Creating a Cluster Print Share
Transcript Creating a Cluster Print Share
Creating a Cluster Print
can print
to a virtual
server by
adding a
share to
Cluster service supports the clustering of print
services by using the print spooler resource. A
cluster can have multiple print spooler
resources, but each group can only have one
print spooler resource. Clients access clustered
printers in exactly the same way that they
access nonclustered printers. Clients can use
either the network name or Internet Protocol
(IP) address as the server name.
Creating a print spooler on a cluster is a more
involved process than creating a file share. A
cluster print spooler uses a network printing
device or remote print server, not a locally
attached device, because any peripherals that
are local to one node will not be available if that
node is offline.
One method for creating a print spooler
on a cluster requires that you install the
printer drivers on both nodes before
installing them on the virtual server. The
steps are as follows:
1. Install printer drivers on each node.
2. Create a print spooler resource.
3. Add a print share.