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Resources and Living Things
Chapter 3 Test Review
Air pollution in Los Angeles is what
type of source?
nonpoint source
Occurs naturally in the environment
and is used by people.
natural resource
Contamination of Earth’s land,
water, or air.
Decisions about how to protect
Earth’s atmosphere are made on what
Who provides the data that is
considered when resolving an
environmental issue?
environmental scientists
What causes a demand for resources
to grow?
population growth
Three general categories of
environmental issues.
resource use
population growth
What type of proposals have costs
and benefits that are often economic?
Can be grouped in two categories,
point source and nonpoint source.
Fresh water is an example of what
type of resource?
natural resource
Humans depend on natural resources
for what two reasons?
survival and development
Allows resources to last longer.
What makes a larger ecological
high level of resource use
Using a resource in ways that
maintain the resource at a certain
quality for a certain period of time.
sustainable use
Resources that are replaced as fast as
they are used.
renewable resource
Natural resources that were formed
over millions of years.
oil and coal
Determines a population’s
life or death.
health and disease
Today’s human population of Earth.
more than 7.1 billion
Experts agree or disagree over
whether the human population will
stop growing?
Do people live longer in most areas of
the world today than ever in human
Occurs when a population grows at
an ever-increasing rate.
exponential growth
Advances in what have improved
human health and allowed for
tremendous population growth?
medicine and technology
As the human population grows, the
demand for what increases?
natural resources
If population and the demand for
natural resources continue to grow,
will the human population be too
large for Earth to support?
An area with a large population of
valuable ocean organisms.
Raising water-dwelling organisms for
food in an artificial pond.
Why can forests be renewable
New trees can be planted to
replace trees that are cut down
Cutting down only some trees in a
selective cutting
Approach to managing fisheries that
can involve banning or restricting
fishing of certain species.
setting fishing limits
Fishing methods like poisoning fish
with cyanide are outlawed for what
to manage resources for a
sustainable yield
One disadvantage of clear-cutting.
How trees help other organisms.
they produce oxygen and
absorb carbon dioxide
What percentage of the US land area
is made up of forests?
Major cause of distinction.
habitat destruction
Species that could become
endangered in the near future.
threatened species
Prohibits trade or products made
from threatened or endangered
Endangered Species Act
The most effective way to preserve
protecting whole
Has both an economic and ecological
value within an ecosystem.
Influences the survival of many other
species in an ecosystem.
(ex. sea otter)
keystone species
Affect biodiversity in an ecosystem?
climate, area, and diversity
The most diverse ecosystems in the
rain forests
How can people directly cause the
extinction of some species?
habitat destruction