Physics 1425: General Physics I

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Transcript Physics 1425: General Physics I

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Diffraction II
Physics 2415 Lecture 38
Michael Fowler, UVa
Today’s Topics
Multi-slit interference
The diffraction grating: spectra
Waves and particles, more diffraction
Radio astronomy
Light Intensity Pattern from Two Slits
• We have two equal-strength
• .
rays, phase shifted by
so the total electric field is
E tot  E 0 sin  t  E 0 sin   t   
 2 E 0 sin   t  12   cos  12 
and the intensity  E tot
d sin  
 
2 
I     I  0  cos    I  0  cos  
What happens if we go to three
Path length difference is
Light Intensity Pattern from Three Slits
If the path difference from
adjacent slits to a point on • .
the screen is a whole
number of wavelengths, all
three will add.
• If the path difference is an
odd number of half
wavelengths, two slits will
cancel, but the third will be
untouched—the electric
field at the screen will be
1/3 its maximum value,
intensity 1/9th.
5 slits
More Slits…
• When the path
difference between
adjacent slits is a
whole number of
wavelengths, all the
slits add.
• The intensity is
more and more
concentrated in
narrow peaks at
these values.
• .
11 slits
Diffraction Grating
• A diffraction grating consists of many equally
spaced parallel slits. Typically it has thousands
of slits per centimeter.
• This ensures that a substantial fraction of the
incident light goes through, and also that the
angle of scattering is very precisely given as a
function of wavelength.
• There are reflective diffraction gratings: a CD
or DVD has many parallel lines (actually of
course arcs of circles) but the effect is evident.
Clicker Question
• A diffraction grating has 6.0 x 105 lines/m.
• Red light has wavelength 7.0 x 10-7m and blue
light wavelength 4.5 x 10-7m.
• Using white light, this grating produces complete
first and second order spectra.
• Beyond that,
A. It produces no more spectra
B. It produces part of a third order spectrum
C. It produces a complete third order spectrum,
possibly more.
Clicker Question
• A diffraction grating has 6.0 x 105 lines/m.
• Red light has wavelength 7.0 x 10-7m and blue
light wavelength 4.5 x 10-7m.
• Using white light, this grating produces
complete first and second order spectra.
• Beyond that,
A. It produces no more spectra
B. It produces part of a third order spectrum
The formula sin =3/d gives sinblue<1, sinred >1.
• It’s easy to check with the diffraction
grating that a very hot wire radiates at all
visible frequencies—but, if it’s just hot
enough to be seen, the light is reddish.
• A hot gas, like hydrogen stimulated by
electrical discharge, emits at a small
number of frequencies, as shown here.
• All gas molecules have “line spectra” with
definite frequencies—hydrogen is the
simplest, with just the four (visible) lines
hot H2
hot wire
Photons: the Nature of Light
• Experimentally, it is found that although light
propagates like a wave, when light is absorbed
(photoelectric effect, for example) or emitted
(spectra) it acts like tiny packets of energy,
called photons.
• For light of frequency f, each photon has energy
hf, h is Planck’s constant, 6.63x10-34J.sec.
• Light of energy E has momentum p = E/c, so a
photon has momentum p = hf/c = h/.
Clicker Question: LED’s
• In an LED, the potential energy delivered to an
electron by the battery is emitted as a single
• Arrange a red LED, yellow LED and blue LED in
order of increasing voltage required:
The Hydrogen Atom
• The H atom has a nucleus, a single proton, and a
single electron circling around it like a planet—
the attraction is inverse square, just like gravity,
so the orbits are the same.
• On heating the atoms, the electron will be
knocked about in atomic collisions, and will emit
radiation as it spirals back to lower orbits.
• BUT very few colors are observed! So very few
different energies can be emitted—only very few
circular orbits are allowed for some reason…
De Broglie’s Idea
• It’s hard to see why a little charged particle like the
electron should only be allowed to circle the proton
at certain radii. Planets don’t have this problem.
• De Broglie knew the photon’s particle-like
momentum was related to its wavelength p = h/.
• He suggested that the electron must have a
wavelength, with the same relationship p = h/.
• Then the allowed orbits might be those where you
could fit a standing wave around the circle.
De Broglie’s Electron Waves
• Putting together the orbit formula
mv2/r = ke2/r2 with p = h/, and
fitting a whole number of ’s
around 2r gives a set of allowed
orbits, hence allowed energies.
• Assuming the excited atom emits
one photon as it drops to a lower
orbit, the colors of predicted
photons correspond exactly with
the observed hydrogen spectrum.
• So the electron is a wave!
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Wave Nature of the Electron
• The wave nature of the
• .
electron was first observed
directly by Davisson and
Germer at Bell Labs in New
• They observed interference
patterns (like soap film
colors) between reflections
from different layers of
atoms in a nickel crystal.
• Davisson went on to be a
physics prof at UVa.
Electron Diffraction
• A stream of electrons
hits a thin piece of
graphite, made of many
small crystals.
• The electrons are
diffracted through
definite angles,
depending on the
electron wavelength—
which varies with energy.
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Neutrons are Waves too…
• Here’s the structure of a
ferroic, a new material
with linked electric and
magnetic properties likely
to be useful commercially.
• Its structure was found by
scattering neutrons off of
it like a three dimensional
diffraction grating. Using
p = h/ gives the correct
neutron wavelength.
Even Molecules are Waves!
• This is a Poisson Spot
from a stream of D2
molecules aimed at
a small disk—it
proves that the D2
molecules had a
wavelength, and
diffracted as
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X-Ray Diffraction
• X rays are electromagnetic
radiation with wavelength
comparable to interatomic
spacing in molecules and cryatals.
They can be diffracted from
planes of atoms in crystals, the
diffraction pattern can be used to
construct a model of the crystal
Note: x rays and neutrons are both used
for crystals. Neutrons are sensitive to
hydrogen, x rays are not. Also, neutrons
can detect magnetic structure. But x
rays are much less expensive.
This is diffraction from a crystal
of 3Clpro, a SARS protease.
Finding its exact structure is a
crucial step in designing effective
drugs against this disease.
Radio Astronomy
• Many stars, gas
clouds, etc., emit radio
waves—and these can
teach us a lot about
the universe.
• However, the
wavelengths are so
long that big receivers
are needed to get
good angular
resolution. This one
(in West Virginia)
weighs 7300 tons.
The receiver has diameter about 100m. Radio
waves of wavelengths from 30 cm down are
studied. Angular resolution around 0.15°.
Big Diffraction Grating…
• This is really a
diffraction grating in
reverse—the signals
from all the
receivers are
brought together,
those with the right
phase matching all
come from the
same direction.
• But there’s more…
The effective D is the length of the line of telescopes.