Blank Jeopardy - St. John Vianney School Fifth Grade

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Transcript Blank Jeopardy - St. John Vianney School Fifth Grade

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This explorer was the first
European to claim land in
the New World. While he
was an Italian, it was the
country of Spain that
sponsored his voyage in
Who is
Christopher Columbus?
This explorer left five years
after Christopher Columbus
began his exploration. He
made England’s first claim
in North America.
Who is
John Cabot?
This Spanish soldier led
an expedition in search of
the mythical “fountain of
youth”. His exploration
lasted 15 years.
Who is
Juan Ponce de Leon?
This explorer went in search of
the Northwest Passage. He
never found it, but he made
France’s first claim in North
America in 1534.
Who is
Jacques Cartier?
This sailor was seeking a
route to Asia 103 years
after Juan Ponce de Leon.
He explored a large river
in what is now New York
and a huge bay in what is
now Canada.
Who is
Henry Hudson?
This nobleman led an
expedition for Spain into
what is now the
southwestern United
States in search of a city
of gold.
Who is
Francisco Coronado?
This Spanish nobleman
led an expedition to
conquer the Aztec
Empire in what is now
central Mexico.
Who is
Hernan Cortes?
Holland & England
sponsored this sailor to
find a sea route to Asia.
Who is
Henry Hudson?
This French nobleman
financed his own
expedition up and down
the Mississippi River
Valley. He claimed this
land for France.
Who is
Robert de La Salle?
This Italian explorer
convinced the rulers of
Spain that Asia could be
reached by sailing west from
Who is
Christopher Columbus?
This explorer was actually
an Italian who moved many
times in his life. He wanted
to find a trade route to Asia
that was faster than the
southern route Columbus
took. He finally was
sponsored by England.
Who is
John Cabot?
This British explorer who
was sponsored by the
Dutch was looking for a
sea route to Asia. The
large river in what is now
New York and the huge
bay in what is now Canada
that he explored were
both named after him.
Who is
Henry Hudson?
In search of riches, this
Spanish explorer led an
expedition to conquer the
Aztec Empire in what is
now Central Mexico.
Who is
Hernan Cortes?
This French nobleman
sought riches and went
up and down the
Mississippi River Valley.
Who is
Robert de La Salle?
This Spanish explorer was
looking for a route to Asia,
but was also looking for
the mythical “fountain of
youth”. He never did find
the magical waters, but he
did find what is now
Who is
Juan Ponce de Leon?
This French sailor
discovered the mouth of
the St. Lawrence River in
what is now Canada. On
his second voyage in 1535,
he explored the St.
Lawrence river with the
help of Indian guides.
Who is
Jacques Cartier?
On October 12, 1492,
this explorer thought he
had reached Asia, but he
had actually landed at
San Salvador in the
Who is
Christopher Columbus?
This Spanish explorer led
several expeditions around
what is now Mexico and the
western United States. He
was inspired by rumors he
had heard of seven cities of
Who is
Francisco Coronado?
This explorer left from
Holland and discovered the
coast of Maine, went south
to Chesapeake and
Delaware Bays hoping
these would lead to the
Northwest Passage.
Who is
Henry Hudson?
This explorer hoped to reach
Asia by sailing west across
the north Atlantic, a shorter
and quicker voyage than
Columbus’ southerly route.
He thought he had found an
island off the coast of Asia
and he named it “new found
land”, which is now
Newfoundland, Canada.
Who is
John Cabot?
These explorers claimed
land for Spain.
Who are
Christopher Columbus
Ponce de Leon
Hernan Cortes?
These explorers claimed
land for England.
Who are
John Cabot
& Henry Hudson?
These explorers claimed
land for France.
Who are
Jacques Cartier
Robert de LaSalle?
This European explorer’s
voyage had an impact on
later maps, since before
his voyage, Europeans
were not aware of the
South and North American
Who is
Christopher Columbus?
Many Native Americans
were killed by these
explorers and their crew
when they arrived in North
America, either in battle or
by the new diseases the
Europeans brought with
Who are
Christopher Columbus
Ponce de Leon
Hernan Cortes
Francisco Coronado?