Romans and dacians
Transcript Romans and dacians
Romans and dacians
By:Bianca Vaduva
Mihai Coana
Robert Zgarbura
The roman art has in vew not only the one put in
shape on the italian gronds, but also the one that the
romans have borown from the lads they conquerd:
Asia Minor, Germany, Dacia and others.
The romans have taken very much from the originality
that other people have developed.
After the conquest of Corinth, a considerable
amount of art pieces where brought to Rome, painting
statues and splendid colums . From that time on art
spred acrous the roman lands bun was not seen as a
job even thow emperors like nero and hardian used
painting as a form of spending their free time .
The roman artists where later able to reproduce
famous pieces of art.
As an inspiration and stile, the choice of the
motives and enuntiation of teritories, the roman art
used arthistic greek laguage. The romans were asalted
by new curents and artistic forms, but the roman
artists didn't opose them more then that they were
happy to acept new forms of expretion.
As an integration into the greek related world, the
roman art was dominated by arhitecture .
The form of buiding was perfected in the 2 century bc
when they dicovered a kind of ciment, that was very useful
in constructions.
The romans were well known in the ancient world by the
ipresive bridges that they built for example the one built to
get across the Danube by the architect Apollodor of
Damascus .
A tipical roman building was the amphiteatre; the first
aphiteatre built partialy out of stone was the one built by
Augustus in Rome .
The roman architecture had 4 distinc stiles that could be
very easily differenciented by loking at the capitolium;the 4
stiles were : the doric stile, the ionic stile, the eolic stile and
the corithian stile.
When the romans conquered Dacia,they
brought their language(latin), their
customs,their beliefs and don’t forget their
culture,which I consider the most
First of all,some practical and ornamental
items and tools were been imported,such as
pottery(within II-III centuries A.D.),a new kind
of plough and so on.Next,dacians learned some
skills from the roman colonialists and started to
group toghether in handicraft associations,called
“collegia”(1),especialy in towns,but there were
also in villages like Micia and
Cristeşti.And,finally,some buildings full of roman
arhitecture appeared.I’m talking about
baths(“thermae”(2)) and monuments pyramidshaped with their sides bond, the last ones found
also in roman provinces west of Dacia(Pannonia,
Noricum, Raetia and even North Italy).
Another efect of this
influence is that dacians
started to believe in a
lot of gods.The roman
ones were the first in
this hierachy(Iuppiter,
Diana, Silvanus,Venus…)
but I can’t neglect some
oriental gods such as
Mithras, which is
appears the so called
similar gods became one
and “interpretatio
gods were called by
roman names.
As a conclusion,we think that romans really
improoved a lot our culture by theirs.It was a
true benefit for dacians to be conquered by