Heat Illness PPT

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Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Fellows Conference
June 18, 2015
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children Orlando Health
Jose Ramirez, M.D., F.A.A.P
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children
Jose Ramirez, M.D. has no financial disclosures
Understanding effects of heat on the body
Mechanisms of Heat Dissipation
Types and classification of heat related illness
Failure of Thermoregulation
Management heat related illness
Unique characteristics of children
Prevention Strategies
Center for Disease Control Stats
CDC :2006
Five year period in the US 1999-2010
7,415 deaths associated with extreme heat
 618 deaths/year
 Majority were male 68%
– Mortality by age groups
 Highest mortality in the very young and very old
– Body’s thermostat
– Tight control
 Keep body temperature close to 98.6
Body Heat Generation
– Generates enough heat to elevate temp1 o C per hour
– Exercise may increase this by factor of 12
Heat Dissipation
– Crucial in maintenance of heat balance
– Hypothalamic action via autonomic nervous system
Aspects of Thermoregulation
Heat a byproduct
– Necessary metabolic processes
– Ambient temperature
Temperature control by anterior hypothalmus
– Via the autonomic system control of
 Vasodilatation dissipate by convection
 Sweat gland function dissipate heat by evaporation
Ability to compensate for heat production and stress
– Endogenous
– Exogenous
Increase body temperature
– Regulated event for physiological processes
– Heat production outpaces heat dissipation
Dissipation Mechanisms
Transfer of energy via electromagnetic
No physical contact necessary
Less effective above 95o F
Heat transfer via conversion of
liquid to gas phase
– Boiling water
– Effective transfer of heat
Dependent on humidity level
– Lower humidity more effective
– Higher Humidity diminishes role
Primary means of heat dissipation
Enhanced by surface air flow
– Fans , Breeze
Heat exchange by objects in direct contact
– Energy dissipation from higher to lower gradient
Thermal conductivity more effective
– Solids
 Ice packs at the groin
– Liquids
 Heat conduction enhanced by factor of 32 by immersion
Loss of effectiveness above 95o F deg
Transfer of heat energy by
movement of matter
– Gaseous
– Liquid
With heat the density of matter
– Results in greater movement
– Heat transfer
Fever vs Hyperthermia
– Similar magnitude of temperature elevation
 Hyperthermia with higher maximum
– Differ in control of event
– Fever: physiologically well regulated event
– Hyperthermia: poorly or unregulated thermic event
 Heat stress event
Thermoregulatory system is stressed /overwhelmed
– Excessive production of heat
– Excessive environmental heat
– Impaired heat dissipation
Heat Related Illness
Minor heat Illnesses
– Heat rash
– Heat edema
– Heat cramps
– Heat syncope
Major Heat Illnesses
– Heat exhaustion
– Heat stroke
Heat Illness
Rash / Prickly heat
• Miliaria
•Children and infants
•Skin folds
•Obstruction sweat glands
•Erythematous and papular / fine pustules
Heat Cramps
Painful involuntary muscle spasms
– Calves, hamstring, quadriceps
– Prolonged and severe pain
Result after strenuous activity in hot environment
– Lack of Adequate stretching
– Rest in cool environment
– Vigorous oral fluid replacement with electrolyte solutions
– Intravenous saline infusion
May be resistant to pain medications if dehydrated
Heat Syncope
Orthostatic hypotensive event
 Self limited condition
– Patient comes back to normal mental status
– Nonspecific symptoms
 Cold clammy skin
 Orthostasis
 Dehydration
Mildly elevated core body temperature
 Management
– Place in prone position,
– Rest, cool, IV hydration as needed
Heat Exhaustion
Most common form of heat related illness
 Thermoregulatory mechanism stressed
 Symptoms
– Malaise
– Orthostatic
– Nausea, headache, vomiting
– Syncope
– Cramps
– Normal or elevated (hyperthermia)
Two Types of Heat
Water Depleted
Rapid Onset
– More common in athletes,
military personnel, laborers
Results from inadequate
fluid replenishment
– Intake of fluid lags behind
fluid loss
– Hypernatremic
Salt Depleted
Insidious onset
– Free water replacement
Hyponatremia secondary
poor salt intake
– Hydration preservation
– Cystic Fibrosis patients at
higher risk
Remove from heat exposure
 Oral rehydration with electrolyte solution
– Intravenous for more severe cases
Typically mixed picture:
– Water and Salt depleted
Consider checking electrolytes
– IV fluids if necessary
Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke:
Continuum or Not?
