When Man Destroys Nature Man is Actually Destroying Himself
Transcript When Man Destroys Nature Man is Actually Destroying Himself
When Man Destroys Nature Man
is Actually Destroying Himself
Biodiversity is important – losing
species hurts our species
Matter and Energy are
Indestructible, but can be readily
transformed to less desirable,
unusable, and even harmful forms
Two Laws of Thermodynamics
Car examples!!!!!!!
Man is Stupid
Just about everything we talk about
Resource Uses, Regulations and
Management Practices that do not
Consider the Future are Nothing
Nonrenewable resource use that
doesn’t take into account the actual
cost of the production
Pyramids of Consumption Lead to
Increased Concentrations of Matter
Man Must Change His Role as
Conqueror of the Earth and All that
it contains to that of a Responsible
Citizen that takes his place among
the order of things
Global Warming, Ozone Depletion,
Acid deposition
Man-made Monocultures and
Simple Natural Vegetation types are
Commonly Subject to Natural
Destroying biodiversity causes a
collapse of ecosystems
Keystone Predators
The Introduction of Alien Species or
Substances is to be Avoided and if
Must be done, It should be with
Extreme Caution and when there
are no Alternatives
Endemic Species get pushed out
Diversity = Stability
Keystone species
Natural Resources are the Basis of
Economic and Monetary Systems
and Systems that Expand Beyond
this Resource Base must Ultimately
Gas Prices!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summer vs. Winter Gas
Man obtains Energy from Either
Renewable or Nonrenewable
Sources or Supplies
Be able to tell the difference
between the two types
Which are which?
The energy in must equal the
energy out
Conservation of Matter
Resources are either renewable or
nonrenewable and must be treated
Where is our long term future????
What are we willing to pay???
The most precious natural resource
is life starting with human life and
including the equally important
diversity of all living things
inhabiting the earth
Biodiversity is important – losing
species hurts our species
Conserving Energy and Resources
not only saves resources but also
helps to protect the environment
from which the resources/energy
are obtained and the environment in
which people live
The best way to protect the
environment from hazardous waste is
to prevent the production of it.
A Healthy and Stable Economy and a
Healthy Environment are
Inseparable Goals