evolution 2017 - week 2x

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Transcript evolution 2017 - week 2x

Monday – 1.30.17
Take out your Genetics
Warm-up Problems
Handout and answer #1
using your sticky note
and the Protocol for MC
To receive full credit you
must do ALL of the
following things:
Mark up the question
Predict your answer
Circle the correct answer
Indicate why the other
answer choices are wrong
Monday – 1.30.17
In humans, B is the allele for brown eyes and b is
the allele for blue eyes. Two brothers both have
brown eyes, but one of them has both the B and
b alleles while the other brother only has B
alleles. Which statement is true about the
a. They have the same genotype and phenotype.
b. They have the same genotype but different
c. They have different phenotypes and genotype
d. They have the same phenotype but different
Evolution: Section 5
• Evolution: a change in species over time
• Finches on the island resembled South
American ones, but were not like the African
ones that had a similar environment.
• They must have migrated and evolved to fit
their environment over time.
What is the mechanism?
(How does the change happen?)
1859 Darwin finally published “On the
Origin of Species” (20 years after he
returned to England).
This was VERY controversial at the
In the book he proposed evolution
happened through Natural Selection.
Natural Selection: Organisms best
suited to their environment will
survive and reproduce
How Natural Selection Causes Evolution
• Natural selection will
always improve the fit
between a species and its
• Key factor = environment
• Environment “selects”
which ones will survive and
• Natural selection is a
process that happens to
populations, not
• Fitness is a
measure of
• Those individuals
who leave the
largest number of
mature offspring
are the fittest.
Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection
• Artificial Selection: man selects a trait.
• Natural Selection: nature selects the trait.
 process that leads to DWM
• Survival of the Fittest: the ability to survive and
reproduce in your environment.
• Fitness is the result of adaptations
• Descent with Modification: each living species has
descended, with changes, from common ancestors.
(common descent)  result of natural selection
Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection
Example 1: Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
• Bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.
• If someone gets sick they might be given an antibiotic which kills 99% of the
• The remaining 1% that survive are resistant, so when they reproduce they are
passing on the resistant gene.
• If someone gets sick with the resistant bacteria then the antibiotic will not help
• Bacteria reproduce quickly through binary fission passing on these genes.
Example 2: Peppered Moth
• Until the 1850s dark gray moths were rare. Almost all
moths were pale.
• In 1850 dark moths started to become more common,
usually in the highly industrialized areas. WHY?
Pale tree trunks were
made black by the
pollution from the
factories and dark
moths sitting on these
trees were better
camouflaged from
their predators and
lived on to reproduce
more black moths.
Example 3: Rats Adapt to Beat Poison
The poison warfarin was widely used to control the
rat population. However, a certain gene gives rats
resistance to it, so rats that carry it are more likely
to survive and reproduce. The gene has become
more frequent in the rat population, so warfarin is
not used as much any more.
Plicker Question
A mutation that occurs within a DNA sequence
is a(n) –
a. naturally occurring process that always affects
the phenotype of the organism
b. unnaturally occurring process that always affects
the phenotype of the organism
c. naturally occurring process that produces genetic
d. unnaturally occurring process that decreases
genetic diversity
Plicker Question
Global temperatures tend to change on a regular
basis. The availability of environmental resources
such as water and food tend to fluctuate on a
regular basis as well. Individuals who are better
able to cope with such challenges in their
environment tend to –
a. decrease in population over time leave more
offspring than those
b. more suited to the environment
c. leave fewer offspring than those less suited to
the environment
d. leave more offspring than those less suited to
the environment
Plicker Question
Which of the following outcomes would you
predict for a population of mosquitoes
exposed to a new pesticide?
a. Over several generations, the mosquitoes
would become resistant to the pesticide.
b. Over several generations, the mosquitoes
would evolve into several new species.
c. Over several generations, the mosquitoes
would all be killed and become extinct.
d. Over several generations, the mosquitoes
would be more susceptible to the pesticide.
How do adaptations help animals
survive in their environment?
• An adaptation is a body part or
behavior that helps an animal survive
in a particular environment.
