The Nature of Cultural Geography
Transcript The Nature of Cultural Geography
The Nature of Cultural
Chapter 1
The Human Matrix
• Pair up into dyads
• Discuss these two questions for 10
minutes, five minutes each
– What does culture mean to you?
– Would you identify yourself as belonging to a
cultural group? Why or why not?
• Humans are by nature geographers
– Possess awareness of and curiosity about the
distinctive character of places
– Can think territorially or spatially
– Each place on Earth is unique
– Places possess an emotional quality and
significance that contribute to our identity as
unique human beings
– Geographers, over the centuries, generated a
number of concepts and ideas that literally
changed the world
Seven Cultural Geographical Idea
That Changed the World
Human adaptation to habitat
Human transformation of the earth
Sense of place
Spatial organization and interdependence
Central place theory
Geography as an academic
• Natural human geographical curiosity and
need for identity
• First arose among the ancient Greeks,
Romans, Mesopotamians, and
• Arab empire expanded geography during
Europe’s Dark Ages
Geography as an academic
• Center of learning shifted to Europe during
the Renaissance period
• Modern scientific study of geography
arose in Germany
• Analytical geography began in the 1800s
asking what, where, and why
• Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Ritter
What is cultural geography?
• The meaning of culture
– For this course defined as learned collective
human behavior, as opposed to instinctive, or
inborn behavior
– Learned traits
– Cultural geography: the study of spatial
variations among cultural groups and the
spatial functioning of society.
Cultural geography
• Focuses on cultural phenomena that may
vary or remain constant from place to
• Explains how humans function spatially
What is cultural geography?
• Physical geography brings spatial and
ecological perspectives
• Bridges the social and earth sciences
• Seeks a integrative view of humankind in
its physical environment
• Appears less focused than most other
disciplines making it difficult to define
No easy explanations for cultural
• Many complex causal forces
• Wheat cultivations (next slide)
• Cultural geography seeks explanations of
diverse casual factors
Themes in cultural geography
• Culture region: a geographical unit based
on human traits
• Maps are an essential tool for describing
and revealing regions
• Major types of culture regions
– Formal
– Functional
– Vernacular
Formal culture region
Kerala, India
• A formal culture region can be defined in
this picture by ethnicity, dress and social
• While people do not generally reveal their
bodies in public, at the end of the day they
dress up to go to the beach and watch the
Kerala, India
• Boys and girls do not
mingle but observe
each other from a
• Unchaperoned dating
is rare and marriages
are typically arranged.
• These are learned,
collective human
Formal culture region
• An area inhabited by people who have one
or more cultural traits in common.
• More commonly multiple related traits
• No two cultural traits have the same
Complex multiculture regions
• Territorial extents of a
culture region depend
on what defining traits
are used.
Formal culture regions
• Many different formal regions can be created
• Depends on traits
• Geographer’s intuition
• Formal culture regions must have
– rarely sharp because cultures overlap and mix
– Culture regions reveal a core where all
defining traits are present
– Farther from core regional characteristics
weaken and disappear
– Formal regions display core/periphery pattern
• Human world is chaotic
Functional culture region
Minneapolis, Minnesota
• This mobile post-office is the node of a
functional region.
• People come to the node at specific times
during the week to deposit their mail.
• This vehicle is one of several linked to a
particular post office which is part of of a
larger network of post offices.
• Each post office is a node in its own mail
delivery region.
Functional culture region
• The scene is in the
city’s CBD where
individual buildings
are nodes of activities
linked to other
buildings and places.
• Note the skywalk
which facilitates
interaction between
Functional culture regions
• An area organized to function politically,
socially, or economically
• Examples: city, independent state, church
diocese, a trade area
• Have nodes or central points from which
functions are coordinated and directed.
• Many functional regions have clearly
defined borders
Farm as a formal culture region
• all land owned and leased, farmstead is
node, borders marked by fences, hedges
Functional culture region
• States in the United States and Canadian
• Not all functional areas have clearly
defined borders: newspapers, sales area
– Fans of UT vs TAMU
• Generally functional culture regions do not
coincide spatially with formal culture
Vernacular culture regions
• A region perceived to exist by its
inhabitants, has widespread acceptance
and uses a special regional name.