Both as part of the heat induced illness
Two different events
– Heat exhaustion victims may not have
elevated temps
– No current studies to demonstrate that
untreated heat exhaustion patients develop
heat stroke
Heat Stroke
Failure of body’s heat dissipation system
– Rapid rise of temperature
– Thermoregulatory failure
Reported mortality rate heat stroke
– As high as 80 % mortality
– Despite treatment mortality may be 10-12%
Heat Stroke Characteristics
Exposure to heat stress
Hyperthermic: (T> 104o F)
Neurological Dysfunction
– Altered mental status, seizures
Other findings
Tachycardia, normo/hypotensive blood pressure
Ocular abnormalities: dilation/fixed pupils; nystagmus
Tachypnea, hyperventilation
Nausea, vomiting, GI bleed
Two Forms of Heat Stroke
Classic: Non-exertional
– Summer heat waves
– Poor, elderly, infant, impaired mobility
 Infants in car seats
Exertional Heatstroke
– Strenuous physical activity
 Typically hot environment
– Adolescent or younger adult population
– Motivated, poorly acclimatized,
 Unconditioned athletes and military recruits
Classic Heat Stroke
Risk factors for non-exertional
– Dehydration
– Lack of air conditioning
– Underlying medical conditions
 Neurologic disorders / Poor cardiovascular status
 Hyperthyroidism / Obesity
– Impaired mentation
 Lack self preservation skills
 Less developed sweating mechanisms
 Increased metabolic rates
Exertional Heat Stroke
– Involvement in strenuous activities
 High intensity exercise for short durations
Adolescents and young adults
– Highly motivated
– Poorly acclimatized
– Poorly conditioned
Chronic Medical Conditions increase risk
Pathophysiology of Heat Dissipation
Direct Toxicity to cells
– Protein denaturation
– Apoptosis and cellular death
Release of inflammatory cytokines
– Pathophysiology resemble sepsis
– Accumulation of inflammatory byproducts
 Production of cytotoxic agents
 Tumor necrosis factor
Injury to vascular endothelium
– Increased vascular permeability
– Leads to disseminated intravascular coagulation
End Result: Multiorgan System Failure
Severe Hyperthermia on Rodents
Mao et. al. 2004
Cerebral hypoperfusion and ischemia
– Arterial hypotension
– Intracranial hypertension
Neuronal cell damage
– Oxygen and nutrient deprivation
– Initiation of a neurotoxic cascade
 dopamine, serotonin, glutamate, glycerol
 nitric oxide, hydroxyl radicals, and/or cytokines
Possible venues to improve outcome
– Restoring perfusion
– Controlling release of neurotoxic substances
Characteristics of Heat Stroke
Mao et. al. 2004
Severe neurological abnormalities
Increased levels of cytokines
Multi-organ dysfunction
Multiorgan System Process
– Effects on cardiac output
– Effects on vascular integrity
Gastrointestinal / Hepatic
Neurological Signs
Neurological dysfunction
CNS Pathophysiology
– Reduces cerebral blood flow during exercise
 Animal models
– Increased brain metabolism
 Build up of metabolic by products
– Increased blood brain permeability, edema
 increased ICP
 Herniation
Cardiovascular Manifestations
– Tachycardia, low systemic vascular resistance
– Myocardial depression
Maximal cutaneous dilatation
– Cardiovascular collapse
Younger circulatory system
 Seem more susceptible to heat stress
Factors affecting pulmonary system
– Acidosis
– CNS stimulation
– Hypoxia
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Hemorrhagic complications
Consumptive process
• Increased vascular permeability
 Vascular Endothelial cell compromised integrity
Gastrointestinal and Hepatic
Hepatic and Renal Dysfunction
– Elevated transaminases and myoglobinuria
Gastrointestinal mucosal sloughing
– Ischemic gut
– GI bleed
Hepatic injury
– Elevated transaminases
– Hyperbilirubinemia
Impairment of renal function
Rhabdomyolysis signifcant cause
– Hyperkalemia or hypokalemia
Elevated core body temperature
– Acute tubular necrosis
 Renal insufficiency and diminished renal output
Heat Stroke and Systemic
Inflammatory Response
Bouchama et. al. 2002 NEJM article
– Elucidate Heat Stroke as type of SIR
