Levels of Ecological Organization in Freshwater Systems
Transcript Levels of Ecological Organization in Freshwater Systems
Levels of Ecological Organization
in Freshwater Systems
Population Biology in
Freshwater Systems
Lecture Goals
• To discuss basic controls on population
size and population dynamics in freshwater
• To use the primary literature to explore
specific mechanisms regulating population
size and population dynamics in freshwater
What is a population?
• A group of interacting individuals of
the same species in a particular place,
at a particular time.
Population regulation: What determines the
size of a population?
Population dynamics: How does population
size change over time?
• A group of interacting individuals of
the same species in a particular place,
at a particular time.
• A group of interacting individuals of
the same species in a particular place,
at a particular time.
The Fundamentals
Nt+1 = Nt + B – D + I – E
I and E
Along streams and rivers…
Among ponds and lakes…
Lecture structure
• Life history and Reproduction (B)
• Mortality (D)
Lecture structure
• Life history and Reproduction (B)
Life History: Changes experienced by an
individual between birth and death that
determine habitat requirements, ecology,
and reproductive output.
Life History: Changes experienced by an
individual between birth and death that
determine habitat requirements, ecology,
and reproductive output.
Intrinsic differences in life history
Extrinsic ecological factors acting on stages
Variation in population size
over space and time
Lecture structure
• Life history and Reproduction (B)
> Reproductive strategies
> Variation in vital rates with life history
- Density dependence
> Abiotic controls on life history
Lecture structure
• Life history and Reproduction (B)
> Reproductive strategies
Reproductive Strategies
• Semelparity: Reproduce once in
lifetime, then die.
• Iteroparity: Reproduce multiple
times in lifetime.
• Semelparity: Reproduce once in
lifetime, then die.
Implications of Semelparity
• To contribute to B, just need to survive to
• Females can invest everything they have in
reproduction once they reach some “threshold”.
• If reproduce in bad year, then fitness can go to 0
(i.e., all eggs in one basket).
***Dead bodies go right back into food web***
Implications of
• Iteroparity: Reproduce multiple
times in lifetime.
Implications of Iteroparity
• To have a significant impact on B, need to
survive to reproduce multiple times.
• Current investment in reproduction may
reduce future reproductive potential.
• If reproduce in a bad year, then can still have
high fitness over lifetime (i.e., eggs are in
multiple baskets).
Cladoceran Life Cycle
Prop. of offspring over lifetime
Fine-tuning Iteroparity
(Dubycha 2001)
Lecture structure
• Life history and Reproduction (B)
> Reproductive strategies
> Variation in vital rates with life history
Variation in vital rates with life history
• Births
Stage (i.e., juvenile vs. adult)
B and Stage
log Egg Number
B and Size
(Bruce 1978)
log Snout-Vent Length
Variation in vital rates over life history
• Births
• Deaths
Age (i.e., senescence)
Stage / Size
Stage-specific effects on D
Brook Trout
(Lowe et al. 2004)
Variation in vital rates over life history
• Births
• Deaths
• Dispersal
The colonization cycle of
freshwater insects
What is the demographic importance of
> “Excess” individuals
> Low-fitness individuals
If drifters ARE demographically
If drifters ARE NOT demographically
How are we quantifying dispersal?
Dispersal and Drift
(MacNeale et al. 2005)
(MacNeale et al. 2005)
Sticky Traps
(MacNeale et al. 2005)
Lecture structure
• Life history and Reproduction (B)
> Reproductive strategies
> Variation in vital rates with life history
- Density dependence
• Brown trout (Salmo
trutta) in two streams
in UK
• Egg density ≈ Density
of reproductive adults
• May depend on range
of observations
(Elliott 1987)
Lecture structure
• Life history and Reproduction (B)
> Reproductive strategies
> Variation in vital rates with life history
- Density dependence
> Abiotic controls on life history
Abiotic controls on life history
Abiotic controls on life history
Broader implications
Mediates exposure to other factors (e.g.,
Regulates how closely a population can
track resources
Affects the rate at which populations can
respond to natural selection
Lecture structure
• Life history and Reproduction (B)
• Mortality (D)
Important controls on mortality
in freshwater systems
• Drying of ephemeral pools and streams
• Flooding and bed movement
• Rapid changes in chemical or physical
• Predation
• Others…
Predation in freshwater systems
Prey mortality
Prey mortality
The “rules”:
Predator density
Prey density
…but there are important and interesting
exceptions to this rule that have been shown
in studies of freshwater organisms.
Predation in freshwater systems
• Predator functional response
• Interactions among predators
• Prey refuges
Predation in freshwater systems
• Predator functional response
Predator functional response
Prey mortality
How does predation rate (or prey mortality)
change with prey density?
Prey density
Predator functional response
How does predation rate (or prey mortality)
change with prey density?
Time spent
searching for prey
Predation Rate
Time spent
“handling” prey
Predator functional response
(Begon et al. 1990)
Predator functional response
Broader implications
Even at high predator densities, prey
mortality is limited by handling time.
There will always be a maximum
predation rate that prey can offset with
Creates the opportunity for predator
predation risk
Predator swamping: Reduction in
individual predation risk by aggregating.
Prey density
• Predator density is fixed
• Search time is low and independent of prey density
(i.e., aggregations no more likely to be found that
Predator swamping: Reduction in
individual predation risk by aggregating.
• Fish schools in lakes
• Synchronous emergence in aquatic insects
• Zooplankton patches in lakes
Predation in freshwater systems
• Predator functional response
• Interactions among predators
Interactions among Predators:
With Interference
Prey mortality
Prey mortality
Without Interference
Predator density
Predator density
Interactions among Predators:
Feeding Frenzy!!
With Frenzy
Prey mortality
Prey mortality
Without Frenzy
Predator density
Predator density
Predation in freshwater systems
• Predator functional response
• Interactions among predators
• Prey refuges
Refuge in size
Refuge in protection
Refuge in space
Refuge in time
Prey mortality
Prey mortality
Prey refuges
Predator density
Prey density
Refuge in
(Boyero et al. 2006)
Potamophylax latipennis
Refuge in
(Boyero et al. 2006)
Refuge in Space
Ambystoma barbouri
(Sih et al. 1992)
Refuge in Space
(Sih et al. 1992)
Refuge in Time
(e.g., fish predation)
Refuge in Time
Family Taeniopterygidae and Capniidae
(Winter Stoneflies)