Transcript 22Sept_2014

Units to read: 14, 15, 16, 17,18
Mass and Inertia
• Mass is described by the
amount of matter an object
• This is different from weight –
weight requires gravity or some
other force to exist!
• Ex: while swimming, your
weight may feel less because
the body floats a little. Your
mass, however, stays the same!
• Inertia is simply the tendency
of mass to stay in motion
The Law of Inertia
Newton’s First Law is sometimes
called the Law of Inertia:
– A body continues in a state of rest, or
in uniform motion in a straight line at
a constant speed, unless made to
change that state by forces acting on it
– Or, more simply, a body maintains the
same velocity unless forces act on it
A ball rolling along a flat, frictionless
surface will keep going in the same
direction at the same speed, unless
something pushes or pulls on it
– Gravity!
Another View of Newton’s First Law
• If an object’s velocity is
changing, there must be
forces present!
– Dropping a ball
– Applying the brakes in a
• If an object’s velocity is not
changing, either there are
no forces acting on it, or
the forces are balanced and
cancel each other out
– Hold a ball out in your
hand, and note that it is not
– Force of gravity
(downward) is balanced by
the force your hand applies
Circular Motion
Tie a string to a ball and swing it
around your head
– Law of inertia says that the ball
should go in a straight line
– Ball goes in a circle – there
must be forces!
• Where’s the force?
– It’s the tension in the string
that is changing the ball’s
– If the string breaks, the ball
will move off in a straight
line (while falling to the
• The term acceleration is used to
describe the change in a body’s
velocity over time
– Stepping on the gas pedal of a
car accelerates the car – it
increases the speed
– Stepping on the brakes
decelerates a car – it decreases
the speed
• A change in an object’s
direction of motion is also
– Turning the steering wheel of
a car makes the car go left or
right – this is an acceleration!
– Forces must be present if
acceleration is occurring
Newton’s Second Law
• The force (F) acting on an
object equals the product of its
acceleration (a) and its mass
• F=ma
• We can rearrange this to be:
• a = F/m
• For an object with a large
mass, the acceleration will be
small for a given force
• If the mass is small, the same
force will result in a larger
Though simple, this expression can
be used to calculate everything
from how hard to hit the brakes to
how much fuel is needed to go to
the Moon!
Newton’s Third Law
When two bodies interact, they
create equal and opposite forces on
each other
If two skateboarders have the same
mass, and one pushes on the other,
they both move away from the
center at the same speed
If one skateboarder has more mass
than the other, the same push will
send the smaller person off at a
higher speed, and the larger one off
in the opposite direction at a smaller
– Why?
This works for planets, too!
Orbital Motion and Gravity
Astronauts in orbit around the Earth are
said to be in free fall, a weightless state.
– Are they falling? Yes!
Imagine a cannon on top of a mountain
that fires a cannonball parallel to the
The cannonball leaves the cannon and is
pulled toward the ground by gravity
If the ball leaves the cannon with a slow
velocity, it falls to the ground near the
If the cannonball has a higher velocity, if
falls farther from the mountain.
What if we gave the cannonball a very
large velocity, so large that it “misses” the
The cannonball would be in orbit around
the Earth, and it would be falling!
Surface Gravity
• Objects on the Moon weigh less
than objects on Earth
• This is because surface gravity is
– The Moon has less mass than the
Earth, so the gravitational force is
• We let the letter g represent surface
gravity, or the acceleration of a
body due to gravity
• F = mg
• On Earth, g = 9.8 m/s2
• g on the Moon is around 1/6 as
much as on the Earth!
Consider a basketball player dribbling a ball. Which
of the following statements
is *not* true
• a. The ball bounces because the court floor pushes up
on it every time it hits;
• b. The floor experiences no acceleration due to the
dribbling ball because its mass is so large compared to
that of the ball.
• c. The ball exerts a force on the player's hand each
time the two connect;
• d. The player's hand exerts an equal force each time
the two connect.
Which of the following properties of an astronaut
changes when she is standing on the Moon, relative
to when the astronaut is standing on Earth?
a. Weight
b. Mass
c. Inertia
d. All of the above
Centripetal Force
FC 
m V 2
If we tie a mass to a string and
swing the mass around in a circle,
some force is required to keep the
mass from flying off in a straight
This is a centripetal force, a force
directed towards the center of the
The tension in the string provides
this force.
Newton determined that this force
can be described by the following
m V 2
FC 
• Orbital velocity:
Vcirc 
We can use this expression to determine
the orbital velocity (V) of a small mass orbiting
a distance d from the center of a much larger
mass (M)
Calculating Escape Velocity
• From Newton’s laws of
motion and gravity, we can
calculate the velocity
necessary for an object to
have in order to escape from
a planet, called the escape
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
• Every mass exerts a force of
attraction on every other mass. The
strength of the force is proportional
to the product of the masses divided
by the square of the distance
between them
– Simply put, everything pulls on
everything else
– Larger masses have a greater pull
– Objects close together pull more on
each other than objects farther apart
• This is true everywhere, and for all
– The Sun and the planets exert a
gravitational force on each other
– You exert a gravitational force on
other people in the room!
What Escape Velocity Means
• If an object, say a rocket, is
launched with a velocity less than
the escape velocity, it will
eventually return to Earth
• If the rocket achieves a speed
higher than the escape velocity, it
will leave the Earth, and will not
The Origin of Tides
• The Moon exerts a
gravitational force
on the Earth,
stretching it!
– Water responds to
this pull by
flowing towards
the source of the
force, creating
tidal bulges both
beneath the Moon
and on the
opposite side of
the Earth
High and Low Tides
As the Earth rotates beneath
the Moon, the surface of the
Earth experiences high
and low tides
The Sun creates tides, too!
The Sun is much more massive than the
Moon, so one might think it would create
far larger tides!
The Sun is much farther away, so its tidal
forces are smaller, but still noticeable!
When the Sun and the Moon line up,
higher tides, call “spring tides” are formed
When the Sun and the Moon are at right
angles to each other, their tidal forces work
against each other, and smaller “neap
tides” result.