Luna - New Richmond

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Journey to the Moon
384,000 Km away from earth
Diameter of 3,476 Km
Density is 1/80th of Earth
Temperature range: 130°C to -180°C
No atmosphere
No liquid water, Ice at Poles
Maria: Dark flat areas due to lava flows
 Latin for seas. Galileo thought there
were oceans
Craters: Large round pits
 Caused by impact of meteoroids
 Chunks of rock or dust
Highlands: Light-colored features that
are mountains
Planet sized object crashed into
 Mantle material and outer layer
ejected into space
 Forms a ring around Earth
 Gravity formed into Moon
Rocket: a device that expels gas in one
direction to move the rocket in the other
A rocket moves forward when gases shooting
out the back of the rocket push it in the
opposite direction
2 Forces:
Action and Reaction
Law of Physics: For every force, or action,
there is an equal and opposite force, or
Thrust: Reaction force that propels a rocket
Depends upon mass and speed of gases
Greater the thrust the greater the velocity
Action Force: Rocket pushes gases out
Reaction Force: Gases push rocket forward
Escape Velocity: Velocity a rocket must reach
to fly beyond a planet’s gravitational pull
Orbital Velocity: The velocity a rocket must
achieve to establish an orbit around Earth.
National Aeronautics and Space
Mercury Missions: 1959 – 1963
How do we get into space
Gemini Mission: 1961 – 1966
Established 1958
Travel, maneuvering, living in space, how do we
get to the moon
Apollo Missions: 1961 – 1972
Getting a man to the moon, landing and getting
them back safely