Transcript poster3

Field Behavior near Earth’s Surface
B0 is the magnetic field strength near Earth’s surface, about 0.35e-4
T, and ω is the angular frequency of the Earth’s rotation.
Lagrange interpolation polynomial
The computational model generalizes the interpolation to three spatial
dimensions and time.
Figure 4 Comparison of calculated (left) and interpolated (right) magnetic field
Figure 5 Structure of the model
Figure 6 Output from sample runs
Shown on the left is the calculated trajectory of three 1 MeV protons
with 45 degrees initial pitch-angle and initial positions 4 Re apart in
the radial direction. On the right is the path of three protons with 30,
45, 60 degrees initial pitch-angle, and 1 KeV, 10 KeV, 100 KeV initial
energy respectively, 5 Re apart in the radial direction.
The project is successful in creating a computational model for
energetic particle motion in the Earth’s magnetosphere. The particles
in a static dipole field exhibit the correct bounce period, drift period,
and mirror point field strength. The energies of the particle show the
expected variations when an electric field is applied. Further
optimization and correction to the code can be done to improve
precision and accuracy. Parallelizing and running the code on
parallel machines can greatly improve performance. Combined with
available magnetohydrodynamics codes, this program can give a
complete model that uses more sophisticated field behaviors to give
data on the particle motions.