Transcript Document
1. Accelerators
2. Particle detectors overview
3. Tracking detectors
Why do we accelerate particles ?
(1) To take existing objects apart
1803 J. Dalton’s indivisible atom
atoms of one element can combine with atoms of other
element to make compounds, e.g. water is made of
oxygen and hydrogen (OH)
1896 M. & P. Curie find atoms decay
1897 J. J. Thomson discovers electron
1906 E. Rutherford: gold foil experiment
Physicists break particles by shooting other
particles on them
Why do we accelerate particles ?
(2) To create new particles
1905 A. Einstein: energy is matter
1930 P. Dirac: math problem predicts antimatter
1930 C. Anderson: discovers positron
1935 H. Yukawa: nuclear forces (forces between
protons and neutrons in nuclei) require pion
1936 C. Anderson: discovers pion muon
First experiments used cosmic rays that are
accelerated for us by the Universe
are still of interest as a source of extremely energetic
particles not available in laboratories
Generating particles
Before accelerating particles, one has to create
electrons: cathode ray tube
(think your TV)
protons: cathode ray tube
filled with hydrogen
It’s more complicated for other particles (e.g.
antiprotons), but the main principle remains
the same
Basic accelerator physics
Lorentz Force:
F = qE + q(vB)
magnetic force: perpendicular to velocity, no
acceleration (changes direction)
electric force: acceleration
Accelerators: Cockroft-Walton
A (series of) voltage gap(s)
Maximum energy of a single gap is 200 kV,
limited by discharge
CW accelerator at Fermilab: 750 kV
Accelerators: Van de Graaf
Van de Graaf generator: an electrostatic
machine which uses a moving belt to
accumulate very high voltages on a hollow
metal globe
1: metallic sphere
2: electrode connected to 1
3: upper roller
4: belt (positive side)
5: belt (negative side)
6: lower roller
7: lower electrode (ground)
8: spherical device, used to
discharge the main sphere
9: spark
Surfing the electromagnetic wave
Charged particles ride the EM wave
create standing wave
use a radio frequency cavity
make particles arrive on time
slow particle larger push
fast particle small push
Surfing the electromagnetic wave
How to create a standing wave ?
Klystron (S. & R. Varian)
electrons flow into cavity, excite eigen modes
creates standing electromagnetic waves
A similar device (magnetron) found in your
microwave oven
325 MHz Klystron for Proton Driver Linac (Fermilab)
1929 E.O. Lawrence
The physics: centripetal force
mv2/r = Bqv
Particles follow a spiral in a constant magnetic field
A high frequency alternating voltage applied between Delectrodes causes acceleration as particles cross the gap
Advantages: compact design (compared to linear
accelerators), continuous stream of particles
Limitations: synchronization lost as particle velocity
approaches the speed of light
the world largest cyclotron
at TRIUMF (520 MeV protons)
The idea: both magnetic field strength and
electric field frequency are synchronized with
the traveling particle beam
particle trajectories confined to a thin vacuum
beamline no large magnets, expandable
synchrotron radiation limits its use for electrons
Currently, accelerators of this type provide
highest particle energies in the world
Summary on accelerator types
Electrostatic accelerators
acceleration tube: breakdown at 200 keV
Cockroft-Walton: improves to 800 keV
AC driven accelerators
linear: cavity design and length critical
circular accelerators:
cyclotron: big magnet, non-relativistic
synchrotron: vacuum beamline, expandable, small
magnets and cavities
synchrotron radiation large for light particles
Hadron vs electron colliders
Point-like particle
Uses full beam energy
Transverse energy sum
Longitudinal energy sum
Synchrotron radiation
Large Electron-Positron collider
Location: CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)
accelerated particles: electrons and positrons
beam energy: 45104 GeV, beam current: 8 mA
the ring radius: 4.5 km
years of operation: 19892000
Location: Fermilab (Batavia, IL)
accelerated particles: protons and anti-protons
beam energy: 1 TeV, beam current: 1 mA
the ring radius: 1 km
in operation since 1983
Large Hadron Collider
Location: CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)
accelerated particles: protons
beam energy: 7 TeV, beam current: 0.5 A
the ring radius: 4.5 km
scheduled start: 2007
Future of accelerators
International Linear Collider: 0.53 TeV
awaiting directions from LHC findings
political decision of location
Very Large Hadron Collider (magnet
development ?): 40200 TeV
Muon Collider (source ?) 0.54 TeV
lepton collider without synchrotron radiation
capable of producing many more Higgs particles
compared to an e+e collider
Motivation for particle acceleration
understand matter around us
create new particles
Particle accelerator types
electrostatic: limited energy
AC driven: linear or circular
Modern accelerators
TeVatron, LHC
accelerators to come: ILC, VLHC, muon collider…
1. Accelerators
2. Particle detectors overview
3. Tracking detectors
Detectors and particle physics
detectors allow one to detect particles
experimentalists study their behavior
new particles are found by direct observation or by
analyzing their decay products
theorists predict behavior of (new) particles
experimentalists design the particle detectors
Overview of particle detectors
What do particle detectors measure ?
