Transcript Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Newton’s First Law: The Law of
1. Aristotle: Two Classifications
• Natural: motion
directed up or down;
natural for heavy
objects to fall faster
than lighter objects
• Ex: Boulder falls
toward earth, Smoke
• Unnatural: motion that
requires forces like
people or animals use
• Ex: Getting a cart to
move, pushing a box,
pulling a handle
2. Galileo: force needed to start movement, all things fall at
same rate
3. Basis for idea of INERTIA
• Things in motion stay in motion, things at rest stay
at rest
• Speed = distance/time
– *A car goes 100 miles in 4 hours. What is the average
speed the car traveled?
• 25 miles per hour (mph)
• Velocity = Speed + Direction
– *Using the example above, make the speed a velocity
100 miles
4 hours
Constant Speed vs. Constant
• Constant Speed = no change in speed,
object does not speed up or slow down
• Constant Velocity = no change in speed or
• SO… *Can you have constant speed
traveling in a circle? What about constant
• What is motion? How do you know that
something is moving?
• Are you moving right now?
• Looking at Motion & Inertia:
– Place the index card flat on your cup
– Place the penny on top of the card
– Now, pull the card out from under the penny
without moving the penny
– Can you do it? Why or Why not?
Newton’s First Law: Law of
• Every object continues in a state of rest, or in
a state of motion in a straight line at constant
speed, unless it is compelled to change that
state by forces exerted upon it
• In other words: With no force exerted on it,
an object in motion remains in motion in a
straight line, an object at rest stays at rest
• Example: penny on a card, dishes on a table,
toilet paper/paper towels, car accident
• *If there are no other forces acting on
the object, does it ever stop moving?
– No
• *In real life, what force often causes
objects to slow down and eventually
– Friction
• When the space shuttle moves in a nearly
circular orbit around the earth, is a force
needed to maintain its high speed?
– No, the shuttle continues in orbit because no
forces act on it…gravity keeps it in orbit
• If the force of gravity were suddenly cut off,
what type of path would the shuttle follow?
– Straight
• Equilibrium = state of no change
– ∑F = 0
– The sum of the forces equals zero
• Moving Equilibrium
– How can an object be at equilibrium and be
moving at the same time?
– No CHANGE in speed!
• Can an object with only one force acting on it
be in equilibrium? Why or why not?
– No, because forces must be balanced, opposite
and equal, for an object to be in equilibrium
Equilibrium Example
• Consider the boy pulling
the wagon at left.
Assume he is pulling
only horizontally( ) on
the wagon. If the speed
he pulls the wagon at is
constant, what does that
mean about the forces?
– They must be equal!
• What are the forces
acting on the wagon?
Pulling Force
Equilibrium Examples
• If a gymnast hangs with all
her weight on one ring,
how much force must be
on the ring?
– Her weight!
• If the gymnast weighs 200
Newtons, how much force
is on the rope?
– 200 Newtons
Equilibrium Examples
• If the gymnast now
hangs with her weight
divided evenly
between the two
rings, how would the
amount of force from
each ring compare
with her weight?
– They would add up to
be equal
• Fred and Barney are painting the side of the
building supported by a scaffold. Draw
arrows showing the forces at work to keep the
scaffold from falling.
• The tension in the ropes is equal. How do we
know that?...How would the picture look
different if the tension was not equal?
Example: Moving Equilibrium
• Let’s say this girl is trying to move her
playhouse. If there are 75N of friction,
how much energy must she exert to
move the house at a
constant speed?
• Equilibrium WS
– Due Wednesday
• Book Tour is also due tomorrow!
• The books on a desk are at rest, which
means they are in equilibrium. What
forces are acting on the books?
Support Force
• The upward force acting on an object,
supporting it
• Also called the normal force
• The support force must equal the weight
of the object
• Overall, what is the NET force acting on
the books?
– If they are at rest, they are in equilibrium,
so the NET force is zero!
Net Force
• Force = Net Force = All the forces acting on
an object, measured in Newtons (N)
• If one person pulls on the box with 6N and
the other person pushes in the same direction
with 6N, what is the NET force?
– 12N in the direction they are pushing/pulling
– Arrows are used to show force because it is a
vector. What does that mean?
– Fill in the table in your notes showing Net Force
Draw the following example
• An object has a 12N force pulling up on
it and a 4N force pulling down on it.
Draw the forces and the net force.
Which direction would the object move?
The Earth Moves Around the Sun
• Before the 16th century, people believed the
sun orbited the earth. They used the
example of a bird sitting on a tree as proof. If
the bird wants the worm below, and the earth
were moving, the worm would move away
once the bird dropped out of the tree and no
longer be below the bird….Why is this idea
• How does inertia apply?
Appendix C: Vectors
What is the difference between
speed and velocity?
Vectors vs. Scalars
• Vector – has magnitude and direction
• Scalar – has magnitude only
• Vectors must be represented by arrows
– Length tells you magnitude
– Arrow tells you direction
Adding Vectors
To add two vectors
1. Make a paralellogram
2. Draw a diagonal from the origin to the
other side of the paralellogram
3. The diagonal is the sum of the vectors
Finding the Parts of a Vector
1. Draw a dotted line through the tail end
of the vector
2. Draw another dotted line at a right
angle to the first
3. Make a rectangle…the diagonal
should hit the corner of the rectangle
4. Draw in the two components
#2: Is it easier to push or pull a
wheelbarrow over a step?
We can find out using a vector diagram…
Pushing: Part of the force is
downward…Does that help
you move over the step?
Pulling: Part of the force is
upward…Does that help move
over the step?
Sail Boat
» This boat is trying to get to a point at the other
side, but the current is taking it downstream.
Where will the boat end up?
• WS Due Tomorrow!! Ch. 2 Quiz
tomorrow, too!
• Use the examples we’ve done and the
book to help you with the worksheet
• You may work with those sitting around
you, but still do your own work!