Ancient Rome

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Ancient Rome
Lasting Legacies
Form of Government
Important People of Rome
Expansion of an Empire
Art, Architecture, and Entertainment
Beginning of Rome
Legend of Romulus and Remus
Circa 750 BC
Abandoned brothers
Raised by She-Wolf
Romulus killed Remus
Early Government
Form of government in which the power rests with
the citizens who then vote to select their leaders to
represent them
Patricians and Plebeians
Roman Republic vs. U. S.
United States
2 Consuls, elected by the
President, elected by citizens for
assembly for 1 year, commander 4 years, commander of army
of army
Senate-300 memebers
Tribal Assembly- elected
according to where they live
Both elected for life
Senate-100 members, 6 yr terms
House of Representatives-435
members, 2 yr . terms
Praetors-eight judges chosen for
1 year
Supreme Court-9 justices,
appointed for life by President
Legal Code
Twelve Tables – list of rules that
were the basis of Roman Law
U.S. Constitution
All adult male landowners only
All native-born or naturalized
Punic Wars
(264 – 146 BC)
Series of 3 wars between Rome and
Hannibal and Scipio
First Triumvirate
60 BC
Union between Pompey, Crassus, & Julius
• Very little known about him
• Wealthy Roman businessman, probably a “millionaire”
• Killed while fighting in a war in 53 BC
Roman General
Popular among citizens because of military
73 BC Defeated slave uprising lead by Spartacus
60 BC Married Julia Caesar, daughter of Julius
Became a rival to Julius, fighting for power and
Julius Caesar
(100 – 44 BC)
Leader of Army in Gaul
Very successful and popular
49 BC began asserting control in Italy
Caused Pompey to flee to Egypt
Appointed Dictator for life in early 44 BC
Assassinated March 15, 44 BC (Ides of March)
Second Triumvirate
43 – 33 BC
Consisted of Lepidus, Marc Antony, and
Octavian-nephew of Caesar.
Octavian to become leader and expand the
Marc Antony
Met Cleopatra while in Anatolia with troops
Accused of plotting or rule Rome from
Defeated by Octavian in 31 BC
Committed suicide with Cleopatra
Augustus (Octavian)
63 BC – 14 AD
Nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar
Wanted to restore the Republic
“Ablest Emperor of Rome”
Reformed the government by adding a civil service,
paid workers
System of roads “All roads lead to Rome”
Strengthened army and navy
Increased the size of the Roman Empire
Pax Romana (27 BC – 180 AD)
Died in AD 14 of natural causes
Height of Empire
Emperors Successors
(Following Augustus)
Tiberius 14-37 AD
Caligula 37-41 AD
Nero 54-68 AD
Trajan 98-117 AD
Marcus Aurelius 161-180 AD
Constantine 272-337 AD
Decline of Roman Empire
Diocletian (245? – 313)
Attempted to reform the Empire
Splits empire into East and West
Reforms only slowed the decline, didn’t stop it
Reasons for the decline:
Political – office seen as a burden, division of empire, moving of
Social – lack of patriotism, huge difference between rich and poor,
little interest in public affairs, low confidence in empire
Economic – poor harvests, inflation, no more war plunder, heavy
taxes, disruption of trade
Military – threat from northern tribes, low funds for defense, lack
of interest in army, lack of loyalty
Fall of the Roman Empire
Germanic Invasions – AD 376-476
Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Anglos, Saxons,
Burgundians, and Vandals
Attila the Hun
Romulus Augustulus
Last Roman Emperor
14 year old boy
Deposed and sent into exile in 476
Eastern half of Empire, Byzantine Empire,
survives and flourishes