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Transcript 2锛庣啛鎮夋秷鍖栭亾骞虫粦鑲岀殑涓€鑸?

Gastrointestinal Physiology
Xia Qiang, PhD
Department of Physiology
Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Email: [email protected]
 Basic processes of digestion and absorption
 Propulsion and mixing of food in the alimentary
 Secretory functions of the alimentary tract
 Digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal
The four processes carried out by the GI tract: digestion, secretion,
absorption, and motility.
Many functions in the
gut are found in specific
locations along its
length. Most of the
absorption of nutrients
occurs in the small
intestine, so most of
digestion is
accomplished there or
Functions of the digestive system
Movement: propels food through the digestive system
Secretion: release of digestive juices in response to a
specific stimulus
Digestion: breakdown of food into molecular components
small enough to cross the plasma membrane
Absorption: passage of the molecules into the body's
interior and their passage throughout the body
Elimination: removal of undigested food and wastes
Components of the
digestive system
Structure of the alimentary canal
General properties of gastrointestinal
smooth muscle
 Low excitability
 High distensibility
 Tonic contraction
 Autorhythmicity
 High sensitivity to temperature, stretch and
chemical stimulation
Electrophysiological properties of
gastrointestinal smooth muscle
 Resting membrane potential
 -40~-80 mV
 Ionic basis
 Em (selective membrane permeability to K+, Na+, Cland Ca2+)
 Electrogenic Na+-K+ pump
 Slow wave (basic electrical rhythm)
 The spontaneous rhythmic, subthreshold
depolarizations of the cell membrane (slow
wave) of the gastrointestinal tract that
characterizes the underlying electrical activity of
the bowel
 Initiated in the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC)
(pacemaker cell)
Santiago Ramon Y Cajal
 He and Camillo Golgi
received the Nobel
Prize in 1906 for
introduction of the
silver-chromate stain
Calcium imaging in ICC-MY from the guinea-pig antrum. A
colocalization procedure was used to identify the Rhod-2
signal from ACK2-Alexa 488 labelled ICC-MY. Panel A shows
a stack of 30 sequential optical sections made in the Z optical
axis of the ACK2-Alexa 488 signal and the Rhod-2 signal;
panels B and C show each signal independently. Panel D
shows the stack after the colocalization algorithm was used
on each confocal slice, showing that most ICC-MY were well
labelled with Rhod-2. It was evident from this experiment that
some, but not all, ICC-MY were well-labelled with Rhod-2
(see text for more details). The scale bar in panel D is 40 um
and it applies to all images
Intracellularly recorded electrical activity from a guinea-pig
antral ICC-MY identified with ACK2-Alexa 488. Panel A
shows a network of ICC-MY labelled with ACK2-Alexa 488
visualized using fluorescence microscopy, and a single ICCMY impaled with a LY-filled microelectrode. Panel B shows
changes in membrane potential recorded intracellularly from
an ICC-MY. One slow wave, marked with the horizontal line in
Panel B, is shown in Panel C at an expanded time scale. The
scale bar is 15 um.
Cyclic changes in intracellular calcium in ICC-MY in the murine jejunum.
Panel A shows a single confocal image with ACK2-Alexa 488 immunoreactivity (green) and Rhod-2 labelling (red) taken from a time series. ICCMY were distinctly labelled with Rhod-2 as shown in panel B. The average
fluorescence intensity delineated by the white circled region was
measured from images recorded every second, shown in panel C
 Slow wave (basic electrical rhythm)
 Intensity: 10~15 mV
 Frequency: 3~12 cpm
 Ionic mechanism
 spontaneous rhythmic changes in Na+-K+ pump
Normal BER frequencies in the
gastrointestinal system
 Spike potential (Action potential)
 Duration: 10~20 ms
 Ionic mechanism:
 Depolarization: Ca2+ influx
 Repolarization: K+ efflux
Neural control of gastrointestinal
 Enteric nervous system (intrinsic)
 Autonomic nervous system (extrinsic)
 Enteric (Intrinsic) nervous system
 Myenteric plexus (Auerbach’s plexus)
 Submucosal plexus (Meissner’s plexus)
 Neurotransmitters secreted by enteric neurons
 Ach, NE, ATP, serotonin, dopamine, cholecystokinin,
substance P, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide,
somatostatin, leu-enkephalin, met-enkephalin,
bombesin, etc.
• Autonomic nervous system
 Sympathetic nerve
• NE
• Inhibitory (-)
 Parasympathetic nerve
• Mainly ACh
• Stimulatory (+)
 Afferent sensory nerve fiber from the gut
 Sensory fibers with their cell bodies in the ENS
terminate in the ENS
 Sensory fibers with their cell bodies in the ENS
send axons upward through the ANS to
terminate in the prevertebral sympathetic
 Sensory fibers with their cell bodies in the
dorsal root ganglia or in the cranial nerve
ganglia send axons to multiple area of the
spinal cord or brain stem
 Gastrointestinal reflexes
 Three types
 Reflexes that are integrated entirely within the enteric
nervous system
 Reflexes from the gut to the prevertebral sympathetic
ganglia and then back to the gastrointestinal tract
 Reflexes from the gut to the spinal cord or brain stem
and then back to the gastrointestinal tract
Gastrointestinal hormones
 The hormones synthesized by a large number of
endocrine cells within the gastrointestinal tract
 Physiological functions
 Control of the digestive function
 Control of the release of other hormones
 Trophic action
Gastrointestinal hormones
 Four main types
 Gastrin
 Secretin
 Cholecystokinin (CCK)
 Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)
Splanchnic circulation
Microvasculature of the intestinal villus
Digestion in the stomach
The swallowing reflex is coordinated by the medulla oblongata,
which stimulates the appropriate sequence of contraction and
relaxation in the participating skeletal muscle, sphincters, and
smooth muscle groups.
