Transcript Chapter 20
LC Circuit
There is a characteristic frequency at which the circuit will
oscillate, called the resonance frequency
Section 22.5
LRC Circuits and Resonance
From Kirchhoff’s Loop Rule,
VAC = VL + VC + VR
But the voltages are not all
in phase
All the current phasors are in
the same direction
Max current depends of
frequency of source
Section 22.6
LRC Circuits and Resonance
Section 22.6
LRC Circuits and Resonance
At most frequencies, the source voltage is out of
sync with the natural flow of energy in the circuit
Natural flow governed by LC portion
Current in circuit is reduced
At the resonance frequency, the source voltage and
the natural flow of energy oscillate together
Synchronization occurs at the resonance frequency of
the LC circuit
Section 22.7
Behavior of Elements at Various
XC is largest at low frequencies, so the current through a
capacitor is smallest at low frequencies
XL is largest at high frequencies, so the current through an
inductor is smallest at high frequencies
Section 22.8
Properties of AC Circuits
Section 22.4
Electromagnetic Waves
Electricity and magnetism are
Changing electric field create
magnetic fields
Changing magnetic fields create
electric fields
Energy exists in fields
Fills “empty” space
Energy density proportional to
square of field
Electromagnetic Waves
Self-sustaining oscillations involving E and B are possible
Both fields must be changing with time
The fields are perpendicular to each other
The propagation direction of the wave is perpendicular to
both the electric field and the magnetic field
Section 23.1
Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic waves (or radiation) travel at a
characteristic speed
The speed of an EM wave is denoted by c
c0 = 3.00 x 108 m/s
The value of the speed of an electromagnetic wave is
the same as the speed of light
Light is a visible electromagnetic wave
Section 23.2
Electromagnetic Waves
EM waves can travel through empty space
Always travel with speed c0 through empty
The frequency and wavelength are determined by the
way the wave is produced
When an EM wave travels through a material
substance, its speed depends on the properties of
the substance
The speed of the wave is always less than c0
The speed of the wave depends on the wave’s
Section 23.2
Electromagnetic Waves
The wave carries energy
utotal = uelec + umag
1 2
oE 2 and umag
As the wave propagates, the energies per unit
volume oscillate
The electric and magnetic energies are equal
Peak electric and magnetic fields are proportional
Section 23.3
The strength of an EM wave is usually measured in
terms of its intensity
Intensity is the amount of energy transported per unit
time across a surface of unit area
Intensity also equals the energy density multiplied by
the speed of the wave
I = utotal × c = ½ εo c Eo2
Since E = c B, the intensity is also proportional to the
square of the magnetic field amplitude
Section 23.3
Radiation Pressure
EM waves carry momentum
The momentum of the wave is
When an electromagnetic wave is absorbed by an object, it exerts a
force on the object
The total force on the object is proportional to its exposed area
Radiation pressure is the force of the electromagnetic force divided
by the area
This can also be expressed in terms of the intensity
A c
Section 23.3
E and B fields can oscillate in
many directions with the same
direction of propagation
If all E fields (and all B fields)
oscillate in the same direction,
the EM waves are polarized
E and B fields are still perpendicular
to each other
Most light is unpolarized
Polarized light can be created
using a polarizer
Defined by polarization axis
Section 23.6
If the electric field is parallel to the
polarizer’s axis:
Eout = Ein
If the electric field is perpendicular to the
polarizer’s axis,
Eout = 0
If the electric field makes some angle θ
relative to the polarizer’s axis,
Eout = Ein cos θ
This relationship can be expressed in terms
of intensity in the Law of Malus:
Iout = Iin cos2 θ
Unpolarized light can be thought of as a
collection of many separate light waves,
each linearly polarized in different and
random directions
The average outgoing intensity is the
average of all the incident waves:
Iout = (Iin cos2 θ)ave = ½ Iin
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic waves are
classified according to their
frequency and wavelength
The wave equation is true for EM
The range of all possible
electromagnetic waves is called
the electromagnetic spectrum
Section 23.4