Normal Labor and Childbirth

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Normal Labor and Childbirth
Objectives of Care During
Labor and Childbirth
Protect the life of the mother and newborn
Support the normal labor and detect and treat complications in
timely fashion
Support and respond to needs of the woman, her partner and
family during labor and childbirth
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Labor is the process by which contractions of the
gravid uterus expel the fetus.
A term pregnancy delivers between 37 and 42 weeks
from the last menstrual period (LMP).
Preterm labor is that occurring before 37 weeks of
gestational age.
Postdate pregnancy occurs after 42 weeks gestation
and requires careful monitoring.
Termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks of
gestation is defined as either spontaneous or
elective abortion.
Premonitory signs of labor
Cervical changes
softening and dilation with descent of the presenting part into the
pelvic. This stage occurs one month to one hour before actual labor.
The cervix becomes shortened and thinned segment
Premonitory signs of labor
Lightening: occurs when the fetal presenting part begins
to descend into the maternal pelvic. The uterus lowers and
moves into a more anterior position. this change will cause:
Breathing becomes easier
Increased pelvic pressure
Cramping and low backache
Lower extremities edema
Increased vaginal secretion
More frequent urination
In PG it occurs 2 weeks ore more before labor.
In MP it occurs during labor
Premonitory signs of labor
Increased energy level : many women will
focus this energy in preparation by cleaning,
cooking, preparing the nursery…it is usually occur
24-48 hours before labor.
Bloody show: the mucus plug of the cervical
canal during pregnancy is expelled as a result of
cervical softening and increased pressure of the
presenting part. The exposed cervical capillaries
release a small amount of blood that mix with the
mucus, resulting in bloody show.
Premonitory signs of labor
Braxton Hicks Contraction: these contractions aid
in moving the cervix from the posterior position to
the anterior position, they also help in ripining and
softening of the cervix.
The contractions are irregular and diminished by
walking, voiding, eating, increasing fluid intake, or
changing position.
Premonitory signs of labor
Spontaneous rupture of membrane: one in four
women experience SROM before onset of labor. This
reduces the capacity of the uterus, thickens the
uterine wall, and increases uterine irritability. Labor
usually follows.
At term, 90% will be in labor within 24 h after
membrane rupture.
If labor does not begin in 24 h, the case must be
considered complicated by prolonged rupture of the
membranes because of the increased risk of
ascending infection.
True versus false labor:
Differentiating True Labor and False Labor
True labor
False labor
Regular intervals, becoming close together, usually 4-6 minutes apart,
lasting 30-60 seconds.
Irregular intervals,
not occurring close
Becomes stronger with time, vaginal pressure is usually felt
Frequently weak,
not getting strong
with time
Start in the back and radiates around toward the front of the abdomen
Usually felt in the
front of the
Position changes
Contractions continue no matter what positional changes is made
Contraction may
stop or slow down
with walking or
changing position
Effect of analgesia
Not terminated by sedation
abolished by
Cervical change
Progressive effacement and dilation
No change
Partograph and Criteria for Active Labor
Label with patient
identifying information
Note fetal heart rate, color
of amniotic fluid, presence
of moulding, contraction
pattern, medications given
Plot cervical dilation
Alert line starts at 4 cm-from here, expect to dilate
at rate of 1 cm/hour
Action line: If patient does
not progress as above,
action is required
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Support of Woman
Give woman as much information and explanation as she
Provide care in labor and childbirth at a level where woman
feels safe and confident
Provide empathic support during labor and childbirth
Facilitate good communication between caregivers, the woman
and her companions
Continuous empathetic and physical support is associated
with shorter labor, less medication and epidural analgesia and
fewer operative deliveries
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Clean Delivery
Infection accounts for 14.9% of all maternal deaths
These deaths can be avoided with infection prevention
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Infection Prevention Practices
Use disposable materials once and decontaminate reusable
materials throughout labor and childbirth
Wear gloves during vaginal examination, during birth of newborn
and when handling placenta
Wear protective clothing (shoes, apron, glasses)
Wash hands
Wash woman’s perineum with soap and water and keep it clean
Ensure that surface on which newborn is delivered is kept clean
High-level disinfect instruments, gauze and ties for cutting cord
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Best Practices: Labor and Childbirth
Use non-invasive, non-pharmacological methods of pain relief
during labor (massage, relaxation techniques, etc.):
Less use of analgesia OR 0.68 (CI 0.58–0.79)
Fewer operative vaginal deliveries OR 0.73 (95% CI 0.62–
Less postpartum depression at 6 weeks OR 0.12 (CI 0.04–
Offer oral fluids throughout labor and childbirth
