The Rise of Christianity & Fall Of The Roman Empire
Transcript The Rise of Christianity & Fall Of The Roman Empire
Fall Of The Roman Empire
Mr. Ermer
World History
Miami Beach Senior High
Roman Decline
The last of the Five Good Emperors—Marcus
Aurelius dies in A.D. 180
Civil wars follow for next 13 years
Emperor Septimius Severus told his sons: “pay
the soldiers, ignore everyone else”
Severan emperors known for militaristic rule,
and brutality
235-284: Throne held by whoever can take it by
22 emperors of this period, most die violently
Constant invasion also caused problems
Economic & Military Problems
Century: Invasions, civil wars and
plague almost ruins Roman economy
causes less people to trade & soldiers
Farm production down, armies ravage them
Money loses value
No money to recruit and pay soldiers
Germans fill in the gap, but have little
loyalty to generals, or the empire
Diocletian & Constantine
Introduce Late Roman Empire with new
governmental, economic and social
structures—along with new religion +
Diocletian believes empire too big to rule,
divides empire into four parts, each ruled
by own ruler—emperor still highest auth.
Bureaucracy expanded, army reorganized
Wage and price controls to help inflation
New Empire=New Capital
Constantine builds new capital city in east
Picks site of old Greek city Byzantium
Renames city “Constantinople” (Istanbul)
Had excellent strategic position
Became his “New Rome” and capital of
Eastern Roman Empire, as the empire
continues to split between East and West
An Empire Divided Cannot Stand
Empire splits between East and West
Eastern capital=Constantinople
Western empire under attack by Germans
350-400: Huns, tribe from Asia, and
pressures Germanic Visigoths, moving
them into Roman territory, become allies
of Rome against Huns—revolt soon after
410: Visigoths sack Rome
455: Vandals sack Rome
The Fall of Rome
A.D. 476: Emperor Romulus Augustulus is
the last emperor of Rome, deposed by
German general
Germanic kingdoms replace empire
Eastern, Byzantine Empire survives
Byzantine Empire lasts another 1,000 yrs
Many reasons are given for the fall of
Rome, none fully explain it.
Reasons Given For Fall of Empire:
Christianity’s embrace of spiritual life
Non-Italians eroding Roman values
Lead poisoning causes mental decline
Plague kills 1/10 of population
Failure to advance technology b/c of
Inadequate political system for large
Chapter 2, Lesson 2 Review:
• On page 30, write and answer questions 1-5