Transcript Document

What is it?
Why is it important?
What can we do?
Anja Murray
An Taisce- The National Trust of Ireland
What is Biodiversity?
Biological diversity means the variability
among living organisms from all sources,
including, terrestrial, marine, and other
aquatic ecosystems
and the ecological complexes of which they
are part,
• diversity of individuals within a
species (genetic diversity)
• diversity of species within an
ecosystem or habitat (species
• diversity of ecosystems and
habitats (habitat diversity).
Why is it important?!
• Biodiversity has an Intrinsic Value that is worth
protecting regardless of its value to humans
• Biodiversity performs a number of ecological
services to humankind that have economic,
aesthetic or recreational value
Why is it important?
• Biodiversity is the Basis of our existence!
- Our life support system
• Air, water, food, shelter
• Diversity of trees / plants / micro-organisms
- each specifically adapted to its particular
Provision of Natural Resources
• domesticated agricultural crops
• medicines that protect and cure us
• textiles – cotton, linnen, hemp
• wood
Marine and freshwater
food resources
25% of all fish stocks are endangered, species as cod,
halibut and haddock are massively threatened
Ecosystem Services
Regulates our climate
Buffers against flooding
Filters water
Breaks down wastes and recycle nutrients
Provides natural resources
Water filtration & flood protection
• Wetlands are buffers
against flooding
• Trees and their roots
maximize infiltration of
water in to the ground
• upland peat bogs act like
– preventing flooding
Biodiversity, Soil, & food
• Plant roots break up rock to create soil particles
• earthworms, mites, insects and millipedes help give soil its
texture and fertility and are crucial to its aeration
• Tiny soil microorganisms and fungi process essential nutrients
like nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur and make them available to
higher plants
• A gram of fertile agricultural soil may contain 2.5 billion
bacteria, 400 000 fungi, 50 000 algae and 30 000 protozoa.
Biodiversity and health
• Clean air and water - essential to human health
• Plant extracts and derivatives - the basis of most
Diversity of life forms is nature’s way of keeping
important checks and balances in place, keeping
populations of disease-causing pests and viruses in
Biodiversity Loss
• Deforestation world wide - 13
million hectares annualy
• Destruction or conversion of
virgin forests (36% of all
forests) 6 million hectares
• 80% of the Caribbean coral
reefs are destroyed (IUCN).
Can any civilization wage relentless war on life without
destroying itself and without losing the right to be
called civilized?
Rachel Carson
Biodiversity Loss
Ireland is no exception
• habitat destruction, such as wetland drainage
and infilling;
• water pollution;
• invasive alien species;
• unsustainable and excessive consumption;
Ireland has committed
to the Convention on
Biological Diversity’s
target of ‘Halting the
loss of biodiversity by
How can we achieve this?
Cornerstones of realizing our commitments:
• The Habitats Directive
The Birds Directive
• EC Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
• Water Framework Directive (WFD)
– Full and timely implementation
Climate change as a new threat
species and natural systems are now faced with the need to
adapt to new regimes of temperature, precipitation and
other climatic extremes
• Driest April on record- gorse fires reported in across
Ireland –impact on our nesting birds?
Climate change and Biodiversity
Stern Review:
• 1oC warming – at least 10% of land species
could face extinction
• 2oC warming – at least 15-40% of land
species could face extinction
• 3oC warming – at least 20-50% of land
species could face extinction
IPCC have warned of 3.6 oC rise in temps
Immediate Risk
Polar Bears at immediate
risk of extinction
Ireland and Global Biodiversity
Biodiversity Loss contributes to climate change –
Ireland is responsible for the import of tens of
thousands of m2 of illegally felled tropical timber
each year
garden furniture, decking, flooring, palm oil, soy feed
for cattle
What can we do?
Protecting our home, the Earth,
begins with understanding our
personal and collective impact
upon it
Reducing our Footprint
Develop a sustainable hardwood industry
More economically and environmentally viable
• Ecological Footprint
– land area used up for current
levels of resource consumption
and waste discharge
• Currently1.8 hectares per person –
“a fair earth share”.
• Our footprint in Ireland is about 3.5
times larger than this “fair earth
Lifestyle choices
Other foods
Chemicals in the home
Timber products
General consumption
An Taisce &
the Natural Environment
Advocate the need to
protect the natural
resources and
ecosystems upon
which we depend:
biodiversity, clean air
& water
An Taisce
• Independent monitor - unique insight
• Provide assistance and respond to instances of
serious and often illegal environmental
degradation throughout the country
• instigating changes that are needed to minimise
and control damage to our natural heritage
What else can WE do?
Get to know your locality
Stay informed of the issues
Be PROACTIVE – (not Reactive)
Write to your local reps
– Create a political mandate
• Bring people on board – not alienate them!