Frames for agricultural census and surveys
Transcript Frames for agricultural census and surveys
The Samoan households survey framework
incorporates the following sampling
٭Stratified sampling.
٭Two Stage sampling
٭Probability Proportional to Size sampling
٭Systematic sampling
Stratified Sampling
The Stratum adopted for the survey are
the 4 Statistical Regions which make up
٭Apia Urban Area
٭North West Upolu
٭Rest of Upolu
Two Stage Sampling
The two stages of the survey are as follows
Stage 1
Selection of enumeration areas
Stage 2
Selection of households within the selected
enumeration areas
Probability Proportional to
Size Sampling
For the first stage the EA’s are selected
based on their size
The size measure is the number of h/h’s
in EA according to the frame
An EA with 100h/h’s will therefore have
as much chance of selection as an EA
with 50h/h’s
Systematic Sampling
The second stage of selection, the
households are selected using
Systematic skip
The Cluster Size
An early question to address in setting up the
Framework is to determining how many
households do we need to select per selected
This is commonly referred to as the cluster size
This is generally determined at the stratum
The Cluster Size (cont)
For Samoa, no technical work was undertaken
to determine the most optimal cluster size.
Instead we plagiarized results from other
This resulted in a cluster size for each region of
AUA – 5
NWU – 10
ROU – 10
How many H/hs do we
Select ?
Best illustrated via an example (AUA) only
● Say we desire a 10% sample
● Total H/hs in AUA = 5182 (census06)
● This mean for AUA, we need a Sample size
of (10/100)*5182=518 h/hs
Selecting the Villages and EAs
Order villages by their geographical location within
each Region
Step 2
Attach the total EAs for each village as well as the
the total households for each EAs
Step 3
Convert the count of h/hs to the number of clusters by
dividing the total h/h by cluster size for each Region. Eg
Step 4
Calculate the Cumulative number of clusters and add to
the list for each Region
Selecting the Villages and EAs (cont)
Step 5
Determine the skip to be run through the list for each Region
=(total #clusters in each region)/(selections for the region)
Step 6
Select a Random Start between the value of the skip and 0
Step 7
Produce the remaining selections numbers by continuously
adding the Skip to the random start until you reach the total
number of clusters in the stratum
Step 8
To determine the selected villages, locate the village with
the lowest cumulative # clusters value which is higher than
the selection number
Note: At the same time the EAs is also selected
(NB: there may be 2 or more selections from village)
Selecting the Households
On the household list of the selected village and
EAs assign a cluster number to each h/h
according to the Cluster Size
Continue until the number of the clusters has
been reach and then start at 1 again and repeat
the process
Selecting the Cluster
To determined which h/h or cluster to be
selected, Subtract the selection number from
the previous Cumulative number.
Household list
For Excel file
1999 Census of
Agriculture Framework