spatial location
trajectory in an EM field momentum
distance between production and decay point lifetime
momentum + energy mass
flight times
momentum/energy + flight time mass
Natural particle detectors
A very common particle detector: the eye
detected particles: photons
sensitivity: high (single photons)
spatial resolution: decent
dynamic range: excellent (11014)
energy range: limited (visible light)
energy discrimination: good
speed: modest (~10 Hz, including processing)
Photographic paper
1895 W. C. Röntgen: sensitivity to high energy
photons (X-rays) invisible to the eye
working medium: emulsion
detected particles: photons
sensitivity: good
spatial resolution: very good
dynamic range: good
no online recording
no speed resolution
The Geiger counter
1908 H. Geiger
passing charge particles ionize the gas
ions (electrons) drift towards cathode (anode)
cause an electric pulse, can be heard in a speaker
detected particles: charged particles (electrons, ,…)
sensitivity: single particles
spatial resolution: none (detector size) – can be fixed
dynamic range: none – can be fixed
speed: high (determined by charge drift velocity)
The cloud chamber
1911 C. T. R. Wilson (1927 Nobel Prize)
the first tracking detector (tracking=many spatial
measurements per particle)
Principle of operation:
an air volume is saturated with water vapor
pressure lowered to generate super-saturated air
charge particles cause saturation of vapor into small
droplets can be observed as a “track”
photographs allow longer inspection
The cloud chamber
detected particles: charged particles (electrons, ,…)
sensitivity: single particles
spatial resolution: excellent
dynamic range: good
as particle slows down, droplets occur closer to each
if placed inside a magnet, can observe curled trajectories
speed: limited (need time to recover the supersaturated state)
Photographic emulsions
Rarely used in modern experiments due to
principal restrictions:
cannot be read out electronically
used to need a lot of technicians looking at photographs
by eye – inefficient, boring, and error prone
today using pattern recognition software (think OCR)
cannot be used online
One advantage is excellent spatial resolution
(<1 m)
Were used in the -neutrino discovery
(DONUT, 2000)
Modern detector types
Tracking detectors
detect charged particles
principle of operation: ionization
two basic types: gas and solid
sensitive to single particles
very fast, useful for online applications
measure particle energy
usually measure energy of a bunch of particles (“jet”)
modest spatial resolution
Particle identification systems
recognize electrons, charged pions, charged kaons, protons
Tracking detectors
A charged track ionizes the gas
10—40 primary ion-electron paris
multiplication 3—4 due to secondary ionization
typical amplifier noise 1000 e—
the initial signal is too weak to be effectively detected !
as electrons travel towards cathode, their velocity increases
electrons cause an avalanche of ionization (exponential increase)
The same principle (ionization + avalanche) works for
solid state tracking detectors
dense medium large ionization
more compact put closer to the interaction point
very good spatial resolution
The idea: measure energy by total absorption
also measure location
the method is destructive: particle is stopped
detector response proportional to particle energy
As particles traverse material, they interact
producing a bunch of secondary particles
the shower particles undergo ionization (same
principle as for tracking detectors)
It works for all particles: charged and neutral
Electromagnetic calorimeters
Electromagnetic showers occur due to
Bremsstrahlung: similar to synchrotron radiation,
particles deflected by atomic EM fields
pair production: in the presence of atomic field, a
photon can produce an electron-positron pair
excitation of electrons in atoms
Typical materials for EM calorimeters: large
charge atoms, organic materials
important parameter: radiation length
Hadronic calorimeters
In addition to EM showers, hadrons (pions,
protons, kaons) produce hadronic showers due
to strong interaction with nuclei
Typical materials: dense, large atomic weight
(uranium, lead)
important parameter: nuclear interaction length
In hadron shower, also creating non detectable
particles (neutrinos, soft photons)
large fluctuation and limited energy resolution
Muon detection
Muons are charged particles, so using tracking
detectors to detect them
Calorimetry does not work – muons only leave
small energy in the calorimeter (said to be
“minimum ionization particles”)
Muons are detected outside calorimeters and
additional shielding, where all other particles
(except neutrinos) have already been stopped
As this is far away from the interaction point, use
gas detectors
Detection of neutrinos
In dedicated neutrino experiments, rely on
their interaction with material
interaction probability extremely low need huge
volumes of working medium
In accelerator experiments, detecting neutrinos
is impractical – rely on momentum
electron colliders: all three momentum components
are conserved
hadron colliders: the initial momentum component
along the (anti)proton beam direction is unknown
Multipurpose detectors
Today people usually combine several types of
various detectors in a single apparatus
goal: provide measurement of a variety of particle
characteristics (energy, momentum, flight time) for a variety
