Transcript PPT

Chapter 7
Important forms of energy
How energy can be
transformed and transferred
Definition of work
Concepts of kinetic, potential,
and thermal energy
The law of conservation of
Sample question:
When flexible poles became available for pole vaulting, athletes
were able to clear much higher bars. How can we explain this using
energy concepts?
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Slide 10-1
Clicker Question 1
1. Which of the following is an energy transfer?
A. Kinetic energy
B. Heat
C. Potential energy
D. Chemical energy
E. Thermal energy
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Slide 10-4
1. Which of the following is an energy transfer?
B. Heat
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A “Natural Money” Called Energy
into and
out of
within system
Key concepts:
• Definition of the system.
• Transformations within the system.
• Transfers between the system and the environment.
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Forms of Energy
Mechanical Energy
Other forms include
E th
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Class Energy Question
What do we mean by conservation of energy?
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Types of Energy in a system
Kinetic Energy => KE = 1/2 mv2
Gravitational Potential Energy => PEg = mgh
Spring Potential Energy => PEs = 1/2 k(L)2
(k is the stiffness of the spring and L is the change in length)
Thermal Energy => Eth
(measure of how hot something is => related to speed of atoms)
Chemical Energy => Echem
(Stored in chemical bonds - released in chemical reactions)
Mechanical Energy = Kinetic Energy +  Potential Energy
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The Basic Energy Model
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Gravitational Potential Energy
• PE
= mgh
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Transferring Energy into of out of a system
Heat => Q
Work => W = F|| x
Energy that changes form within the system is said to be
transformed from one form to another
Energy that enters or leaves the system is transferred from the
system to the environment or vice versa.
Need to distinguish what is the system and what is the environment.
Forces from the environment can act on the system or objects in the
system (external forces) -- Can also add heat from the
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Conservation of Energy
Full form
KE + PEg + PEs + Eth + Echem + … = Wext + Q
If there is no heat transferred in or out of the System and we are
limited to mechanical energy
KE + PEg + PEs + Eth = Wext
This becomes
KEi + Sum PEi + Wext = KEf + Sum PEf + Eth
Note thatEth can come from friction, drag, collisions, etc. as well
as Q
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Clicker Question 2
2. If you raise an object to a greater height, you are increasing
A. kinetic energy.
B. heat.
C. potential energy.
D. chemical energy.
E. thermal energy.
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Slide 10-6
3. If you raise an object to a greater height, you are increasing
C. potential energy.
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Clicker Question 3
A skier is moving down a slope at a constant speed. What energy
transformation is taking place?
A. K  Ug
B. Ug  Eth
C. Us  Ug
D. Ug  K
E. K  Eth
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A skier is moving down a slope at a constant speed. What energy
transformation is taking place?
B. Ug  Eth
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Clicker Question 4
A child is on a playground swing, motionless at the highest point
of his arc. As he swings back down to the lowest point of his
motion, what energy transformation is taking place?
A. K  Ug
B. Ug  Eth
C. Us  Ug
D. Ug  K
E. K  Eth
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Slide 10-14
A child is on a playground swing, motionless at the highest point
of his arc. As he swings back down to the lowest point of his
motion, what energy transformation is taking place?
D. Ug  K
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Conservation of Mechanical Energy
• KE
+ PEg1 = KE2 + PEg2
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• Does an automobile consume more fuel
when it’s air conditioner is turned on?
• When it’s lights are turned on?
• When it’s radio is turned on while it is
sitting in the parking lot?
Note that fuel economy improves when
tires are inflated to maximum pressure.
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Choosing the System
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Solving Problems
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How can we check to see if the
Sum of KE + PE is conserved?
•Energy Bar Charts
•Example - pendulum
•Ball thrown up in the air
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Slide 10-13
Conceptual Example
A car sits at rest at the top of a hill. A small push sends it
rolling down a hill. After its height has dropped by 5.0 m, it is
moving at a good clip. Write down the equation for
conservation of energy, noting the choice of system, the
initial and final states, and what energy transformation has
taken place.
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Slide 10-17
Work and Work-Energy Theorem
• Work = Force x displacement (parallel)
We either need the component of force parallel to the
displacement or the component of displacement parallel to
the force
• Work is the energy equivalent of Impulse
Impulse = momentum * Delta t
Work = Force x displacement (parallel)
• Work by net force = Delta KE
• Impulse of net force = Delta P
• Machines => Work in = Work out
Pulley Example
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Clicker Question 5
Each of the boxes, with masses noted, is pulled for
10 m across a level, frictionless floor by the noted force.
Which box experiences the largest change in kinetic energy?
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Slide 10-18
Each of the boxes, with masses noted, is pulled for
10 m across a level, frictionless floor by the noted force.
Which box experiences the largest change in kinetic energy?
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Checking Understanding
Each of the boxes, with masses noted, is pulled for
10 m across a level, frictionless floor by the noted force.
Which box experiences the smallest change in kinetic
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Slide 10-20
Each of the boxes, with masses noted, is pulled for
10 m across a level, frictionless floor by the noted force.
Which box experiences the smallest change in kinetic
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Additional Clicker Questions
Trucks with the noted masses moving at the noted speeds crash
into barriers that bring them to rest with a constant force. Which
truck compresses the barrier by the largest distance?
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Slide 10-37
Trucks with the noted masses moving at the noted speeds crash
into barriers that bring them to rest with a constant force. Which
truck compresses the barrier by the largest distance?
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Slide 10-38
A 200 g block on a frictionless surface is pushed against a
spring with spring constant 500 N/m, compressing the spring
by 2.0 cm. When the block is released, at what speed does it
shoot away from the spring?
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Slide 10-23
A 2.0 g desert locust can achieve a takeoff
speed of 3.6 m/s (comparable to the best
human jumpers) by using energy stored in an
internal “spring” near the knee joint.
A. When the locust jumps, what energy
transformation takes place?
B. What is the minimum amount of energy
stored in the internal spring?
C. If the locust were to make a vertical leap,
how high could it jump? Ignore air
resistance and use conservation of energy
concepts to solve this problem.
D. If 50% of the initial kinetic energy is
transformed to thermal energy because of
air resistance, how high will the locust
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Power and Efficiency
• Power = work done (or energy change) / time interval
• Two cars accelerate from rest to highway speed
• One does it in five seconds (Porsche)
• One does it in ten seconds (4 cylinder SUV)
• Which uses more power?
• Efficiency = useful energy output / Total Energy Input
• At best 30-35% of the Chemical Energy in gas
=> Moving a car
Car engines are at best 30-35% Efficient
Electric motors can have efficiencies approaching 99%
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Energy And Real Life
• Tour de France
A Tour de France bicycle racer
needs to eat 8000 calories per day
to maintain their weight. About 6570% of this energy is used to
maintain body temperature.
• Bow and Arrows
About 60-75% of the PE in a drawn
bow goes into the KE of an Arrow.
The rest of the energy heats the
• Guns and Bullets
Only about 30% of the energy in a
firearms discharge is transferred to
the projectiles they fire
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