Why did the Romans fear Boudicca so much? How

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Transcript Why did the Romans fear Boudicca so much? How

Starter activity. Watch the ‘Horrible Histories Boudicca Song’ Why did the Romans
fear Boudicca so much? How useful are songs for finding out about ancient history?
Don’t mess with her – she’s Boudicca! …. Or is it
 Key words: rebellion loot
 Learning objectives
TBAT give reasons why rebellion
broke out & failed
To assess the accuracy of accounts
from the time
In AD 61 the Roman governor
(man in charge) of Britain,
Suetonius, decided to use 2
Roman legions to conquer rebels
on the Isle of Anglesey. While he
was away the Iceni tribe, led by
their warrior queen, Boudicca
staged a deadly attack.
Read the extract provided and list:
Reasons why Boudicca attacked
the Romans
Reasons why the rebellion failed
Read the account of the rebellion
by a Roman historian. What does
he blame the rebellion on? Can we
really trust this source?
 Your task
Read the account of the ending of the rebellion
in Contrasts and Connections (p.39) & on a
scrap of paper, try to draw a map of the battle.
Include the position of the following:
Roman legions, auxiliaries & cavalry
 Britons, their wives & carts
If you were Suetonius, what would you do to
ensure there was no more trouble with local
Battle plan:
Why was this statue to Boudicca made in 1902 and
placed next door to the Houses of Parliament?
 Your task
Read p.38 of ‘Contrasts and Connections’ and
make a list of reasons why a rebellion broke out
in Britain in AD61
How accurate was the ‘Horrible Histories’ song?
Read p.39 and list the reasons why the Romans
won the battle Why was it so important to put
the rebellion down?
Have you got the Celtic X Factor. Write an extra verse of the
song, describing what happened to Queen Boudicca in the
end! Think of some suitable moves!
 Success criteria
Needs improving
references to
some, not all
events of the
battle Watling
Refers to most if not
all of the key events
of the battle
Explains some of the
reasons why
Boudicca’s army lost
Some attempt to
set the lyrics to the Lyrics generally match
original music
the melody of the
original song. Some
good performances.
WOW factor!
Includes all the key events
of the battle
Explains reasons why
Boudicca lost and the
Roman army won
Strong and imaginative
performances as a group.
Lyrics match melody of
 Homework
Write an obituary on the life of Queen Boudicca.
Use the template on the Studyhistory website to
help you. Supplement your account with evidence
from your own research.
It should include:
Description of Boudicca & her family
 Reasons why she rose up against the Romans
 Examples of her brave actions
 Sad description of her final battle
 Plenary
Explain these words:
3 reasons why the native Britons rebelled
3 reasons why the Romans were able to defeat
Boudicca’s army
Why do we still remember Boudicca today?