Transcript File

The Roman Empire
The Result of the Assassination
After Caesar’s
assassination, three men
took control of Rome
forming the 2nd Triumvirate.
Mark Antony, a supporter
of Caesar and a strong
Octavian, Caesar’s
adopted son.
Marcus Lepidus, a
patrician and one of
Caesar’s greatest
Reaction to Julius Caesar’s Death
Many people were
very angry after
Caesar’s death
The Roman middle
and lower classes
had respected
They were upset that
other leaders had
killed him.
First Things First
The 1st goal of the new
Triumvirate was to
punish the men who
killed Caesar.
The murders thought they
were going to be heroes
instead they had to flea
for their lives.
Antony & Octavian set
out to kill the murders.
By 42 B.C. they were all
killed or they had killed
Octavian & Antony
After the last of the
conspirers were killed
Octavian returns to
Rome while Antony
continues to head
east and fight.
During which time
Antony marries
Octavian’s sister,
An Insult
8 years later, Antony
divorces her to
marry the queen of
Egypt, Cleopatra.
This was a huge
insult to Octavian
and his sister.
Antony’s behavior
led to a civil war in
The Battle
In 31 B.C. Octavian
sends a fleet to Egypt
to attack Antony.
This was known as
the Battle of Actium.
Antony’s fleet was
defeated, but he
escapes back to
Egypt with Cleopatra.
There they both
commit suicide so
they wouldn’t be
taken as prisoner by
Octavian Becomes Emperor
Octavian becomes Rome’s
sole ruler and over the next
few years he gains nearly
limitless power.
Octavian used his power as
emperor to bring order and
stability to Rome.
For this the Senate gave him
a new name; Augustus
meaning the “Great One”
His naming marks the end of
the Roman Republic and the
beginning of the Roman
Augustus Biography
What did he do? As the leader of
Rome, Augustus made many
improvements in the city. He created a
fire department and a police force to
protect the city’s people. He built new
aqueducts and repaired old ones to
increase Rome’s water supply.
Augustus also worked on improving
and expanding Rome’s road network.
Why is he important? As Rome’s first
emperor, Augustus is one of the most
significant figures in Roman history.
Almost singlehandedly, he changed
the nature of Roman government
forever. But Augustus is also known for
the great monuments he had built
around Rome. He built a new forum
that held statues, monuments, and a
great temple to the god Mars. In writing
about his life, Augustus declared, “I
found Rome a city of brick and left it a
city of marble.”
45 BC Julius Caesar adopts
Octavian as his son and heir.
44 BC Octavian moves to Rome
when Caesar dies.
42 BC Octavian and Antony defeat
31 BC Octavian defeats Antony.
27 BC Octavian takes the name
Augustus and becomes emperor of
Rome’s Empire Grows
Based on the map, why do you think the Romans called the
Mediterranean “Our Sea”?
Rome’s Growing Empire
When Rome began as an
Empire it already controlled
most of the Mediterranean
Later Emperors expanded
even more.
In Rome’s conquests they
gained control of gold,
farmland, and other
This control also promoted
Nearly everyone accepted
Roman coins, which helped
trade grow even more.
Pax Romana
The 1st 200 years of the
Roman Empire was
generally peaceful,
helping Rome grow
We call this peaceful
period Pax Romana, or
Roman Peace.
During this time
population grew, trade
increased, and people
got richer.
This lasted till 180 A.D.
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Some of Rome’s emperors were good such as
Augustus. Others were very poor leaders.
Caligula = Very cruel. Declared himself a god. Tried
to make his horse a senator.
 Claudius = After Caligula. Returned stolen artwork.
Improved laws. More citizenship.
 Nero = After Claudius. Poisoned step bro, killed
mom and wife. Thought to burn down Rome.
 Vespasian = Created the Colosseum
 Marcus Aurelius = Fair ruler. Lowered taxes. Sold
his own stuff to help the poor. Built schools &