GENERAL PHYSICS I Math. Edu. Program

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Transcript GENERAL PHYSICS I Math. Edu. Program

Math. Edu. Program
Yohanes Edi Gunanto
Concept of Force and Newton’s
Laws of Motion
Electric and magnetic forces
Elastic forces (Hooke’s Law)
Frictional forces: static and kinetic friction,
fluid resistance
Contact forces: normal forces and static friction
Tension and compression
Free Body Diagram
Newton’s First Law
Every body continues in its state of rest, or
ofuniform motion in a right line, unless it
iscompelled to change that state by
forcesimpressed upon it.
Reference Systems
Use coordinate system as a ‘reference
frame’ to describe the position,
velocity, and acceleration of objects.
Newton’s First Law
Newton’s First Law in relatively inertial
referenceframes: If there is no net force
impressed on anobject at rest in Frame 2,
then there is also nonet force impressed on
the object in Frame 1.
An object that is at rest in Frame 2 is moving
at aconstant velocity in reference Frame 1.
Force Law: Gravitational Force near
the Surface of the Earth
Near the surface of the earth, the gravitational
interaction between a body and the earth is
mutually attractive and has a magnitude of
where mgrav is the gravitational mass of the body
and g is a positive constant.
Checkpoint Problem : Pushing Textbooks
Consider two textbooks that are resting one on top of
the other. The lower book has M2 and is resting on a
nearly frictionless surface. The upper book has mass M1
< M2. Suppose the coefficient of static friction between
the books is μs.
A horizontal force of magnitude F is applied to the lower
book so that the two books move together without
slipping. Identify all action-reaction pairs of forces in this
problem and draw free-body force diagrams on each
The kinetic frictional force fk is proportional
to the normal force, but independent of
surface area of contact and the velocity.
The magnitude of fk is
where μk is the coefficients of friction.
Direction of fk: opposes motion
Static Friction
Varies in direction and magnitude depending on
applied forces :
Static friction is equal to it’s maximum value
Checkpoint Problem: Hooke’sLaw
 Consider a spring with negligible
mass that has an unstretched
length 8.8 cm. A body with mass
150 g is suspended from one end
of the spring. The other end (the
upper end) of the spring is fixed.
After a series of oscillations has
died down, the new stretched
length of the spring is 9.8 cm.
Assume that the spring satisfies
Hooke’s Law when stretched.
What is the spring constant?
Newton’s Second Law
• The change of motion is proportional to the motive
force impresses, and is made in the direction of the
right line in which that force is impressed,
• When multiple forces are acting,
• In Cartesian coordinates:
Concept of System: Reduction
• Modeling complicated interaction of objects
by isolated asubset (possible one object) of
the objects as the system
• Treat each object in the system as a point-like
• Identify all forces that act on that object
Model – Point Mass with Forces
Newton’s Laws of Motion:
• Forces replace rest of universe, animism
• If ΣF = 0 then a = 0 inertial coordinate system
• ma = Σ F
• Forces generated in pairs by interactions
Model: Newton’s Laws of Motion
 System: Point mass with applied force
 Description of System:
– Objects: Point Mass
– State Variables: m, a(t), r(t)
– Agents: real forces on object
 Multiple Representations;
• Words, Force Diagrams, Equations
 Interactions:
• Force Laws: contact, spring, universalgravity, uniform
gravity, drag.
 Law of Motion:
ΣF = ma
• Origin and Type of forces, Vectors
Newton’s Second Law: Strategy
• Treat each object in the system as a point-like
• Identify all forces that act on that object, draw
a free body diagram
• Apply Newton’s Second Law to each body
• Find relevant constraint equations
• Solve system of equations for quantities of
Worked Example: Pulley and Inclined
Plane 1
• A block of mass m1, constrained to move along a
plane inclined at angle ϕ to the horizontal, is
connected via a massless inextensible rope that
passes over a massless pulley to a bucket to which
sand is slowly added. The coefficient of static friction
is μs. Assume the gravitational constant is g. What is
mass of the bucket and sand just before the block
slips upward?
Worked Example: Pulley and Inclined
Plane 2
• A block of mass m1, constrained to move along a
plane inclined at angle ϕ to the horizontal, is
connected via a massless inextensible rope that
passes over a massless pulley to a second block of
mass m2. Assume the block is sliding up the inclined
plane. The coefficient of kinetic friction is μk. Assume
the gravitational constant is g. Calculate the
acceleration of the blocks.
Solution: Pulley and Inclined Plane
Free body
force diagrams
Checkpoint Problem: TwoBlocks with
Two blocks 1 and 2 of mass
m1 and m2 respectively are
attached by a string wrapped
around two pulleys as shown
in the figure. Block 1 is
accelerating to the right on a
fricitonless surface. You may
assume that the string is
massless and inextensible and
that the pulleys are massless.
Find the accelerations of the
blocks and the tension in the
string connecting the blocks.
Chcekpoint Problem: Blocksand Pulleys on
• Two blocks rest on a frictionless horizontal
surface. They are connected by 3 massless
strings and 2 frictionless, massless pulleys as
shown above. A force F is applied to block 1.
What is the resulting acceleration of block 1?
Worked Example: velocitydependent force
• Consider an object of mass m released at time
t = 0 with an initial x-component of velocity
vx,0 =0. A force is acting on the object
according to
F  m  c0  c1vx  iˆ
• Find the velocity as a function of time.
Worked Example Solution: velocity dependent
Technique: Separation of Variables: The acceleration is