• Adaptation can help an animal
breathe, catch food, or hide.
• All animals are adapted to live in
certain habitats.
• Animals that cannot adapt will die
We can separate adaptations into two
•Physical adaptations
are body structures that
allow an animal to find and
consume food, defend itself,
and to reproduce its
•Physical adaptations
help an animal survive
in its environment.
© A. Weinberg
Physical adaptation
Camouflage (use of color in a surrounding)
The chameleon can change its color to match its
surroundings. Can you do that?
Physical adaptation
(looking or sounding like another living organism)
The Viceroy butterfly uses mimicry to look like the
Monarch butterfly. Can you tell them apart?
I’m the Viceroy!
Not poisonous
I’m the
Physical adaptation
Chemical defenses (like venom, ink,
Physical adaptations
Body coverings & parts (claws, beaks, feet,
armor plates, skulls, teeth)
The elephant’s trunk is a physical adaptation that
helps it to clean itself, eat, drink, and to pick things up.
Behavioral Adaptations allow
animals to respond to life
Behavioral Adaptations are
animals’ actions.
Remember that Physical
Adaptations are body structures.
Each organism has unique
methods of adapting to its
environment by means of
different actions.
• Maintenance of constant internal
conditions in the face of a varying
external environment.
• Examples:
– The thickening of fur in winter.
– The seeking of shade in heat.
– The production of more red blood cells at
high altitude.
Monday – 1.30.17 Exit Ticket
1. According to the theory of evolution by
natural selection, which of the following is true?
a. Genetic traits that aid evolution are
not passed on to offspring.
b. Variation does not exist between
members of the same species.
c. Populations will change over time to
better fit their environment.
d. No more offspring are born into a
population than can survive
Tuesday – 1.31.17
Take out your Genetics
Warm-up Problems
Handout and answer #2
using your sticky note
and the Protocol for MC
To receive full credit you
must do ALL of the
following things:
Mark up the question
Predict your answer
Circle the correct answer
Indicate why the other
answer choices are wrong
Tuesday – 1.31.17
2. In chickens, the allele for black feathers (B) and
the allele for white feathers (W) are co-dominant
for this trait. While the h eterozygous genotype
(WB) will have both black and white feathers. Cross
a heterozygous chicken with a white feathered
chicken and determine the probability of the
offspring having only white feathers.
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 100%
Check Your Answers
• Definitions
C 1. defense mechanisms that involving chemicals
(ex. venoms, inks, sprays)
D 2. adapting to the environment by means of
beneficial actions
E 3. maintenance of constant internal conditions in
the face of a varying external environment
A 4. resembling a(n) advantageous trait(s) of another
B 5. blending in with the surrounding environment
Check Your Answers
B 1. A stick insect has slender, dull coloured body and resembles a
twig. It is extremely slow in its movements. It conceals itself in small
twigs of plants in order to protect itself from predators.
E 2. Alligators, which are cold blooded animals, lay out in the sun
to regulate their internal body temperature.
A 3. A king snake copies the flashy traits of the venomous coral
snake in order to make predators think it’s a harmful species.
C 4. The bombardier beetle can accurately shoot a predator with a
stream of boiling poison when feeling threatened.
D 5. Animal migration to helps protect the members of the group
from predators and enables them to survive in different areas,
especially if there is a lack of food or they need to avoid a harsh
Giraffe Video: Section 4
As you watch the first part of this video, try
your best to answer the questions in your
notes packet.
http://vimeo.com/19797501 (5:18-8:15)
Plicker Question
The concept of gene flow is demonstrated
when a cow is driven off from its herd, joins
another herd, and reproduces. When the cow
contributes to the gene pool of the new herd,
which of these most likely increases?
A Natural selection
B Genetic variation
C Environmental fitness
D Reproductive mutations
Plicker Question
Lord Howe Island is a volcanic island in the Tasman Sea
that is about 11 km long and 2.8 km wide. The island has
two species of palm trees, Howea forsteriana and the
more abundant Howea belmoreana. The two species do
not interbreed even when they grow very close to each
other. Which evolutionary process fails to occur?
