TCP/IP Model and Its Application Layer Protocols

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BTEC IT Unit 28 - Lesson 03
TCP/IP and Application
Layer Protocols
Mr C Johnston
ICT Teacher
Session Objectives
Understand what the TCP/IP model is and the role of its
different layers,
Be able to describe a range of different protocols accessed by
the application layer of the TCP/IP model,
Be able to give practical examples of how the different
application layer protocols are used by network users.
Protocols are a set of rules which control something – in
English its protocol to start a sentence with a capital letter and
end with a punctuation mark,
In networking they standardise the way different devices talk
to one another – sometimes known as a handshake.
The internet uses a model called TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol / Internet Protocol), which contains a number of
different sets of rules to control different types of
communication – the rule sets are known as a protocol suite.
The TCP part deals with communicating between applications in your
computer – e.g. web browser to OS to NIC driver,
The IP part controls communication between different devices.
TCP/IP Model
The TCP/IP (transport control protocol / internet protocol) has
4 different layers,
Source Device
Destination Device
TCP/IP Model Layers
Each layer within the model has a different job,
The link layer is the lowest and deals with how the data will actually
be sent through the network hardware – how the data is transmitted
along cables / fibre, navigates through routers, servers etc
The internet layer packs data into data packets known as IP
datagrams, which contain source and destination address information
that is used to forward the datagrams between hosts and across
networks. The internet layer is also responsible for routing of IP
The transport layer establishes communication between the source
and destination hosts and permits them to carry on a conversation
Application Layer
The application layer is the highest layer within the TCP/IP
and provides protocols which we use, through the use of
software applications,
You need to be aware of the function of the following
application layer protocols
BTEC Book – Unit 29 p6
BTEC Book – Unit 09 p10
BTEC Book – Unit 10 p14-17
D1 Overview
D1 Requires you to explain the role of the TCP/IP protocol
and how it links to the application layer,
The assignment ask you to add a final section to your report
which gives a technical explanation of TCP/IP application
layer protocols used on the internet,
You could structure this by having:
A detailed overview of TCP/IP including diagrams showing the layers
and a detailed explanation the job of each layer,
A table similar to the one produced during the exercise which explains
technically how each of the application layer protocols work –
diagrams will help.
D1 – Explain the role of the TCP/IP protocol and how it links to
application layer protocols
• For D1, you should give a technical explanation of application layer protocols in
relation to the TCP/IP protocol,
• You must remember that when explaining the layer protocols ensure it relates to
• For explain remember you need to give a detailed account to give the meaning of
something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest.