Transcript 2. Quiz 2

History 151
Summer, 2001
Quiz #2
India was first brought into contact with the
West by:
A) the Aryans
B) Chandragupta
C) Alexander the Great
D) the Sumerians
King Ashoka’s greatest significance derives
from the fact that he introduced and
A) organized religion
B) religious tolerance
C) social equality
D) caste divisions
The ancient Indian term for the Code of
Morals prescribed for a particular caste was:
A) veda
B) dharma
C) karma
D) theraveda
Within the developed caste system, the
group of people assigned the greatest
prestige were the:
A) rajas
B) priests
C) merchants
D) artisans
All of the concepts list below were
characteristic of the Shang period except
A) the importance of family
B) the Mandate of Heaven
C) ancestor worship
D) the importance of education
Due largely to the influence of Confucius,
the Chinese outlook is markedly:
A) secular
B) democratic
C) religious
D) liberal
Confucius believed the chief goal of politics
to be:
A) equality
B) autocracy
C) innovation
D) harmony
The phrase “nature-based philosophy which
de-emphasizes the role of government” best
A) Confucianism
B) Legalism
C) Daoism
D) Moism
The book attributed to Confucius is called
the ___________________.
According to traditional Chinese ideas, old
people are to be:
A) ignored
B) tolerated
C) revered
D) patronized
The near-universal social arrangement for
ancient cultures was:
A) anarchy
B) patriarchy
C) matriarchy
D) theocracy
The following figure is generally considered
to be the true founder of Athenian
A) Solon
B) Cleisthenes
C) Pisistratus
D) Pericles
The Messenians were:
A) invaders of Troy
B) inhabitants of Crete
C) Spartan slaves
D) Philip’s soldiers
Athen’s decisive naval victory over Persia
occurred at the battle of Thermopylae.
Charonea marks:
A) Sparta’s victory over Athens
B) Greece’s triumph in the First Persian War
C) Troy’s destruction
D) Philip’s conquest of Greece