Vernacular culture region
• Generally lack sharp borders
• Can be based on many different things
– physical environment
– economic, political, historical aspects
– often created by publicity campaigns
• Grows out of a people’s sense of
belonging and regional self consciousness
Vernacular culture region
Vernacular culture region
• Not unique to North
• Northern Territory =
“Outback Australia”
• Transcends state
• Japanese ties
• Heavy duty bumper
and “roo bars” to
deflect wildlife
• How do vernacular culture regions differ
from formal and functional regions
– Often lack the organization necessary for
funtional regions
– Unlike formal regions, they frequently do not
display cultural homogeneity
– Many are rooted in the popular or folk culture
Cultural diffusion
• Spatial spread of learned ideas,
innovations, and attitudes.
• Each cultural element originates in one or
more places and then spreads.
• Some spread widely, others remain
confined to an area of origin.
• “100 Percent American”
• Torsten Hägerstrand
Cultural diffusion
Expansion diffusion
• Ideas spread throughout a population from
area to area.
• Creates a snowballing effect
• Subtypes:
– Hierarchical diffusion: ideas leapfrog from one
node to another temporarily bypassing some
– Contagious diffusion: wavelike, like disease
– Stimulus diffusion: specific trait rejected, but
idea accepted
Relocation diffusion
• Relocation diffusion occurs when
individuals migrate to a new location
carrying new ideas or practices with them
• Religion is prime example
Time-distance decay factor
• Ripples on a pond.
• Acceptance of an innovation is strongest
where it originated.
• Acceptance weakens as it is diffused
farther away.
• Acceptance also weakens over time.
Barriers to diffusion
• Absorbing barriers completely halt
diffusion: Afghanistan.
• More commonly barriers are permeable,
allowing part of the innovation wave to
diffuse, but acting to weaken and retard
the continued spread.
Guangzhou (Canton), China
• PRC recently opened it’s doors to foreign
investment and a number of cities have
been designated as Special Economic
• An absorbing barrier has become
• Sincle coastal cities were the first to allow
foreign instrusions, these have highest
influx of joint-venture projects.
• Proctor and Gamble
has designed soaps
and detergents for
China’s specific water
• Just as P&G diffused
from North America to
China, other
manufacturers will
diffuse into other
parts of China.
• As more cities are opened China’s urban
economies will become increasingly
internationalized and each city will function
as a key center of diffusion to places lower
on the social-economic hierarchy.
• How does time-distance decay play a role
Stages of innovation acceptance
• First – acceptance takes place at a slow
steady rate.
• Second – raid growth in acceptance and
the trait spreads rapidly
– fashion or dance fad
– neighborhood effect
• Third – slower growth and acceptance of
Neighborhood effect
• Hägerstrand’s explanation of the
core/periphery spatial arrangement of
diffusion resembles pattern in culture
– others say too narrow and mechanical
– assumes all innovations are beneficial
throughout geographical space
– nondiffusion more prevalent than diffusion, but
not accounted for
Susceptibility to an innovation
• More crucial when world communications
are rapid and pervasive
• Friction of distance is almost meaningless
• Must evaluate and explain on a region-byregion basis
• Inhabitants of two regions will not respond
identically to an innovation
• Geographers seek to understand spatial
variation in receptiveness
Cultural ecology
• Ecology is two-way relationship between
an organism and its physical environment
• Cultural ecology is the study of the causeand-effect interplay between cultures and
the physical environment
• Ecosystem entails a functioning ecological
system where biological and cultural
Homo sapiens live and interact with the
physical environment.
Cultural ecology
• Culture is the human method of meeting
physical environmental challenges.
– adaptive system
– assumes plant and animal adaptations are relevant
– facilitates long-term, successful, nongenetic human
adaptation to nature and environmental change
– adaptive strategy that provides necessities of life:
food, clothing, shelter, defense
– No two cultures employ the same strategy, evenin
within the same physical environment
Cultural ecology
• The physical environment
plays a powerful role in
the cultural landscape of
this remote region of
Pakistan’s northern
• The Muslim, Pathan have
an adaptive strategy of
harnessing local
resources for their needs.
