AP U.S. History Unit 1 Part 1

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AP U.S. History
Unit 1 Part 2
The Age of Discovery
Portugal 1450’s Prince Henry the Navigator
 Diaz (Dias) 1488 and the Cape of Good
 De Gama 1498 and India
 Cabral and Brazil (1500)
 Slaves
Amerigo Vespucci
Claimed to be the first to Brazil (1501)
So a German Map-maker called the New World
Portugal had trading stations in Africa, India,
China and the East Indies
Columbus Italian
The Conquistadors: Cortez and Pizarro
The Missionaries: Las Casas
New Spain
St. Augustine, Fla. 1565
The Treaty of Tordesilles 1494
In an effort to prevent the two Catholic
countries, Spain and Portugal from going to war
over the New World, the Pope drew a boundary
line (which was later adjusted to accommodate
Portugal’s claim to Brazil)
Portugal maintained control of the W. African
slave trade …The Asiento
Other Spanish Explorers
1513 Balboa The first European to see the
Pacific from the New World
1519 Magellan The first European to
circumnavigate the globe
1513 Ponce de Leon Discovered Florida while
searching for the fountain of youth
More Spanish Explorers
Coronado sought “Golden Cities” in the
American Southwest
Cabrillo sailed as far north to Oregon (justified
Spain’s claims here to 1819)
Spain will not realize true wealth from
exploration until after 1540
The Conquistadores
de Soto sought gold in the American Southeast
and crossed the Mississippi. Brutalized the
Natives. (1530’s, 40’s)
Cortez (Cortes) 1519-21 conquered the Aztecs
led by Montezuma. Thought Cortez was the
god, Quetzalcoatl
Pizarro 1532 defeated the Incas
Impact of the Spanish
Conquest and subjugation
The Encomienda System: forced labor (mining)
The Hacienda System: forced agricultural labor
Mestizos: Amerindian and Spanish
St. Augustine established to protect Spanish
holdings in the SE and Caribbean from the
Is the oldest European settlement in what is
now the United States
By 1609 The Mission System
Forced Conversion
Santa Fe (NM) First
Pope’s Rebellion: Natives rebelled against
Spanish rule. Was Crushed.
Texas Mission 1716
California mission 1763 (Spain concerned with
Brits and Russia in N. America
The Black Legend
Advanced by Protestant countries in Europe:
Claimed that Spain alone killed for Christ by
enslaving the natives, forcing labor, infecting
with disease, stealing wealth
The Spanish had a HUGE impact on the culture
of central and South America
The English
The French
The Dutch
Jamestown 1607
Quebec 1608
New Amsterdam 1609
The French in North America
Verrazano 1524 sailed along the east coast of
N. America from Maine to the Carolinas was
probably the first to see NY harbor
Cartier 1530’s explored along the St. Lawrence
River (causing Spain to establish St. Augustine)
Champlain founded Quebec in 1608
More French Explorers
Cadillac 1701 founded Detroit
La Salle 1682 sailed through Quebec, the Great
Lakes and down the Mississippi with Native
Wanted to hamper the Spanish in the Gulf of
 Named “Louisiana (for Louis XIV)
The French
Trading posts established along the Mississippi
New Orleans was the most important in 1718
The French and the Amerindians
Had harmonious relations with natives
Due to trade, necessity (intermarriage)
Beaver pelts in demand in Europe
Trade was a “process” to natives = relationship
Coureurs de bois: runners of the woods were
French frontiersmen after pelts
Voyageurs: French seamen who recruited
natives for fur trade
The French and the Natives
The French gifted the natives which was an
important intertribal custom …so much better
than the Spanish methods or the English policy
of extermination
The Jesuits tried to convert the natives and
even save them from the French trappers.
Were respected by natives for holding up well
under torture
The French
Were allied with the Huron and Algonquin
tribes and armed them against the Iroquois
When the Iroquois and the English allied, the
Iroquois were no longer at a disadvantage
Native population suffered due to warfare,
disease, alcoholism
The French
By the 1760’s (the end of the French and Indian
War) the natives made an effort not to kill each
other and stay out of European affairs
In the end…by 1600 the native population fell
by 90%
Smallpox was the biggest factor
British explorers
The Cabot Brothers (Italian) explored
Newfoundland to Va. For England (1497)
Frobisher (1576) explored the coast of Labrador
Elizabeth’s Sea Dogs (like Drake) inspired
England by looting Spanish ships on their way
to Spain from the New World
The War of the Spanish Armada 1588
The Spanish fleet was destroyed in the English
Channel establishing England as a great naval
At the same time, attempts were made by the
English to colonize in the New World.