of particle types (electrons, photons, pions, protons) in
(almost) all possible directions
also include “triggering system” (fast recognition of
interesting events) and “data acquisition” (collection and
recording of selected measurements)
Confusingly enough, these setups are also called
detectors (and groups of individual detecting elements
of the same type are called “detector subsystems”)
Generic HEP detector
D detector at Fermilab
D detector is one of two large multipurpose
detectors at Fermilab (another one is CDF)
name = one of six intersection points
D: fairly typical HEP detector
D: tracking system (1)
Vertex detector: Silicon Microstrip Tracker
four layers of silicon detectors intercepted with
twelve disks + (recent addition) Layer 0
D: tracking system (2)
Outer tracking detector: Central Fiber Tracker
sixteen double layers of scintillating fibers
D: calorimeter
Liquid argon / uranium calorimeter, consisting
of central and two end calorimeters
D: outer muon system
The outermost part of the detector, surrounds
the whole thing
Proportional Drift Tubes, Mini Drift Tubes
Central (Forward) muon SCintillators
D: other elements
Magnet: a central solenoid magnet (2 T) and
outer toroid magnet
Luminosity scintillating counters
Central and forward preshower
Forward proton detector (Roman pots)
Data acquisition, trigger system, …
Particle detectors follow simple principles
detectors interact with particles
most interactions are electromagnetic
imperfect by definition but have gotten pretty good
crucial to figure out which detector goes where
Three main ideas
track charged particles and then stop them
stop neutral particles
finally find the muons which are left
1. Accelerators
2. Particle detectors overview
3. Tracking detectors
Gas detectors
As a charged particle crosses a gas volume, it
creates ionization
electrons get kicked out of atoms
the rest of atom becomes electrically charged (ion)
In absence of external field, ions and electrons
recombine back to neutral atoms
electrons drift to anode
ions drift to cathode
E = V/r ln(b/a)
Affected by many factors
gas temperature
gas pressure
electric field
gas composition
Important parameters:
ionization potential
mean free path
Some gases eat up electrons (“quenchers”)
Ionization as a function of energy
Ionization probability gas dependant
General features:
threshold (~20 eV)
fast turn on
maximum (~100 eV)
soft decline
Mean free path
Average distance an electron travels before it
hits an atom – determined by gas density
At ambient pressure (1013 hPa), air density is
2.71019 molecules/ccm, and mean free path is
68 m
At high vacuum (10—3…10—7 hPa), mean free
path is 0.1…1000 m
What happens after ionization ?
After collision, ions (electrons) thermalize and
travel until neutralized through electron (ion),
wall, negative ion (other molecule)
Mean free path for electrons ~4 times longer
than for ions
Ions diffuse slowly, electrons diffuse quickly
Diffusion velocity depends on gas
Steps of an avalanche:
a primary electron proceeds towards the anode,
experiencing ionizing collisions
due to the lateral diffusion, a drop-like avalanche,
surrounding the wire, develops
electrons are collected during ~1 ns
a cloud of positive ions slowly migrates towards the cathode
Ionization chamber
Low voltage, no secondary ionization – just
collect ions
example: smoke detector
radiation source (Am-241) emits -particles
they pass through ionization chamber, creating current
smoke absorbs -particles and interrupts current
Proportional counter
Higher voltage, tuned to provide proportional
each avalanche is created independently from
others total amount of charge created remains
proportional to the amount of charge liberated in
the original event, which in turn is proportional to
the particle’s kinetic energy
Spark chamber
Device similar to Geiger counter
Ionizing particles produce sparks along its way
that can be photographed and used later for
reconstruction of tracks
My diploma work was done on the ITEP’s 3m
magnet spectrometer equipped with spark
Regimes in a tracking chamber
Gas tracking detectors: summary
single ion
Multi Wire Proportional Chamber
1968 G. Charpak (1992 Noble Prize)
the idea: make a proportional counter with a lot of
anodes placed between two cathode planes
by looking at which wires were fired, can determine
position of the particle
if the proportional mode is used, can determine
particle’s energy + improve position resolution (by
drift chambers: measure time of arrival of the
electron avalanche improve position resolution +
provide a timing reference point
MWPC electric field
Homogeneous field away from anode wires
Field near wires very sensitive to their position
from G. Charpak’s Noble lecture
MWPC design
precise position measurements require precise and
small wire spacing
homogeneous fields require small wire spacing
large fields require thin wires
geometric tolerances cause gain variations
Geometry and problems
required precision: sub millimeter
long chambers need strong wires (W/Au plated)
and high tension to minimize sagging
Choice of gas
It’s a magic
low working voltage
high gain operation
good proportionality
high rate capability
long lifetime
fast recovery
Operation conditions
Pressure: slightly above atmospheric
avoid incoming gas “pollution”
a large tracker is not really air tight
not too high (difficult to maintain)
Temperature: slightly lower than room t.
