Presentation9 - University Of Worcester

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Transcript Presentation9 - University Of Worcester

Digital Infrastructure
Richard Henson
University of Worcester
December 2015
Week 10: Routing
and Routing Mechanisms
Explain the fundamental differences
between documenting client-server and
peer-peer networks
 Explain the two fundamental types of
network routing
 Explain the system of network device
naming used for Internet routing
Let’s assume
IP addressing
all computers can be logically named with
unique IPv4/IPv6 addresses
MAC addressing
all computers have hardware addresses
“hardwired” into the network interface card
or connections on motherboard
Problem: how to get a message from
one computer/device to another, across
a network, or the Internet…
uter A
uter B
1. Identify the destination
2. Find that destination
3. Choose/calculate the best pathway
to the destination through the network
4. Send the data…
Two problems
Involves movement of electrical signals
mustn’t collide..
Consistent naming and addressing to
allow data to be routed to the correct
destination (i.e. both MAC or both IP)
Logically arranging computers into
small, manageable numbers
less than 256
» in practice, 254
known as a subnet
IPv4 addressing follows this convention
» e.g. subnet to
Approaches to routing
1: “Broadcast” Routing
Uses MAC addresses to send messages to
all available computers in the subnet
 only the computer to which it is addressed bothers
to read its contents
Useful on small local networks
Uses too much bandwidth for large networks
containing many subnets…
Managing Collisions
Transmission of a data packet takes time…
Travel of the packet to the furthest point on
the network takes a further finite time…
If, at any time during this period, another host
on the network starts to transmit…
 signals cancel each other out…
Collision animation
Transmitter B
Transmitter A
Resolving contention
Protocols for human communication
 How do we decide who speaks?
 What rules do we use?
 Discuss in groups…
Resolving Contention
Possible solutions:
Token Passing
Central controller
interrogates each node
in turn and asks if it has
a message to send
If a message is waiting
to be sent, it is delivered
If no message, controller
passes on to the next
Token passing
Software ‘token’ passed from node to
node in a predetermined order
 Nodes can only send messages when
they are in possession of the token
 Token is passed to the next node in
sequence when it is no longer needed
if no message is to be sent, or when the
message has been sent
Hardware token
each station transmits as and when
Named after Hawaiian greeting
 Originally used to connect several
computers by radio in Hawaii
hard (cabled) links not practicable
Aloha (continued)
If a collision occurs, messages are
retransmitted after a random wait
If both stations retransmitted immediately,
a further collision would occur
OK for light traffic (and few collisions)
 Maximum efficiency possible about 18%
due to collisions
Commercial Aloha – “Ethernet”
Ethernet name derived from “the ether”
a hypothetical invisible substance that was
once thought to exist in space and allowed
radio waves to be conducted through it (!)
Coined by Dr Graham Metcalfe, Xerox
wanted to connect 100 computers together
over a 1km cable
used a system based on pure Aloha
Ethernet & Network
 nodes can attempt to broadcast at any time
 then manages the attempted broadcasts to ensure
that collisions are detected and dealt with by
OK for lightly used network
 but… many concurrent connections on the same
network segment can create a lot of collisions
» result: severely reduced response time
Ethernet – CSMA to reduce
number of collisions
Strategy used in broadcast systems to
reduce the likelihood of collisions
CSMA = Carrier Sense Multiple Access
Each node listens before transmitting
if the medium is busy then the node waits
otherwise it transmits
Mechanism of CSMA
Problem: two nodes could begin to
transmit almost simultaneously
and not detect each other’s transmission
before starting their own message
Solution: each node listens while
transmitting to be sure that no other node
starts transmitting
CD = collision detect
 If a collision is detected:
both nodes stop transmitting
» would be a waste of time to finish message that
is corrupted…
 then wait a random time and retry
» binary exponential backoff algorithm!
Unslotted CSMA
Also known as “non-persistent” CSMA
 based on and replaces pure Aloha
Unslotted: any node can transmit at any time
 Some protocols only allow transmissions to start at
certain time – starts of ‘time ‘slots’
Non-persistent: nodes wait before retry
 if they both tried to transmit again immediately,
they would cause another collision!
Putting it all together (CSMA/CD)
Algorithm for sending data including:
Carrier Sense…
The node “listens” to the carrier medium to
see if anyone is transmitting
If another node is transmitting, wait until it
has finished
Multiple Access
 many nodes are connected to the same carrier
Collision Detection
 Each node listens during transmission
 If a collision is detected during transmission, both
transmitting nodes stop transmitting retry after a
random wait
 If collisions continue to occur, nodes extend their
wait time
Full Ethernet model
With good design, this method can deliver
90% efficiency of bandwidth
Main advantage is that time is not wasted in
transmitting whole packets when a collision
Most bus networks use CSMA/CD
Collisions can still cause problems if too
many workstations are connected to a single
network segment
 no means of prioritising
Collision animation
Transmitter B
Transmitter A
Why isn’t this a very good representation of a
collision in an Ethernet LAN?
