FQ1 where is NZ`s population located and why 09

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Transcript FQ1 where is NZ`s population located and why 09

F.Q.1 Where is new Zealand’s
population located and why
• New Zealand’s population is not evenly
distributed- what does this mean?
Some places have more people than others
Population density – is a way of describing how
close people live to one another.
In some parts of NZ, population density is as much
as 150 people per square km. Here, the population
is described as dense.
In rough hill country, population density is as little as
1 person per square km. Here, the population is
described as being sparse.
Countries by population densities
Task 1: using the information on the map above
List 3 countries that have high population density.
List 3 countries that have low population density.
Provide 3 generalisations about population density.
What are reasons for these patterns?
World population densities
So how does NZ compare to other countries?
Population density is measured by:
Total population ÷ total land area
• When ranking countries according to population
density, starting at the highest density countries,
NZ is ranked 201st out of 236 countries
New Zealand’s Population Density
TASK 2: using page 45 of the textbook, on
the outline map of NZ:
1. Locate and label (using a key) five places
with high population densities.
2. Locate and label five places with medium
3. Locate and label five places with low
4. Add a north point and suitable title.
Natural factors in determining where Population is
Task 3: using the information on page 46 and 47, provide notes explaining the
Natural factors in determining where population is located- write notes under
the following headings:
Landform – relief
Distance from the sea
Soil fertility
Climate – temperature and rainfall
Task 4: Using the information on page 45, copy and complete….
New Zealand’s Population location
• The population of New Zealand is mostly within _______ km
of the sea. People live close to the coast because
• The biggest concentration of people is around the city of
__________________ which has around
__________________ people. Other large cities include
• There are some areas of dense population away from the
coast. These are the cities of ______________,
________________, and ___________________. All of these
are in the ___________________ island. There is also a
concentration of people without a major city and away from
the coast on the T_______________ lowlands.
More mapping ...
Task: On the regional map of NZ
locate and name:
1. Three cities in the South
Island with large
2. Two regions of the North
Island that have sparse
3. Two regions of the South
Island that have sparse
4. Four cities in the North
Island with large
Cultural factors in determining where
population is located
Accessibility to ports
Employment opportunities
Lifestyle factors: environment, beaches,
family ties and friends, infrastructure
location factors
Task 5:
a. Copy and complete the table below.
Things you like about
living in Auckland
Other places you’d like to
live and reasons for wanting
to live there
Other places in NZ you
wouldn’t like to live and
reasons why.
Good beaches
Sydney- milder
Invercargill- not
enough entertainment
e.g few concerts
b. Use two colour pencils to highlight the information in your
table according to whether it is a cultural factor or natural
Location of Maori population
• Ancestral ties (iwi)
• Family / whanau ties
• Employment opportunities
• History
Immigrants to NZ
 Pacific Islands
 South Africa
 China / Asia
• People immigrating to NZ from these countries
tend to live in Auckland and also live in particular
suburbs of the city. Why might this be so?
Regional population change
From June 2007-2008:
• All of NZ’s regions experienced population
• The fastest-growing regions:
– Auckland
– Marlborough
– Canterbury
Rural or Urban?
• NZ has an international reputation for farming
our population is amongst the most urbanised
in the world
• 1911 = 50% urbanised
1976 = 85% urbanised
• Cities are where jobs in manufacturing and the
service industry have grown e.g
• Larger cities = greater range of educational,
health and recreational facilities
• The trend of urbanisation
immigrants being attracted to cities
New Zealand’s changing make-up/ lifestyle:
multi-cultural, fast moving, technologically
advanced & café culture
• 53% of NZers are living in the 4 four main
urban areas…which are?
So where do New Zealanders live?
• 75 % of the population lives in the North
• 85% of the population live in urban areas
(Auckland = 29% of the population)
• Most of the population is distributed:
– Within 25km of the coast
– In lowland areas
So what could you be asked?
Name the city with a
port at A.
Name the city with a
university at B.
Circle the correct
population density
for the area shaded.
Less than 1 pp km2,
1-5 pp km2, more
than 6 pp km2