The English
Motives: Wealth, religion, beggars, convicts, idle
women, land, primogeniture, entail
Economic problems made people move out
War created taxes
Population explosion but fewer farms and higher food
prices (enclosure)
Highwaymen: large force of unemployed farm workers
were wandering the countryside
1601 Queen Elizabeth’s Poor Laws were draining the
The English
Cabot brothers explored for the English (1497)
Henry VIII not much interest
Elizabeth I encouraged private enterprise
English colonies were founded with little help or
interference from the crown
Different for Spain and France
English Advantages in Colonization
More capital for investment by private co’s like
merchant companies (Dutch too) due to larger
middle class
Greater social mobility
Relative freedom for women
Lust for land
Government let religious dissenters go
Government encouraged permanent settlement
The English
Self government allowed: Mayflower Compact,
Virginia House of Burgesses, growing religious
tolerance especially after William and Mary
signed the English Bill of Rights during the
Glorious Revolution
Early English Attempts
Queen Elizabeth 1 and Sir Walter Raleigh (and
Sir Francis Drake and others)
1583 Sir Humphrey Gilbert ( partnered with ½
brother-Raleigh) took an expedition to
Newfoundland and traveled down the coast but
was lost at sea.
Raleigh failed to get $ from Elizabeth but
claimed the land as Virginia anyway.
1585 Raleigh’s cousin and new partner…Sir
Grenville settled a small group at Roanoke in N.
They terrorized the Indians before they left for
more supplies.
Drake arrived some months later with supplies
but the settlers decided not to stay and went
back to England
Raleigh made one more attempt (on his coin) It
will bankrupt him
1587 Raleigh brought 91 men 17 women and 9
children to Roanoke.
Virginia Dare was born there…first European
child to be born in the New World.
Habitations were built, some crops planted and
Raleigh went back for supplies promising to
return within a few months
Before the ship left for England the settlers were told
to carve a message on a certain tree if they had to
relocate. If they had to leave in a hurry, they were to
carve a cross in the tree…
When the ship returned to England, Elizabeth would
not allow it to return with supplies to America until
She needed all of her ships and men to fight the
Spanish in the War of the Spanish Armada (1588)
In 1590, Virginia Dare’s grandfather hired a ship
going to the west Indies to stop at Roanoke.
No one was there! Carved on the tree was
There WAS a tribe nearby called the Croatoans
Did they join the tribe? Did the Croatoans
attack them?
A true History Mystery…
The ship captain refused to stay and help to look
so grandpa got onto the ship and went to the
West Indies and no one else ever went back to
BUT later… reports of Native Americans using
certain English words…reports of blond Indians
In 1606 King James…
Issued charters to two merchant companies to settle in
the New World.
Private investors could raise large sums of $ to finance
such ventures
The London Company to settle in the Southern Region
The Plymouth Company to settle in the Northern Region
1607 Jamestown: the first permanent
English colony in the New World
The London Co. (later will be called the Virginia
Co.) sent 144 men on three ships to Virginia
The Godspeed, Susan Constant, and the Discovery
These men were young and in good physical
shape and were indentured servants
Only 104 survived the trip
New France, New Spain,
the English Colonies
Reasons for Exploration and
 God
 Gold
 Glory
A true desire to convert new peoples to
Christianity = missionaries
Rivalry between Catholics (especially the Jesuits)
and Protestants for new souls
Religious freedom (6 of the 13 English colonies
were founded for religious reasons)
Between the new and growing nation-states of
Europe for power and products
Marco Polo and his memoirs
Goods from the East…The Spice Islands
A search for an all-water route to the Far East
The Renaissance
Encouraged new knowledge
New inventions, technology
 The Caravel
 The Lateen Sail
 The Astrolabe
The Printing Press
Desire for new products, Natural Resources
A Need for new Markets
The European Colonizing Agents
Spain (Monarchy) was the only country to bring back
real wealth.
The wealth from the Aztec and Inca empires inflated
the European economy ten times over
The French (Monarchy) found wealth in the Fur
The English and the Dutch (Constitutional
Monarchies) made their money by trading with their
The Huguenots were expelled from France and
came to the New World
The Spanish (and French) sent missionaries to
convert the natives
Six of the thirteen English colonies were
founded for religious reasons
The Columbian Exchange
Crops: the potato, corn
Animals: Protein sources
Disease…Smallpox, Syphilis
The Europeans
and the Native Americans
The Spanish
 The Encomienda, hacienda, and mission systems
 Tried to enslave the natives
 The Missionaries: Las Casas
 The Slave Trade: Asiento
 Spanish Society
The Europeans and the Natives
The French: How they colonized
The Fur Trade
 Friendly relations with natives
 Married into the tribes
 Depended upon the natives for survival
The Europeans and the Natives
The English…and the Puritans
The English and Virginia
The Iroquois were allied with the English
All others were allied with the French
so…English policy was extermination
1637 The Pequot War (Conn)
 1675 King Philip’s War (Metacomet was the chief of
the Wanpanoaga tribe) (Mass)
 The New England Confederation
Religious Freedom
Not an issue for Spain or Portugal…everyone
was Catholic
Not an issue for the Netherlands…They
tolerated all faiths
France…When the Edict of Nantes was revoked
about 300,000 Huguenots (French Calvinists) to
the New World (Carolina)
England: Puritans, Pilgrims, Quakers, Catholics
Thomas Hobbes and The Leviathan defended
Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations defended
free-market capitalism
What IS Mercantilism?
and the Spanish
and the French …Colbert
and the English Navigation Acts
End of Unit I
Please take a good look at Unit I terms and
Consider: The relationships that developed
between the Native Americans and the three
main European colonizing agents differed
markedly. Discuss the differences noting the
role of religion, economics, and war.