Bahrain, Pakistan
• The settlement hugs the
valley walls and the river
is harnessed to provide
water power for turning
grinding stones (primarily
corn) in the foreground
• Since limited wood supply
precludes its widespread
use, houses are
constructed of drymortared stones and
many have sod roofs
Cultural ecology
• Four schools of thought developed by
geographers on cultural ecology
– Environmental determinism
– Possibilism
– Environmental perception
– Humans as modifiers of the earth
Environmental determinism
• Developed during the first quarter of the 20th
• Physical environment provided a dominant force
in shaping cultures
• Humans were clay to be molded by nature
• Believed mountain people, because they lived in
rugged terrain were:
Freedom loving
Environmental determinism
• Believed desert dwellers were:
– Likely to believe in one god
– Lived under the rule of tyrants
• Temperate climates produced:
– Inventiveness
– Industriousness
– Democracy
• Coastlands with fjords produced navigators and
• Overestimated the role of environment
• Took the place of determinism in the
• Cultural heritage at least as important as
physical environment in affecting human
• Believe people are the primary architects
of culture
• Chongqing and San
• Similar environment
• Street patterns
• SF has smaller
population but larger
• Culture
• Physical environment offers numerous ways for
a culture to develop.
• People make culture trait choices from the
possibilities offered by their environment to
satisfy their needs.
• High technology societies are less influenced by
physical environment.
• Geographer Jim Norwin warns control over
environment may be an illusion because of
possible future climatic changes.
Environmental perception
• Each person’s or cultural group’s mental images
of the physical environment are shaped by
knowledge, ignorance, experience, values, and
• Environmental perceptionists declare-choices
people make will depend more on how they
perceive the land’s character than its actual
• People make decisions based on distortion of
reality with regard to their surrounding physical
Environmental perception
• Geomancy—a traditional system of landuse planning dictating that certain
environmental settings, perceived by the
sages as auspicious, should be chosen as
the sites for houses, villages, temples, and
graves (feng-shui)
– an East Asian world view and art
– affected the location and morphology of urban
places in countries such as China and Korea
– diffused (look up feng-shui on internet)
Natural hazards
• Human’s perceptions of natural hazards
– Flooding, hurricanes, volcanic eruption, earthquakes,
insect infestations, and droughts
– Some cultures consider them as unavoidable acts of
the gods sent down as punishments because of the
people’s shortcomings
– During times of natural disasters, some cultures feel
the government should take care of them
– Western cultures feel technology should be able to
solve the problems created by natural hazards
Natural hazards
• In virtually all cultures, people knowingly
inhabit hazard zones
– Especially floodplains, exposed coastal sites,
drought-prone regions, and active volcanic
– More Americans than ever live in hurricaneand earthquake-prone areas of the United
Monserrat - 1996
Missouri River
Hazard Perception
• Levees failed to prevent the Mississippi
and Missouri rivers from flooding.
• Floods are natural occurrences and
contrary to the perception of some, human
made devices are directed toward control
rather than prevention.
• When the water recedes and tons of muck
and debris are removed, will the farmer
move back and start over?
Natural hazards
• Migrants tend to imagine new homelands
as being more similar to their old
homelands than is actually the case
• Human’s perceptions of natural resources
– Hunting and gathering cultures
– Agricultural groups
– Industrial societies
Humans as modifiers of the earth
• Another facet of cultural ecology
• In a sense, the opposite of environmental
• George Perkins Marsh
• Example of soil erosion around Athens in
ancient times
Humans as modifiers of the earth
• Human modification varies from one
culture to another
– Geographers seek alternative, less
destructive modes of environmental
– Humans of the Judeo-Christian tradition tend
to regard environmental modification as
divinely approved
– Other more cautious groups take care not to
offend the forces of nature
Environmental modification
Queensland, Australia
• Rainforest north of
Cairns, signs
perceptions of a
particular resource.
