Transcript Dynamics!

Kinematics: the study of HOW objects
 Dynamics: the study of WHY objects
move the way they do
◦ Force any push or pull on an object
 Vector quantity
 Unit: Newtons (N)
1 N = 1 kgm/s2
◦ 2 types of Forces
 Contact Force: involves contact with the object
 Field Force: force act on the object over a
distance…no contact
Contact Forces
Applied Force: (Fa): the
force a person exerts on an
 Frictional Force: (Ff): the
force that opposes motion.
Always between two
surfaces. Acts opposite the
direction of an object’s
 Normal Force: (FN):
support force. Always
perpendicular to the surface
Field Force
 Force due to Gravity:
(Fw): the measure of attraction
between an object and the center
of the earth; the object’s
WEIGHT. Always downwards.
show all the forces acting on an
object; help determine how an
object will move.
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
The Law of INERTIA
◦ Inertia: the property of an object to resist
any change in its motion
◦ This means…an object at rest will stay at rest;
an object in motion will stay in motion in a
STRAIGHT LINE unless acted upon by an
outside force.
◦ Simply put…objects like to keep doing what
they’re doing.
Mass and Inertia
Mass and inertia are
DIRECTLY related.
◦ More mass means
more inertia.
◦ More inertia means
it’s HARDER to
change the object’s
Net Force
To find net force (Fnet) or
resultant force, subtract
forces in opposite direction.
 Fnetx = (forces to right) –
(forces to the left)
Fnety = (forces up) – (forces
Equilibrium: forces are
◦ Fnet = 0 N
◦ The object could be:
 At rest (v = 0 & a = 0)
 Moving with CONSTANT
The object is not
is in equilibrium. (But, it
can be moving.)
Weight vs. Mass
Weight (Fw) is a measure of the force due to
gravity pulling an object downwards; changes
depending on how much gravity there is.
Unit: Newtons (N)
Weight = mass x gravity
Fw = mg
Gravity on earth (g) = 9.81 m/s2
Mass is how much matter an object is made
up of; it stays the same no matter where in
the universe you are
◦ Unit: kg
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
A net force causes an object to accelerate
 Acceleration is directly proportional to
the net force on the object
◦ The greater the force, the faster the object
will accelerate
Acceleration is inversely proportional to
the mass of the object
◦ The larger the mass, the slower it will
 Fnet
= ma
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
For every action, there is an equal but
opposite reaction.
◦ Forces always occur in pairs.
 Action Force
 Reaction Force
Force on
object A
caused by
object B
Force on
object B
caused by
object A
Any force that resists the motion of an
◦ Acts parallel to the surfaces in contact.
◦ Acts in the opposite direction of the object’s
Amount of Ff depends on:
◦ The type of materials in contact
◦ The amount of force pressing the surfaces
2 Types of Friction
Static Friction
◦ The friction keeping objects at rest
Kinetic Friction
◦ The friction slowing down moving objects
**Static friction is always greater than Kinetic friction
because it is easier to keep an object moving than it
is to start is motion. (Think INERTIA!)
**Coefficient of Friction (μ): number describing the
type of material. The higher the number, the more
friction produced. No UNITS!
Falling Objects
Objects fall at the same rate if they are
falling in a vacuum (no air).
 Free Fall: Objects fall due to the influence
of gravity
◦ Forces Present:
 Force due to gravity (weight)
 Force of air resistance (friction)
◦ Terminal Velocity: the fastest an object can fall
based on its surface area.
 Fnet = zero
Terminal Velocity
As an object falls, it speeds
up due to gravity. As the
velocity increases, the
amount of air hitting the
object increases, so friction
increases. When the friction
is equal to the weight, the
net force on the object is
zero. No net force means
no acceleration.