Genetic drift of Howea forsteriana
Natural selection of adaptive traits in both species
Gene flow between the two species
Mutations in Howea belmoreana
Genetic Drift Activity
Each group of 2 will need the following items:
• Two napkins
• ONE bag of skittles
• Two skittles handouts
• Two copies of the Evolution concept map
Genetic Drift Activity
Genetic Drift Activity
Genetic Drift Activity
Genetic Drift Activity
Genetic Drift Activity
Genetic Drift Activity
Genetic Drift Activity
Exit Ticket
2. Ducks live near ponds and lakes. The shape of
a duck’s foot helps it swim and walk on muddy
ground. Which factor is MOST important in
determining the shape of a baby duck’s foot?
a. The shape of the parent ducks’ feet
b. The amount of mud in the bottom of the pond
c. The temperature of the pond water
d. The amount of rain the fell before the duck was
Wednesday – 2.1.17
• Grab your binder as you walk in the room.
• Complete warm up question 3 on your warm
up paper for the week.
Wednesday – 2.1.17
3. Yellow fruit and dwarf vines are recessive traits in
tomatoes. Red fruit and tall vines are dominant. Cross a
completely dominant red and heterozygous tall plant
crossed with a heterozygous red and dwarf plant. What
portion of the offspring will be heterozygous for both red
and tall traits?
• Predict what the term differential
reproductive success means. Try your best to
break it down and explain it in your own
Differential Reproductive Success
The idea that the organisms best adapted to
their environments will be most likely to reach
reproductive age and have offspring of their
Natural Selection in Horses Handout
• Examine the horses situation in the described
• Identify the traits that will give the horses an
advantage in their new environment.
• Justify how these genes will give the horse an
Natural Selection Quiz
• Take everything off your desk except for
something to write with.
• As you work through the quiz, be sure to read
each question carefully and underline or
highlight key words.
• If you’re not sure what a word means, circle it
so I can make sure we go over it before the
Careless or Clueless
• Take out a piece of paper and number it 1-10.
• As we go over the questions you missed, decide
whether you missed it because you were being
careless or clueless.
• If you missed it because you were being careless, write
the keywords you overlooked.
• If you missed it because you were clueless, write the
part of the question you missunderstood.
Quiz Review
1. What is NOT true about natural selection?
A.Natural selection takes generations to occur.
B.Natural selection produces changes in individuals,
not populations.
C.Natural selection includes the process of
differential reproductive success.
D.Natural selection can create diversity within species
Quiz Review
2. A population of wild dogs must roam the cold tundra
of northern Canada in order to scourge for food. With
few prey for animals to hunt and kill, and extreme
temperatures, not all members of the population
survive. For those individuals that do survive, what is
the next step in the process of natural selection?
A.Adapt to the cold by growing thicker fur.
B.Obtain more food to survive.
C.Dig deeper holes to burrow longer.
D.Reproduce to pass on their traits.
Quiz Review
3. Your friend has been observing the activity of specific
members of a song bird species outside of her apartment
window for the past three years. One day she tells you she
thinks they have evolved into a different species because
they no longer sing the same songs. Which of the
following responses would be the most accurate?
A. The birds have evolved because changes in behavior can
indicate evolution.
B. The birds have evolved because environmental factors
can cause quick evolutionary changes.
C. The birds have not evolved because there is no such
thing as a behavioral adaptation.
D.The birds have not evolved because natural selection
does not affect individuals of a population.
Quiz Review
4. A population of giraffes inhabits an area filled with
tall trees and vegetation that is located high off of the
ground. Within the population of giraffes are
individuals with short, medium, and long necks.
Which of the following individuals will leave behind
the most offspring if predation is not an
environmental factor?
A.Giraffes with shorter necks
B.Giraffes with medium length necks
C.Giraffes with the longest necks
D.All giraffes will have an equal opportunity to leave
behind equal numbers of offspring.
Quiz Review
5. A brand of fire ant poison claims to kill all ants in two
applications. The first application of the poison killed
74% of the fire ants. Three months later, the poison is
reapplied, but the second application only killed 39%
of the remaining fire ant population. Which would
best explain the decrease in the effectiveness of the
ant poison?