Commercial Ethernet
Xerox formed an alliance with Digital and
Intel (DIX – Digital, Intel, Xerox))
DIX “Blue Book” Ethernet standard in
February 1980
Subsequently rewritten to the agreed
IEEE standards 802.x that
complemented the OSI model
Ethernet and OSI (1)
It was agreed that the Ethernet solution:
 must be addressed through the networking
 should fit into the lower layers of the OSI model
Standards set by the IEEE 802 committee
(802.3 – 1983 onwards) and D.I.X.
Encompasses OSI layers 1 & 2:
 an access method to the network
 a set of specifications with regard to cable and
data format (frames with MAC addresses)
Ethernet and OSI (2)
In 1982 original Blue Book standard
evolved into Ethernet II
 IEEE 802 model provides specifications
physical network components, e.g. cable
layout of data within a packet, as “frames”
restrictions caused by network segments
IEEE 802.2 standard
Data Link Layer divided into two sublayers, to enable network interface cards
to talk to OSI layer 3 packets
Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer
presents a uniform interface to the Network
Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer
interfaces with the physical transmission
IEEE 802 standards and
Access Methods
IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD (Ethernet)
 IEEE 802.4 Token Bus networks
no longer used
IEEE 802.5 Token Ring networks
Still used in some legacy systems
IEE802.11 Wireless Networks
Peer-Peer and
Client-Server Networks
Lot of confusion…
 Refers to interactions between
a “peer” computer could be being either
“client” or “server”
The other peer would then be “server” or
Peer-Peer and the Internet
Server A
Server B
Client-Server and LANs
Peer-peer: distributed resources
 LANs originally Ethernet & MAC
Client-server: centralisation of resources
» Microsoft networks… Domains
» Need domain controllers…
Routing with IP addresses
Packet switching…
 Data on screen divided into packets at
OSI layer 4…
OSI layer 3 packets
» each packet has source & destination
addresses in its header
Routing: two mechanisms
packets individually passed from router to
router towards destination
eventually arrive…
Larger Networks
Method 1: Routing Algorithm calculates
route through the network
all data between end points follow the
same route
» massive waste of possible bandwidth
» can’t respond easily if new nodes added, or
nodes taken away
Method 2…
“packet switching”
Internet Routing
Uses IP protocol (OSI level 3)
 Each router:
reads the destination address of each
decides what to do with the packet
» i.e. which other router to forward the packet to
Car hack via Internet…
‘Store and Forward’ (1)
Packets arriving at a router may come
from several different connections
 May not arrive regularly
arrivals may be ‘bursty’
Router may not be able to process all
packets immediately on arrival
e.g. 2 packets arriving almost
simultaneously on different connections
‘Store and Forward’ (2)
Packets arrive at router…
 added to a “buffer”
» area of memory where data is stored temporarily until it
can be processed
Processed in order of arrival
 ‘first in, first out’ (FIFO)
Once buffer full, packets discarded and lost
Routing decisions
Router uses the destination IP address
in the packet IP header to decide what
to do with the packet
Maybe send to a local network to which the
router is connected
» router must know the IP addresses relevant to
its own local network(s)
Maybe forward on to another router
» which one?
Routing tables
Database of IP addresses (or parts of IP
For each destination IP address
 link that a packet should be forwarded on
Router reads the destination IP address…
consults the routing table… forwards the
packet to the most appropriate next stage
Routing table
Construction of routing tables
Routing tables can be set up at any time…
 but network conditions may change
 a route that was once optimal may become
 a link or router may malfunction or be removed
 a new link may be added to the network
Dynamic updates to routing tables absolutely
Updating routing tables
Routers send each other information
about network conditions
broken links
new links
routers going off-line
congestion problems
Each router updates routing tables
Normal route of packets
Router B
Router C
Router A
Disaster strikes: link is broken
Router B
Router C
Router A
Message cannot be delivered
What happens
Router A finds out about the broken link
no traffic received from router B
regular updates from router B don’t arrive
Router A knows enough about the local
network topology to use an alternative
route for packets…
routing table adjusted accordingly
Solution: a new route is found
Router B
Router C
Router A
Decisions between multiple
possible routes
Factors to be considered by the router:
total number of ‘hops’ in the path
traffic loading on each hop
financial costs of using each hop
Algorithms for finding best routes:
Bellman-Ford (distance-vector algorithm)
Dijkstra (link-state algorithm)