. If you interrupt her, she will start
over and do it again. This is an example of
a) imprinting.
b) fixed action pattern.
c) associative learning.
d) spatial learning.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Every time your dog goes to lie down in her bed, she
makes three circles. If you interrupt her, she will start
over and do it again. This is an example of
a) imprinting.
b) fixed action pattern.
c) associative learning.
d) spatial learning.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
On islands off British Columbia, Canada, Northwestern crows
(Corvus caurinus) search rocky tide pools for sea snails called
whelks. After spotting a whelk, the crow picks it up in its beak,
flies upward, and drops the whelk onto the rocks. If the drop is
successful, the shell breaks and the crow can dine on the
whelk’s soft parts. If not, the crow flies up and drops the whelk
again and again until the shell breaks.
The height of drops made by crows in the wild was measured
by referring to a marked pole erected nearby. In the test, the
crow’s behavior was simulated using a device that dropped a
whelk onto the rocks from a fixed platform. The average
number of drops required to break whelks from various platform
heights was recorded and averaged over many trials with the
device. Combining the data for each platform height, total
“flight” height was calculated by multiplying the drop height by
the average number of drops required.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
How does the average number of drops required to
break open a whelk depend on platform height?
a) The number of drops required does not change
with drop height.
b) The number of drops required increases with
increasing drop height.
c) The number of drops required decreases with
increasing drop height.
d) The number of drops required decreases with
increasing drop height, but only for heights
greater than 5 meters.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
How does the average number of drops required to
break open a whelk depend on platform height?
a) The number of drops required does not change
with drop height.
b) The number of drops required increases with
increasing drop height.
c) The number of drops required decreases
with increasing drop height.
d) The number of drops required decreases with
increasing drop height, but only for heights
greater than 5 meters.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Look at total flight height (represented by the green bars).
Remember that total flight height was calculated by
multiplying the drop height by the average number of
drops required.
How would you describe the relationship between total
flight height and drop height?
a) Total flight height is higher at the lowest and highest
drop heights than at the mid-range drop heights.
b) Total flight height decreases as drop height increases.
c) There is no relationship between total flight height and
drop height.
d) Total flight height increases as drop height increases.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Look at total flight height (represented by the green bars).
Remember that total flight height was calculated by
multiplying the drop height by the average number of
drops required.
How would you describe the relationship between total
flight height and drop height?
a) Total flight height is higher at the lowest and highest
drop heights than at the mid-range drop heights.
b) Total flight height decreases as drop height increases.
c) There is no relationship between total flight height and
drop height.
d) Total flight height increases as drop height increases.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Total flight height can be considered to be a measure of the
total energy required to break open a whelk. Compare the
graph of total flight height for the platform drops to the drop
height preferred by crows.
Are the data consistent with the hypothesis of optimal
a) Yes, because the height preferred by crows roughly
coincides with the lowest total flight height.
b) Yes, because the height preferred by crows roughly
coincides with the lowest average number of drops required.
c) No, because the height preferred by crows does not
coincide with the lowest total flight height.
d) No, because the height preferred by crows does not
coincide with the lowest average number of drops required.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Total flight height can be considered to be a measure of the
total energy required to break open a whelk. Compare the
graph of total flight height for the platform drops to the drop
height preferred by crows.
Are the data consistent with the hypothesis of optimal
a) Yes, because the height preferred by crows roughly
coincides with the lowest total flight height.
b) Yes, because the height preferred by crows roughly
coincides with the lowest average number of drops required.
c) No, because the height preferred by crows does not
coincide with the lowest total flight height.
d) No, because the height preferred by crows does not
coincide with the lowest average number of drops required.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Researchers observed that the crows only gather and
drop the largest whelks. Why might crows favor larger
a) Large whelks might require a higher drop height in
order to break open.
b) Large whelks might require more drops, on
average, in order to break open.
c) Large whelks might be more rare, and thus be
harder to find, than small whelks.
d) Large whelks might offer more calories than small
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Researchers observed that the crows only gather and
drop the largest whelks. Why might crows favor larger
a) Large whelks might require a higher drop height in
order to break open.
b) Large whelks might require more drops, on
average, in order to break open.
c) Large whelks might be more rare, and thus be
harder to find, than small whelks.
d) Large whelks might offer more calories than
small whelks.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
It turns out that the probability of a whelk breaking is the
same for a whelk dropped for the first time as for an
unbroken whelk dropped several times previously. If the
probability of breaking instead increased with each
additional drop, what change might you predict in the
crows’ behavior?
a) The crows’ behavior would not change.
b) The crows would fly to higher heights in subsequent
c) The crows would fly to lower heights in subsequent
d) The crows would keep dropping the same whelk instead
of switching to a different whelk after an unsuccessful
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
It turns out that the probability of a whelk breaking is the
same for a whelk dropped for the first time as for an
unbroken whelk dropped several times previously. If the
probability of breaking instead increased with each
additional drop, what change might you predict in the
crows’ behavior?
a) The crows’ behavior would not change.
b) The crows would fly to higher heights in subsequent
c) The crows would fly to lower heights in subsequent
d) The crows would keep dropping the same whelk instead
of switching to a different whelk after an unsuccessful
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