Transcript Document

Humans in the Biosphere
A. Earth as an Island-
1. all organisms that live on Earth share
limited resource base
2. Understanding how humans interact is
crucial to protecting resources
The iiwi (Hawaiian honeycreeper), a
native species in Hawaii is
becoming scarce due to disease,
habitat loss, and predation by
introduced species
B. Human Activities
1. Industry and Technology give humans
advantage in competing with other species for
limited resources such as food, energy, and
2. Today, humans most important source for
environmental change
a. Hunting and Gathering-have changed
environment since pre-historic times
Human hunters arrived in North America about
12,000 years ago. They caused one of major mass
extinctions of large animals (woolly mammoths,
giant ground sloths, saber tooth cats, cheetahs,
zebras, etc.)
3). Green Revolution- global effort to
increase food production for fastgrowing world population (new,
intensive farming practices that
increase yields)
C. Renewable and Nonrenewable
1. Two types of environmental resources
a. Renewable- can regenerate (are
replaceable) not necessarily unlimited
b. nonrenewable- one that cannot be
replenished by natural processes (eg.
Fossil fuels, oil and natural gas
2. Sustainable use- using natural resources
so that you don’t deplete them (based on
principles of ecology and economics)
3. Land Resources- provides space for
cities, materials for industry, soils in which
crops are grown.
desertification- in certain parts of the
world with dry climates, a combination
of farming, overgrazing, and drought
have turned once productive areas
into deserts
4. Forest Resources- provides products,
habitats and food for organisms, moderates
climate, limits soil erosion, protects
freshwater supplies, “lungs” of the Earth”
deforestation- loss of forest. Can
lead to severe erosion.
Sustainable-use strategies
include selective harvesting
and replanting.
5. Ocean Resources- provides valuable
food resources.
How do you explain graph #2 (fish catch per
person remains the same despite steady
increase in world fish catch)?
6. Air Resources- Air is common resource.
Preserving air quality remains a challenge for
modern society.
a. Smog- common pollutant in large
cities. (pollutant- harmful material that
can enter the biosphere through land,
air, or water)
b. Acid rain- acidic gasses released
into air and combine with water vapor
forming drops of nitric and sulfuric acid.
Can kill plants, change chemistry of
soils and standing water ecosystems
Photomicrograph of
drop of acid rain.
Serious threat to
7. Water Resources- water is renewable
resource but must be protected because
supply is limited.
a. Water pollution- threatened by
chemicals, domestic sewage, wastes
discarded on land- all can seep into
underground water supplies.
City sewage must be treated in
sewage-treatment plants.
Organic wastes are broken down
by bacteria and then chemicals
are added to kill harmful
D. Biodiversity- sum total of the genetically
based variety of all organisms in the
1. Forms of diversity
a. Ecosystem diversity- includes variety
of habitats, communities, and ecological
processes in the living world
b. Species diversity- number of different
species in the biosphere
c. Genetic diversity- sum total of all the
different forms of genetic information
carried by all living organisms
2. Biodiversity is one of Earth’s
greatest natural resources. Species of
many kinds have provided us with foods,
industrial products, medicines, etc.
3. Threats to Biodiversityhuman activity can reduce
biodiversity by altering
habitats, hunting species to
extinction, introducing toxic
compounds into food webs,
and introducing foreign
species into new
a. Pollution- many forms of
pollution can affect biodiversity.
Biological magnificationconcentrations of harmful
substances increase in
organisms at higher trophic
levels. Affects all levels, but
top-level carnivore are at
highest risk
By what number is the
concentration of DDT
multiplied at each successive
trophic level?
b. Introduced Species- one of most
important threats. Introduced either
intentionally or unintentionally they
have destroyed habitats of species
native to those ecosystems.
Fire ants were
accidentally imported
from Brazil about 45
years ago. Now found in
San Clemente
4. Conserving Biodiversity- many
conservation efforts focusing on entire
ecosystems as well as single species
D. Charting a Course for the Future- two major
1. Ozone depletion- naturally occurring
ozone gas (20-50 km above Earth’s
surface) absorbs good deal of harmful
ultraviolet radiation from sunlight before it
reaches Earth’s surface.
a. Beginning in 1970’s
scientists found evidence
showing ozone “hole” over
b. Problem caused by
compounds called
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
(CFCs act as catalysts that enable
UV light to break apart ozone
2. Global Warming- an increase in average
temperature of the biosphere.
a. Hypothesize that human
activities have added carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse
gasses (methane, H20) into the
b. Scientific models suggest
that could cause polar ice caps
to melt and raise sea level. This
could also cause more severe
weather disturbances
D. The Value of a Healthy Biosphere
1. Human society depends
on healthy, diverse, and
productive ecosystems
because of the
environmental and
economic benefits they
2. People need to make
wise choices in use of
resources and disposal or
recycling of materials