Transcript lecture8

Lecture 8
• More on gravity and its consequences
– Orbits
– Tides and tidal forces
– The Three Kepler laws revisited
• Assigned reading: Chapter 5.2
• I will be away on Friday 22. Dr. Calzetti
will replace me.
• I am leaving town tomorrow after class:
– Cannot see students on Wednesday afternoon,
Thursday and Friday
• Homework #3 is due in class on Friday 22
• Quiz #2 is today
• Students who still have to take Quiz #1,
pleasee come and talk to me
• Still lots of student with no password
Assigned Reading
• Chapter 5 up, but to not including 5.3
• What keeps us on the rotating Earth?
• Why don’t planets move in straight lines, but
orbit around the Sun instead?
… so why don’t planets just fall
into the sun?
… because they miss (that is, they
have enough tangential velocity to
always miss)
This is the concept of an orbit.
Why doesn't the earth fall to
the sun?
• It has a velocity
and it has
• Force of gravity
causes change in
the direction of
velocity --acceleration.
• The earth is
falling towards
the sun all the
The best way to get comfortable
with orbits is to do the tutorial at
the textbook website (it’s also a
good study aid for the exam).
Orbital Velocity
• In orbit, force of gravity and centrifugal
force balance each other:
– mv /r
• Solving for v gives:
• v = [GM/r]1/2
• For example, in the case of the Moon:
• v = 1.02 km/s ~ 3,600 km/h
Why don't they fall?
They are circuling Earth at a speed of 8 km/s!
Mass and Weight
• Mass is a measure of how much material is
in an object.
• Weight is a measure of the gravitational
force exerted on that material.
• Thus, mass is constant for an object, but
weight depends on the location of the
• Your mass is the same on the moon, but
your weight on the surface of the moon is
Escape Velocity
• Kinetic Energy (energy due to motion):
• Ek = ½ m v2
• Potential Energy (energy due to position):
• Eg = GMm/r
• To escape, Kinetic Energy has to be larger
(or at least equal) than Potential Energy:
• ½ m v2 >= GMm/r
• Solving for v:
• vesc = [2GM/r]1/2
• For example, to escape Earth:
• vesc = 11.2 km/s = 40,320 km/h
Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
The orbits of the planets are ellipses, with the Sun
at one focus of the ellipse.
Planets move proportionally faster in their orbits
when they are nearer the Sun.
More distant planets take proportionally longer to
orbit the Sun
Kepler’s Three Laws of Orbits
1. The orbit of each planet about the Sun is an
ellipse with the Sun at one focus.
Kepler’s Three Laws of Orbits
2. As a planet moves around it’s orbit, it sweeps
out equal areas in equal times.
1 month
Kepler’s Three Laws of Orbits
3. A planet’s Period (the time it takes to
complete one orbit) is related to its
average distance to the sun.
(orbital period in years)2 = (average distance in AU)3
P2 = a3
Notice that there is nothing stated about the
planet’s or Sun’s mass here!
• Tides occur because of the gravitational
pull of the Moon on the Earth.
• The Moon pulls more strongly the closer
side of Earth than the one further away.
• It literally stretches Earth
• Water (and air) get stretched much more
easily than rock.
• This, in essence, is what makes tides
• Note that the Sun does the same, too
Let’s build this one step at a time
low tide
high tide
Looking down
on the Earth
low tide
high tide
Exaggerated view
of tides
We have two high tides because of
the stretching action
The Moon exerts a stronger gravitational pull
on the near side of the Earth than on the far
side of the Earth. This causes the Earth to
low tide
high tide
high tide
low tide
Rotation of Earth
Exaggerated view
of tides
The tides aren’t quite aligned with the EarthMoon line because it takes time for the water
to slosh over.
Friction drags the tidal bulges eastward
out of the direct earth-moon line
Earth's rotation slows down by 0.0023 s/100 years.
Only 900 million years ago, Earth' day was 18 hrs long.
The moon's orbit is growing larger by about 4 cm/yr.
Discussion Question
• Why does the Moon always show the same
face to the Earth? (hint: think of the tidal
pull of the Earth on the Moon)
The near face
is pulled harder
than the far face.
Spring Tides
Occur at every new and full moon
Neap tides
Occur at every first- and third-quarter moon
Survey Question
M 1M 2
Fg  G
If our Sun mysteriously turned into a black hole of
the same mass but 10 times smaller diameter,
what would change about the Earth’s orbit?
1) it would be 10 times smaller in radius
2) it would spiral into the black hole
3) nothing would change
4) it would spiral away from the black hole
5) it would be 10 times larger in radius