IEEE USA 2014 Annual Meeting rev 8-12-2012

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Transcript IEEE USA 2014 Annual Meeting rev 8-12-2012

Report to the Region 1 ExCom
17 August 2012 Newark Airport Marriott
IEEE USA 2014 Annual Meeting
Providence, RI
Engineering the Oceans
Tom Perkins R1 NE Area Chair
[email protected]
Cell (603) 345-5170
Rev. 1 8-9-12
Annual Meeting
Providence, RI
The Annual Meeting disseminates information on IEEE-USA’s
volunteers on key missions, goals and priorities and provides a
mechanism for communication of member interests and
concerns. It supports the PACE Network’s effort to train leaders
and disseminate information, products and services to members
through local sections and chapters. Other program components
include technical tutorials and career-related continuing
education sessions designed to build soft-skills and tools for
professional development, job search and networking. In
addition to the Annual Meeting operating budget, IEEE-USA
distributes additional $$ to U.S. regions/divisions to support
Annual Meeting
Providence, RI
Dates: TBD in April 2014
Originally was to be Year 2013 - now Portland, OR
MOU in Progress
Location: 2 Hotels May Meet Requirements
Site Survey: Occurring in August
Candidate Hotels: Crowne Plaza and Marriott
Annual Meeting
Providence, RI
Providence Section Leadership for the Event
Chair: Dave Casper
[email protected]
Treasurer: Dave Clarke
[email protected]
Marketing: Sidney Martin
(508) 985-1450
[email protected]
Annual Meeting
Call for Sponsors
Corporate Donor Levels and Exhibitor Booths
• IEEE Organizations & Committees-Exhibitors Booth
•Friend Donor/Exhibitor
$ 1,500
•Bronze Donor
$ 2,500 – $4,999
•Silver Donor
$ 5,000 - $9,999
•Gold Donor
$ 10,000 - $ 14,999
•Platinum Donor
$ 15,000 - $19,999
•Diamond Donor
$ 20,000 and up