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Transcript EFW SOC DATA

John Wygant
SWG June 18-19. 2009
Redondo Beach
Draft EFW provided science quantities
The EFW team will provide and display the following data in support of
SOC activities:
2-D Spin fit electric field measurements (6 second resolution) with a
preliminary VxB subtraction
Spacecraft potential as indicator of density: (V1+V2)/2 (32 samples/s )
Instantaneous spin plane electric field vectors (32 samples/s)
Fast Broadband E-field peak/average filter data (8 samples/s; 8-16
frequency bins over 1Hz -2kHz)
Begin and end times, sampling rates, sampled quantities of bursts data
stored in instrument memory, other information on instrument mode
Frequency vs time spectra of E and B (as calculated on board).
Detrended spin axis E-field component 32 samples/s
EFW will have a variety of measurements that are used for diagnostic
purposes ie V1s, V2s, V3s, V4s, V5s, V6s
Desired science quantities from other instruments/platforms
The EFW team “desires” the following data from other instruments
Indicator of plasma density from HOPE
• HOPE; ECT;REPT; RBSPICE ion/electron energy time spectrograms and or
line plots vs time (or L-value) from representative energy and pitch angles to
indicate intervals of injection and perpendicular or parallel acceleration (similar
to CDAW WEB). 3/decade. Could data include in orbit vs L value format;
• Electrons: 100 eV to 6 MeV; PA at 30 degree intervals
• H+,O+: 100 eV to 400 keV (counts/s?differential energy flux?).PA at 30 degree
• EMFISIS: Magnetic field vector in inertial coordinate system (DSC, GSE) (16Hz)
model subtraction
• EMFISIS: Frequency time spectograms including information on
power up to 400 kHz). power of different waves; plasma line, hiss, chorus, AKR
• Information on begin times and durations and nature of high time resolution
• SC attitude and position information
• Ability to detrend fluxes; ability to subtract average flux/counts from previous
orbit to provide information on changes from orbit to orbit:
• Information from from Millstone Hill (John Foster is an EFW Co-I)
• Geomagnetic activity indices (AE,DST)
• IMF information…(velocity density, magnetic field)
• Information on BARREL status, position of payloads, preliminary information on
X ray counts
• Information from other relevant spacecraft (position, data?- SSC)