Transcript Roman Topic

The Romans
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Roman Topic
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Roman Emperors
How many Emperors were the?
There were a whopping 125 Emperors, wow! Maybe even more. One of
those brilliant leaders was Augustus, Augustus meant dignified. He was
one of the most successful leaders in roman times. He is also one of the
single most important figures in history.
Before you became an Emperor you were sometimes a General,
a general is an extremely important person in the army.
Augustus died at the age of 76 years old, in roman days
76 was a good age to live too. Not many people lived
to that age! His wife unfortunately killed Augustus
because she wanted her son too be Emperor.
There was also an Emperor called Hadrian.
Hadrian was king after Augustus this is a
picture of the ruins of Hadrian’s villa:
This is Augustus.
What did they do?
Roman Emperors
What did roman emperors do?
The Roman emperors were the most powerful
people in ancient Rome. They were often full
of good energy & good ideas, but were a bit
crazy. They ordered their builders to make huge
arenas palaces and aqueducts and would decide
which lands to conquer and which people to capture.
The emperors could give rewards but also punish people.
Some made very strange decisions, like giving a horse an
important public job.
Many emperors were just and fair and helped make
Rome a very powerful place and the centre of the
ancient world.
The senate, which was the government or the people in
charge, didn’t have the power the emperor had. But
they had some power, enough power.
The Roman senate did not forget to give the rest of
the empire food and drink.
The forum was the senate met.
What did they wear?
ROMAN Emperors
What clothes did
Emperors wear?
The Romans used woven
material or textiles for
clothing. A plant called flax
was used for making different
materials. And it was grown
in Egypt. But silk and cotton
were very expensive.
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What was it used for?
Hadrian’s Wall
Brigantines gave
Romans trouble so
they built Hadrian’s
Wall to protect them
from fighters. Then
raiders came from
Scotland to attack.
What does it look like
Hadrian’s Wall had started off with 2 million tonnes of stone. The
soldiers did their work so well that most of Hadrian’s still stands
How long is it?
Hadrian’s Wall is 115km
long, which is the same
as 80miles long and 6
metres high. Also it is 3
metres wide. It linked 14
forts and went from the east
of Tynemouth to the west of
Maid Bowness. It was
fortified every mile with a
100 men.
Hadrian’s Wall
Who made it?
9,500 men in the army made Hadrian’s Wall on the border of
Scotland and England. The army was ruined by Caesar Trayan
Hadrian Augustus. It took 8 years to build Hadrian’s Wall.
What is Hadrian’s wall made of ?
Hadrian’s wall was made of stone or turf and it
is the longest wall in the world .It stretches
across Britain 120km’s long.
How tall is Hadrian’s wall
It is 7m tall and 3m thick and 4m high. In places
it also took two million.
Tonnes of stone to build Hadrian wall.
And 5 years to make Hadrian ’s Wall.
How many people
used Hadrian’s Wall?
The army used Hadrian’s Wall and
there were 5000 men in the legion
at Hadrian’s Wall, so 5000 people
used it. Hadrian’s Wall was a fort
and linked 14 forts.
Archaeologists investigating Hadrian’s Wall looked at
many different types of evidence, to build up a picture of
what life was like there for the Roman soldiers and the
Britons who lived nearby.
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Roman Gods
The most import god of all was Jupiter god of thunder &
lightning. He had a father called Saturn he was god of
Jupiter also had a son called Apollo
he was god of the sun & god of the arts.
Juno was Jupiter’s wife she was the second most
important god
ROMAN GODS What did the gods look like?
Januis had two heads one looking
back at the old and the other at the
new. Diana looked like a man with
a carpet in his hand, she was always
in gold.
Neptune was god of the sea; he looked
like a gorilla and had a long toga.
He also had a black fury beard and a
trident that he used for fighting.
Jupiter looked like a bushy lion about
to fight with his stick. On his face he
had a moustache connected to beard.
Gods and Goddesses
Who were the gods?
One of the gods was called Isis another god
called Mithras. Vesta was the Goddesses
of heath – fire. Janus had two faces he
was a god. Each house had it’s own god
who watches over all the family
Members they where called the lar.
Neptune he was the god of the sea,
Mercury he was the god of trade and
There are 3 gods for the same
power there names was Ceres, Apollo and Venus. Saturn was Jupiter’s,
Neptune and Mercury father there was twelve gods called Dii Consente.
Saturn Jupiter, Neptune and Mercury killed there father Saturn.
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Roman Baths
How many people were
allowed in the Roman Baths?
About 250 people were allowed in the baths.