• Thousands of acres
of Australian
rainforest destroyed
Cultural integration
• Cultures are complex wholes rather than series
of unrelated traits
• Cultures form integrated systems in which parts
fit together causally
• All cultural aspects are functionally
interdependent on one another
– Changing one element requires accommodating
change in others
– To understand one facet of culture, geographers must
study the variations in other facets and how they are
causally interrelated and integrated
Cultural integration
• The influence of religious beliefs
Voting behavior
Diet and shopping patterns
Type of employment and social standing
Hinduism segregates people into social classes
(castes), and specifies what forms of livelihood are
appropriate for each
– Mormon faith forbids consumption of alcoholic
beverages, tobacco, and other products, thereby
influencing both diet and shopping patterns
Cultural integration
• If improperly used can lead the
geographer to cultural determinism such
– physical environment is inconsequential as an
influence on culture
– culture offers all the answers for spatial
– nature is passive while people and culture are
the active forces
Cultural integration
• Social science
– Those who view cultural geography as a
social science apply the scientific method to
the study of people
– Devise theories that cut across cultural lines
to govern all of humankind
– Believe economic causal forces more
powerful in explaining human spatial behavior
than any others
Model of Latin American city
Humanistic geography
• Celebrates the uniqueness of each region and
– Place is the key word connoting the humanistic view
– Topophilia—word coined by Yi-Fu Tuan, literally
meaning “love of place”
• Has witnessed a resurgence in recent decades
• Social-science approach has declined in
Humanistic geography
• Anne Buttimer
• Seek to explain unique phenomena—place and
region-rather than universal spatial laws
• Most doubt that laws of spatial behavior even
• Believe in a far more chaotic world than
scientists could tolerate
• Reject the use of mathematics—feel human
beliefs and values cannot be measured
Who is right?
• Debate between scientists and humanists
in cultural geography
– Necessary and healthy
– Both ask different questions about place and
• Geography is the bridging discipline,
joining the sciences and humanities
• Postmodernism
Cultural landscape
• The visible, material landscape that
cultural groups create in inhabiting the
• Cultures shape landscapes out of the raw
materials provided by the Earth
• Each landscape uniquely reflects the
culture that created it
• Much can be learned about a culture by
carefully observing its created landscape
Cultural landscape
• Some geographers regard landscape
study as geography’s central interest
• Reflects the most basic strivings of
– Shelter
– Food
– Clothing
• Contains evidence about the origin,
spread, and development of cultures
Cultural landscape
• Accumulation of human artifacts, old and new
• Can reveal much about a past forgotten by
present inhabitants
• Landscapes also reveal messages about
present-day inhabitants and cultures
– Reflect tastes, values, aspirations, and fears in
tangible form
– Spatial organization of settlements and architectural
form of structures can be interpreted as expression of
values and beliefs of the people
– Can serve as a means to study nonmaterial aspects
of culture
Cultural landscape
• How architecture reflects past and present
values of landscape
– Example of centrally located, tall structures
built of steel, brick, or stone
– Example of medieval European cathedrals
and churches that dominated the landscape
Cultural landscape
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
• Now capital; prior to 1997
administrative center for
British colony of Malaya.
• During 20s an 30s Art
Deco architecture
• Built in 1928, originally
“wet market” for mean,
poultry and fish were
rendered and sold.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
• Renewed, it now
contains a shopping
bazaar selling local
handicraft products,
souveniers and food.
• Heritage revealed
through architecture
and sign.
• Only traditional cart
suggests truth.
Cultural landscape
• Humanistic view of cultural landscape
– Content to study the cultural landscape for its
aesthetic value
– Obtain subjective messages that help describe the
essence of place
– Geographer Tarja Keisteri distinguishes the factual,
concrete, physical, functioning landscape from the
experimental, perceived, symbolic, aesthetic
– Distinction between scholarly analysis and subjective
artistic interpretation are often blurred
– Provides people with landmarks and reassures
people they are not rootless without identity or place
Cultural landscape
• Most geographical studies have focused on
three principal aspects of landscape
– Settlement forms—Describe the spatial arrangement
of buildings, roads, and other features people
construct while inhabiting an area
– Land-division patterns—reveal the way people divide
the land for economic and social uses
• Example of land division of small and large farms
• Example of urban housing and street patterns
Cultural landscape
• Architecture
– North America’s different building styles
– Regional and cultural differences
• Five themes of geography are interwoven
– Culture region
– Cultural diffusion
– Cultural ecology
– Cultural integration
– Cultural landscape
Folk and popular architecture
reflect culture