The coordinated sequence of contraction and relaxation in the upper
esophageal sphincter, the esophagus, and the lower esophageal
sphincter is necessary to deliver swallowed food to the stomach.
Specialized cells
in the stomach
synthesize and
secrete mucous
fluid, enzyme
hydrochloric acid,
and hormones.
The abundant smooth muscle in the
stomach is responsible for gastric motility.
Gastric juice
 Properties
 pH 0.9~1.5
 1.5~2.5 L/day
 Major components
 Hydrochloric acid
 Pepsinogen
 Mucus
 Intrinsic factor
Hydrochloric acid
 Secreted by the parietal cells
 Output
 Basal: 0~5 mmol/h
 Maximal: 20~25 mmol/h
 Mechanism of HCl
 Active transport
 Huge H+ gradient (3
Acid production by the parietal cells in the stomach
depends on the generation of carbonic acid;
subsequent movement of hydrogen ions into the
gastric lumen results from primary active transport.
One inhibitory and
three stimulatory
signals that alter
acid secretion by
parietal cells
in the stomach.
 Role of HCl
 Acid sterilization
 Activation of pepsinogen
 Promotion of secretin secretion
 Assisted effect of iron and calcium absorption
 MW: 42,500
 Secreted by the chief cells as an inactive
precursor of pepsin
 Activated in the stomach, initially by H+ ions
and then by active pepsin, autocatalytic
 Active pepsin (MW: 35,000)
The acidity in the gastric lumen converts the protease
precursor pepsinogen to pepsin; subsequent conversions
occur quickly as a result of pepsin’s protease activity.
 Effect of pepsin
Pepsin is an endopeptidase, which attacks
peptide bonds in the interior of large protein
 Secreted by the epithelial cells all over the
mucosa and by the neck mucus cells in the
upper portion of the gastric glands and
pyloric glands
 Role
 Lubrication of the mucosal surface
 Protection of the tissue from mechanical
damage by food particles
Mucus-HCO3- barrier
Intrinsic factor
 A high molecular weight glycoprotein,
synthesized and secreted by the parietal
 The intrinsic factor binds to Vit B12 and
facilitates its absorption
Secretion of other enzymes
 Gastric lipase
 Gastric amylase
 Gelatinase
Regulation of gastric secretion
 Basic factors that stimulate gastric secretion
 Acetylcholine (+ all secretory cells)
 Gastrin (+ parietal cells)
 Histamine (+ parietal cells)
Regulation of gastric secretion
 Nervous regulation
 ‘Short’ reflex pathways
 ‘Short’ excitatory reflexes: mediated by cholinergic
neurons in the plexuses
 ‘Short’ inhibitory reflexes: mediated by nonadrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) neurons
Regulation of gastric secretion
 Nervous regulation
 ‘Long’ autonomic pathways
 ‘Long’ excitatory reflexes: parasympathetic
 ‘Long’ inhibitory pathways: sympathetic
Regulation of gastric secretion
 Humoral regulation
5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)
Phases of gastric secretion
 Cephalic phase
 Gastric phase
 Intestinal phase
Inhibition of gastric secretion
The functional purpose of the inhibition of
gastric secretion by intestinal factors is
presumably to slow the release of chyme from
the stomach when the small intestine is
already filled or overactive
Inhibition of gastric secretion
 Reverse enterogastric reflex: initiated by the
presence of food in the small intestine
 Secretin secretion: stimulated by the
presence of acid, fat, protein breakdown
products, hyperosmotic or hypo-osmotic
fluids, or any irritating factors in the upper
small intestine
Delivery of acid and nutrients into the small intestine initiates
signaling that slows gastric motility and secretion which allows
adequate time for digestion and absorption in the duodenum.
Motor function of the stomach
Proximal stomach
corpus (body)
Distal stomach
pyloric sphincter
Waves of smooth muscle contraction mix and propel the
ingested contents of the gastric lumen, but only a small
amount of the material enters the small intestine (duodenum)
as a result of each wave cycle.
Motor function of the stomach
 Receptive relaxation
 Storage function (1.0~1.5 L)
 Vago-vagal reflex
 Peristalsis
 BER in the stomach
Contractions in the empty stomach
 Migrating Motor Complex (MMC)
 Periodic waves of contraction, which move along the
gastrointestinal tract from stomach to colon
 Purpose of this activity: to ‘sweep’ debris out of the
digestive tract during the interdigestive period
 MMCs can lead to hunger contractions, which are
associated with discomfort, referred to as ‘hunger pains’
Emptying of the stomach
 Emptying rate
 Fluid > viscous
 Small particle > large particle
 Isosmotic > hyper- & hypo-osmotic
 Carbohydrates > Protein > Fat
 Regular meal 4~6 hrs
 Regulation of stomach emptying
 Gastric factors that promote emptying
 Gastric food volume
 Gastrin
 Duodenal factors that inhibit stomach emptying
 Enterogastric nervous reflexes
 Fat
 Cholecystokinin