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Position in Labor and Childbirth
Allow freedom in position and movement throughout labor and
Encourage any non-supine position:
Side lying
Hands and knees
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Position in Labor and Childbirth
Use of upright or lateral position compared with supine or
lithotomy position is associated with:
Shorter second stage of labor (5.4 minutes, 95% CI 3.9–6.9)
Fewer assisted deliveries (OR 0.82, CI 0.69–0.98)
Fewer episiotomies (OR 0.73, CI 0.64–0.84)
Fewer reports of severe pain (OR 0.59, CI 0.41–0.83)
Less abnormal heart rate patterns for fetus (OR 0.31, CI
More perineal tears (OR 1.30, CI 1.09–1.54)
Blood loss > 500 mL (OR 1.76, CI 1.34–3.32)
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Restricted Use of Episiotomy:
Objectives and Design
Objective: To evaluate possible benefits, risks and costs of
restricted use of episiotomy vs. routine episiotomy
Design: Meta analysis of six randomized control trials
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Restricted Use of Episiotomy:
Maternal Outcomes Assessed
Severe vaginal/perineal trauma
Need for suturing
Posterior/anterior perineal trauma
Perineal pain
Urinary incontinence
Healing complications
Perineal infection
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Indicated Use of Episiotomy:
Reviewer’s Conclusions
Implications for practice: Clear evidence to restrict use of
episiotomy in normal labor
Implications for research: Further trials needed to assess use
of episiotomy at:
Assisted delivery (forceps or vacuum)
Preterm delivery
Breech delivery
Predicted macrosomia
Presumed imminent tears (threatened 3rd degree tear or
history of 3rd degree tear with previous delivery)
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Best Practices: Third Stage of Labor
Active management of third stage for ALL women:
Oxytocin administration
Controlled cord traction
Uterine massage after delivery of the placenta to keep the
uterus contracted
Routine examination of the placenta and membranes
22% of maternal deaths caused by retained placenta
Routine examination of vagina and perineum for lacerations
and injury
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Best Practices: Postpartum
Close monitoring and surveillance during first 6 hours
– Blood pressure, pulse, vaginal bleeding, uterine
– Every 15 minutes for 2 hours
– Every 30 minutes for 1 hour
– Every hour for 3 hours
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Presence of Female Relative
During Labor: Results
Randomized controlled trial in Botswana: 53 women with relative;
56 without
Labor Outcome
Group (%)
Group (%)
Spontaneous vaginal
Vacuum delivery
Cesarean section
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Presence of Female Relative
During Labor: Conclusion
Support from female relative improves labor outcomes
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Harmful Routines
Use of enema: uncomfortable, may damage bowel, does not
change duration of labor, incidence of neonatal infection or
perinatal wound infection
Pubic shaving: discomfort with regrowth of hair, does not
reduce infection, may increase transmission of HIV and
Lavage of the uterus after delivery: can cause infection,
mechanical trauma or shock
Manual exploration of the uterus after delivery
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Harmful Practices
Rectal examination: Similar incidence of puerperal
infection, uncomfortable for woman
Routine use of x-ray pelvimetry: Increases incidence of
childhood leukemia
Routine use of supine position during labor
Routine use of lithotomy position with or without stirrups
during labor
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Harmful Interventions
Administration of oxytocin at any time before delivery in such
a way that the effect cannot be controlled
Sustained, directed bearing down efforts during the second
stage of labor
Massaging and stretching the perineum during the second
stage of labor (no evidence)
Fundal pressure during labor
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Inappropriate Practices
Restriction of food and fluids during labor
Routine intravenous infusion in labor
Repeated or frequent vaginal examinations, especially by more
than one caregiver
Routinely moving laboring woman to a different room at onset
of second stage
Encouraging woman to push when full dilation or nearly full
dilation of cervix has been diagnosed, before woman feels
urge to bear down
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Inappropriate Practices
Rigid adherence to a stipulated duration of the second stage of
labor (e.g., 1 hour) if maternal and fetal conditions are good
and there is progress of labor
Liberal or routine use of episiotomy
Liberal or routine use of amniotomy
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Practices Used for Specific
Clinical Indications
Bladder catheterization
Operative delivery
Oxytocin augmentation
Pain control with systemic agents
Pain control with epidural analgesia
Continuous electronic fetal monitoring
Normal Labor and Childbirth
Normal Labor and Childbirth:
Have a skilled attendant present
Use partograph
Use specific criteria to diagnose active labor
Restrict use of unnecessary interventions
Use active management of third stage of labor
Support woman’s choice for position during labor and
Provide continuous emotional and physical support to woman
throughout labor
Normal Labor and Childbirth