They went in naked but sometimes they wore
a sheet that looked like a white skirt.
The baths weren’t just to wash in. you could
talk to your friends and play games. There
were seven baths in one.
What did they wear in the
Baths ?
The Romans had a bath in
most large cities. If they
had precious items they
would put it in a gold
object called a money
Men and woman changed
in the same room. While
they bathed they could talk
to their friends.
The Baths
How many baths did
Romans have in one bath
Some cities had separate baths.
In other cities you had to share,
men went in the mornings and
women in the afternoon.
In the city of Bath there is a Roman
bath house which is still standing.
Local people can visit it and many
tourists come every year from all
over the world. Romans bathed
naked. Instead of using soap Romans
used oil they then scraped it of with
a tool called a strigel.
Roman Baths
What did they do at the baths?
The best thing of the day is having a bath. Romans had one
every day. They washed with a strigel. A strigel was a cleaning
instrument which they took with them every time they went to
the baths.
They washed, drank and ate
at the baths. As well as
eating, drinking and washing
they had entertainers. The
entertainers did shows for the
Romans. Rich children were
allowed in the Baths but poor
children weren’t.
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What were the roofs like?
The roofs were made of tiles and were a pinky red colour. Rich
people had holes in their roof and in summer, it let in a cool
breeze, but in winter, it let in wind and rain.
Roman roof tiles
What went on in the kitchens?
A Roman kitchen
In the kitchens, the slaves did all the work. The kitchen was often next to the
lavatory so that the waste went in the same drain. The slaves cut up the food
and served it. Ovens came in all different shapes and sizes. Supplies were
kept in pottery jars. Big jars were called amphorae. Dead animal skins were
hung from the kitchen walls for decoration.
What kind of houses did rich
and poor Romans have?
Rich people had luxurious houses
but poor Romans lived in flats.
Some flats were 3 or 4 storeys high,
were narrow, made of wood and
often collapsed. Rich Romans had
huge gardens which sometimes had
birds in.
How did the central heating
The Romans invented a radical
central heating system. The Roman
central heating had a furnace that
produced hot air. Then the hot air
travelled into the ducts which are
under the floor so the floor heats up.
What were Roman houses like?
The houses of the rich were
very luxurious and some
houses had their bedrooms
on the ground floor. The
Romans had shops in their
houses or flats and rich
Roman people flats were
one to two stories high but
poor Roman flats were
three to four stories high!
Some Romans lived in a
praetorium which was like a
huge house but most
Romans lived in blocks of
flats called insulae. Some
Roman houses had mosaics
around in certain rooms like
this one below.
Why did the Romans use gardens?
The Romans grew plums, pears, oranges, apples and trees. Roman
slaves knock olives from trees and put them in there baskets. Big
round jars are there to store olives or oil inside. Wealthy people
grew herbs, herb give flavour to their food.
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What happened at the Amphitheatre?
The gladiators often fought to the death at the amphitheatre. A Murmilolin had a sword
and a shield. A Samnite had a sword, shield and armour. A Thracian had a round shield
and a curved dagger. A Retiairus had a long fork and a net. Panthers, Lions, Hyenas,
bears, rhinos, elephants, zebras, giraffes, bores, deer, horses and snakes were the
animals used in the arenas.
The greatest amphitheatre was called the Coliseum it could hold 50,000 spectators. The
gladiators were slaves captured by the Romans and if they won five games they got
their freedom.
What did gladiators
do and who were they?
Gladiators were ordinary people,
captured by the Romans. They fought
each other until one of them was
wounded, if the people in the audience
wanted him killed they would all put
there thumbs down, but if they wanted
him to live they would put there thumbs
Gladiators fought duels to the death to
entertain the Roman’s. They were
highly trained, like athletes, in gladiator
schools and specialized in different
types of weapons and styles of fighting.
To make the fights more exciting the
gladiators use a variety of weapons.
Chariot Racing
The Roman’s had a stadium
where the chariot races were held,
the crowd’s bet on a team, they
also cheered them on. The
chariots were different colours
like blue, red, white or green.
Chariots were very dangerous
they turned over and crashed very
The Roman’s loved sports. The
winning team won a money prize.
The Romans were sometimes
killed playing sport. The racers
were allowed to crash in to each
other. The Roman’s also play ball
games outside or inside.
What games did they play?
The Romans use to play marbles. The marbles were small
and shiny and colourful, they also had different shapes.
Sheep knuckles were used in another game called
cluedo, when you throw the dice you move to
another place on the game board and they played
with dice counters and a spinning top. The tops
were long and thick at the bottom and a sharp point
to make it spin.
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