– Endotoxin release from intestine
– Interleukin 1 and IL-6 release from muscles into
 Excessive leukocyte and endothelial cell activation
 Inflammatory and coagulation cascade set off
– Vascular enotheilal damage
– microthombosis
Scavenging Free Radicals
and Pre-conditioning
Chang et. al. 2007
Heat Stroke as a SIRS as starting point
Rats exposed to high environmental temperature
– Heat stroke damage: hyperthermia, hypotension, and cerebral ischemia
– Heat stroke damage
 Increased production of free radicals
 Higher lipid peroxidation
Pretreatment with hydroxyl radical scavengers e.g., magnolol
– Prevented increased production of hydroxyl radicals,
– Prevented increased levels of lipid peroxidation,
– Prevented ischemic neuronal damage in different brain structures
Training, as well as pretreatment with magnolol
– Minimizes the oxidative damage during heat stroke
Heat shock preconditioning
– Sublethal heat exposure or regular, daily exercise
 Induced overproduction HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN 72 in multiple
– Attenuated the heat stroke-induced hyperthermia,
hypotension, cerebral ischemia
Heat Shock Protein
Lee et. al. 2007
 Compared subjected three types of mice
– Over expression of HSP 72 gene ( [+]HSP72)
– No HSP 72 gene ([–]HSP72)
– Control Mice
Subjected mice to thermal stress (104 def F)
– Induced heat stroke
Survival times for [+]HSP72 significantly
exceeded those of [–]HSP72 or CM
Lee and Wen’s conclusions
– overexpression of HSP72 improves survival during
– Reduces hyperthermia, circulatory shock, and
cerebral ischemia and damage in mice
– Can this be duplicated in humans having early
stages of heat stress
Heat stroke response seems similar to
endotoxemic syndrome
Leon et. al. 2007
Cytokines key modulators
– Acute phase response to stress, infection and inflammation
Cytokines implicated in the heat stroke pathophysiology
Lack of studies if antagonizing cytokines has benefit
Treating such patients as in endotoxic shock may have
– Immunomodulators such as interleukin-1 receptor antagonists
– Corticosteroids
– Recombinant activated protein C
Management of Hyperthermia
 Interrupts the heat generated by inflammatory
– Acetaminophen
– Ibuprofen
– Malignant hyperthermia
Taking off clothing
Expose to ambient environment
Cool ambient environment
– Remove from direct radiation, ie sun exposure
Endothermic reaction in going from liquid
to gaseous face
– “sweat” water that evaporates takes off
greater energy
– Avoid alcohol baths
Mist fan with wetting the body
 Sponge bath
•Dissipates Heat
•Set up air currents: wind;
•Water immersion
Direct contact leads to heat transmission
– Placement in Tepid Bath
– Placement of cool moist towels
– Sponge bath
 Conductive sitting in water bath and evaporative
process from water on upper torso
– Tepid Water sufficient
– Towels soaked in ice and placed around neck
Management of Severly Ill
Removal of all clothing (radiation)
IV with fluid replacement: cool fluids
– Spray / wipe water on as much surface as possible
– Use fan pointed at patient
Conductive Cooling
– Ice Packs on Groins and Axillas
– Towels soaked with Ice water for covering
– ICE BATH Immersion
 Controversial
 Limitations: difficult to access and monitor patient
 Shivering and shunting to core may occur
Ice Water Immersion
Exertional heatstroke
 Immersion in iced
 Placing patient in a tub
of iced water
 Massaging Extremities
– promotes vasodilatation
– heat loss
Other Conductive Cooling
Non invasive techniques
– Cooling blankets or ice packs coverings
 All or partial
 Covering areas of proximal large vessels
– Neck, groin, and axilla
Invasive techniques
– Core Cooling
– Chilled intravenous fluids
– Iced lavage
 gastric , colonic, bladder or peritoneal
Core Cooling
Conductive in nature
Cold saline peripheral infusion
Ice water lavage
– Conductive means
– Requires intracavitary access
– Gastric , bladder , colonic, peritoneal
More invasive therefore more risk
– Recall skin is the largest organ lavage
ABC’s: Protect the airway