A.The ants no longer liked the taste of the poison.
B.The poison changed into a food source for the ants.
C.The surviving ants had an adaptation that made
them resistant to the poison.
D.The ant poison had expired and no longer had its
killing power.
Quiz Review
6. Which of the following scenarios describes the
organism that has the greatest evolutionary fitness?
A.A cat that has a litter of 5 kittens, 4 of which live to
be old enough to produce their own offspring.
B.A spider that lays 150 eggs, however only 3 hatch to
become adult spiders.
C.A great white shark that has two pups (baby
sharks), that both reach reproductive maturity.
D.All of these organisms equally evolutionarily fit.
Quiz Review
How do we know?
As you watch the video, make a list of as many
examples of the evidence that is presented as
you can.
Be thinking about the how the evidence that
is presented supports natural selection.
Plicker Question
Two populations of mice living in the same forest are separated
by a large waterfilled ditch. After a rainstorm, flooding brings
several mice from one population to the other population. When
the mice from the first population reproduce with members of
the second population, which of the following will likely occur?
A All the offspring will die as a result of reproductive mutations.
B The offspring will be forced to leave the second population.
C The offspring will be genetically identical to their parent from
the first population.
D The offspring in the second population will have greater
genetic variety.
Plicker Question
According to the theory of evolution by
natural selection, which of the following is
a. Genetic traits that aid evolution are not
passed on to offspring.
b. Variation does not exist between members
of the same species.
c. Populations will change over time to better
fit their environment.
d. No more offspring are born into a
population than can survive.
Plicker Question
Speciation, a process in which a new
biological species arises, occurs in stages and
results in a species with an improved “fit” for
its environment. Speciation can result when
two populations have become
reproductively isolated
one population
Exit Ticket
In complete sentences,
describe the how the
California salamanders
evolved using as many
of the vocab. words
below as you can.
Gene Flow
Geographic Isolation
Natural Selection
Wednesday – 2.1.17
3. What environmental factor would most strongly affect the
bill width in these finches?
a. availability of water
b. regional climate
c. type of seeds present
d. variety of habitat
Wednesday – 2.1.17
4. The movement of new genes into a
population as a result of migration or
hybridization is called
a. founder principle
c. gene flow
d.bottleneck effect
Friday Warm Up
5. The arctic fox and gray wolf are two examples of animals
that change color of their fur with the seasons. In the
summer, the animals are a brownish color, and in the winter,
they turn white. The change of color helps the animals to
survive. Which of the following provides the best explanation
for this change?
The color change helps protect them from predators.
The color change helps them regulate their body temperature
The color change helps them raise their young
The color change helps them be seen from a great distance.
Plicker Question
Some organisms, such as frogs and fish, produce
an abundance of offspring. One possible
explanation for this is –
a. their offspring hibernate in a safe place until
they reach adulthood
b. they have developed the ability to reproduce
every few days
c. they lay eggs only in underground areas to
prevent access of their offspring to predators
d. to ensure the survival of a larger number of
their offspring
Plicker Question
A virus killed most of the blue-footed ducks in Japan reducing
the population from 9,000 to 900. In an effort to help
preserve the species, 50 blue-footed ducks were
trapped and used to start a new population in England.
Eventually the 55 Rabbits normally eat some grass as a food
source. In a habitat, a new species of grass is introduced that
out-competes most of the original species of grass. The new
species of grass contains a chemical that is usually toxic and
fatal to most two blue-footed duck populations could no longer
successfully interbreed. This event would best be described as
Friday Warm Up
6. Which of the following factors is most likely to
contribute to gene flow between populations?
random mating
genetic drift
Friday Exit Ticket
4. In frogs the length of their tongue was recently
discovered as an example of incomplete dominance.
Frogs either had long tongues, medium tongues or
short tongues. Two Medium tongued frogs were
crossed together what would the most likely ratio of
the potential offspring?
a. 1:1
b. 1:2:1
c. 3:1
d. 1:2