avoid large temperature gradients
affected by environment (e.g. cooling of nearby
Limitations of chambers
High occupancy: OK
used in Alice (heavy ion collisions at LHC)
Radiation hardness
tough but manageable (need gas flow)
is a problem for LHC applications (25 ns bunch
ion drift is limiting factor
can be addressed with special technologies (GEM)
Time Projection Chamber (RHIC)
Brookhaven Nat’l Lab, Relativistic Heavy Ion
Shown: Gold-Gold collision
Solid state detectors
Basic operation principle same as gas detectors
Atomic number
Ionization energy
Signal speed
Silicon detectors
Solid state tracking detectors: semiconductor
diodes with reverse bias
normally there is no current (except very low “dark
a charged particle creates a track of carriers
(electron-hole pairs) along its way charge pulse
Why silicon ?
Low band gap width: 1.12 eV (large number of
charge carriers / unit energy loss)
Energy to create an e/h pair: 3.6 eV (an order of
magnitude smaller than ionization energy for
high carrier yield
low Poisson noise
no gain stage required
better energy resolution and high signal
Why silicon ? (cont’d)
High density and atomic number
reduced range of secondary particles
can build thin detectors
better spatial resolution
High carrier mobility
typical charge collection times <30 ns
no slow component (ions)
Excellent mechanical rigidity
Industrial fabrication techniques
Detector and electronics can be integrated
proportional to area covered
most of the cost is moving to read out channels
Material budget
for complex detectors can be as large as ~1—2
radiation lengths
affects calorimeters behind the detector
affects tracking accuracy (multiple scattering)
Typically need cooling to reduce leakage
current (thermal energy = 1/40 eV)
Radiation hardness
What is it ?
particles damage silicon crystal structure
band gap decreases
leakage currents increase
gain drops
detector looses efficiency and precision
What to do ?
exchange detectors
ATLAS: replace inner detector after 3 yrs of operation
switch to radiation hard technology (e.g. diamonds)
Diode strip detectors
Idea (1980’s): divide the large-area diode into
many small strip-like regions and read them
out separately
Typical strip pitch p = 20—few hundred m
Position measurement precision:
digital readout: = p/12
analog readout: = p/(S/N) (S = signal, N = noise)
Let a particle pass the detector between two
strips (i) and (i+1) at coordinate x = xi…xi+p
If strip (i) collects charge qi, and strip (i+1)
collects charge qi+1,
(x) = qi/(qi+qi+1)
ideally, (x) = 1, x<xi+p/2, and (x) = 0, x>xi+p/2
in practice, it’s not true:
finite charge cloud size (~5 m)
charge capacitance between strips
non-uniform electric field
Lorentz shift
If a detector is placed in magnetic field (parallel
to its strips), charge careers are deflected as
they drift towards the strips
introduces systematic shift of the measured position
signal gets spread between several strips
increases cluster sharing (bad)
with analog readout, improves spatial resolution (good)
Double sided readout detectors
Idea: use both types of carriers to make two
position measurements for the same amount of
n-side charge
Usually cross strips 2-dim measurement
From charge correlation can resolve ambiguities
p-side charge
Pixel detectors
Provide 3-dim points with very high precision
main issue is readout
can read out individual pixels or entire
Electrodes are close !
low full bias
low collection distance
no charge spreading
fast charge sweep out
Pixel vs strip detector operation
SiO2 +ve
pixel detector
strip detector
Pixel detector at ATLAS
Tracking detectors
detect charged particles
measure arrival time and charge deposition
derive 3 dimensional location and energy
inner detectors: silicon (strip/pixel), highest track
density resolution (tens of m)
outer detectors: gas detectors, lower resolution
(hundreds of m)