 Definitive airway control
– Obtundation
– Poor ventilation
Oxygen: alleviates elevated oxygen
consumption in the hypermetabolic state
 Monitoring:
– Cardiovascular with pulse oximetry
– Continuous temperature
 (rectal, bladder, esophogeal probe)
 Thermometer should record above 106°F
Rapid cooling measures
– Target temp 101°F
 Slow down active cooling at 102 °F
 Avoid overshooting into hypothermia
– Decreases mortality
Continuous reassessment:
– Mental status
– Perfusion
– Cardiovascular status: pulses need for
inotropic or vasopressor support
– Urine output
Diazepam 0.1 mg/kg/dose for shivering
Ancillary Studies
Labs to order:
• CBC with Plt
• Electrolytes with Ca, BUN, Crt
• Coagulation Studies
 Fibrinogen
 Fibrin split products
• Lactate, LDH and CPK
• Liver Transaminases
What is Most Effective
Bouchama et. al. 2007
Review looking clinical studies on management
of heat stroke
– Total of 556 patients in 19 studies
Conductive cooling, immersion in iced water
– Effective
 young, military personnel and athletes with exertional
Cooling method did not affect outcome in classic
– Non-invasive, evaporative or conductive based
No evidence for specific endpoint temperature
Consider Other Factors
Exacerbating Heat Stress
June 1998 heat wave in New Orleans,
– ambient temperature exceeded 91.9 degrees F
– heat index 112 degrees
Two wk period: 8 admits for Heat Stroke
– Six patients (75%) rhabdomyolysis;
– Three patients with DIC
– Two deaths
Six patients with meds/drugs that may cause elev temp
tricyclic antidepressants, and
Heat Stroke Prognosis
High Mortality:
Prolonged coma, coagulopathy, renal failure
Severe hypotension, delayed seizures
Core body temp greater than 106°F
Early high levels of hepatic transaminases
Regain consciousness in 4-10 hrs
– May have hepatic / renal dysfunction
– Neurologic sequalae, ie. cerebellar ataxia thermoregulation
Diminished level of consciousness <3 hrs
– Rapid and full recovery
Treatment of Heat Stroke
Cool the patient until core temperature is
 Rehydrate with intravenous fluids
 Administer vasopressor therapy if shock persists after
 Monitor for anemia and thrombocytopenia
 Treat coagulopathy if clinical hemorrhage is present
 Treat seizures
 Monitor for cerebral edema
 Institute mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure
 Liver transplantation not indicated for severe liver
How are Kids at Risk?
Physiological response and magnitude of response differ
Differences include
• Greater surface area-to-mass ratio,
• Higher metabolic rate
 More heat generation per kg
Inability to increase cardiac output,
Greater ability to alter peripheral blood flow,
Lower blood volume
Blunted thirst response
Lower amount of sweat produced per gland
 Reduced ability to dissipate body heat
• Slower Acclimatization
• Inability to move to less stressful environment
 Physically
 Psychologic
More complex diagnostic scenario
Absence of appropriate history
Consider other entities
– Status Epilepticus
– Meningitis / sepsis
– Toxins like anticholinergics
Four Decades of Struggle
Kids and Car Heat
1976 Roberts described heat stress potential of parked cars
on an 83 deg day
– Measured temperature in parked cars
 Windows open slightly and half way
 In direct and non-direct sunlight
“Thermal Burden” of poorly ventilated cars
– Opening window essentially ineffective
– Within 45 minutes temperature up by 20-30 in 3 groups
Educational Survey: 50 mothers interviewed
– 10 of 50 acknowledge on having left child in parked car
Stressing the importance of education
– The thermal risk to children in parked cars
Deadly Combo
1998-2010: 450 heat related deaths of
children left in automobiles in the US
– Average 37 deaths per year
 2009: 33
 2010: 49
Mostly in Southern parts of country
1998-2015: 636
– 53% (336): "forgotten" by caregiver
– 29% (186): playing in unattended vehicle
– 17% (110): intentionally left in vehicle
– 1% : circumstances unknown (4 Children)
Ages of Automobile Related
Hyperthermic Associated Deaths
Less than 1 yr.
197cases (31%)
Toddler (1-4yr)
389 cases (61%)
Young Child (5-10)
42 cases (7%)
Older Child (>11yrs)
7 cases (1%)
Breakdown by Age
Below 1 yr = 30% (133)
7-years old = 1% (2)
1-year old = 24% (108)
8-years old = 1% (2)
2-years old = 19% (85)
9-years old = 1% (2)
3-years old = 12% (54)
10-years old = 1% (3)
4-years old = 6% (27)
11-years old = 1% (2)
5-years old = 3% (14)
12-years old = < 1% (1)
6-years old = 2% (8)
13-years old = < 1% (1)
Unknown = 1% (2)
Incident #DateLocationTemperatureNameAge November 2910-NovForest
City, NC83°An’niya Miller4 yr2810-NovForest City, NC83°Bry'asia Shepard2 yr2710NovForest City, NC83°Asia Shepard2 yr August 2631-AugValdosta, GA94°Dejuan
Ramsey1 yr2525-AugDeFuniak Springs, FL92°Carolyn Martin23 mo2425AugCarrolton, TX103°Beckham Flanagan10 mo2317-AugKosciusko, MS98°Amila
Hubbard 2 yr2215-AugShreveport, LA102°Michael Dupaquier 2 yr2110-AugStuart,
FL91°Harold Lima21 mo209-AugMemphis, TN100°Hunter Hicks15 mo198-AugLindale,
TX97°Kerrigan Petty4 mo182-AugTopeka, KS102°Vidal Vela23 mo172-AugGrange
City, KY81°Kaleb Davis 18 mo July 1631-JulyOsage, MN93°Katherine Larson3
yr1528-JulyPasadena, TX94°Jasmine Alvarez2 yr1420-JulyBalch Springs,
TX102°Jacob Fox4 yr1316-JulyMcAllen, TX99°Tyler Ramierz2 yr1215-JulySouth Bend,
IN90°Abraham Barlue3 yr11*2-JulyKansas City, MO97°Jesse Snyder9
yr June 1030-JuneCache, OK97°Kairina Kraft5 yr930-JuneCache, OK97°Kianna
Diggs6 yr828-JuneGrand Forks, ND78°Kate Boe5 mo722-JuneDeQueen,
AR94°Zachary Bowden14 mo621-JuneTucson, AZ100°Jesse Hayes10 yr518JuneStillwater, OK96°Banyan Roberts21 mo May 428-MayKnox County,
TN90°Brian Womack3 yr316-MayWeslaco, TX86°Deandra Hernandez8 moApril229AprLake Worth, FL80°Seanna Lopez14 mo14-AprAiken, SC75°Zachary Frison15 mo
29 Deaths
36 total deaths
43 total deaths
33 cases
Heat Stress from Enclosed
Vehicle: another view
McLaren, C 2005
In enclosed vehicles in varying ambient temps
(72-96o F) evaluate over 60 minutes
– The degree of temperature rise
– Rate of temperature rise
Rate of temperature rise did not vary much with
difference in ambient temperature
– Mean avg increase of 3.2o F per 5 min interval
– 80% of temp rise during the first 30 minutes
Final temperature was dependent on starting
ambient temperature
– On average 40o F increase in internal temperature
Representative vehicle temperature rise over time.
Catherine McLaren et al. Pediatrics 2005;116:e109-e112
©2005 by American Academy of Pediatrics
Interior vehicle temperature over time: closed versus cracked windows.
Catherine McLaren et al. Pediatrics 2005;116:e109-e112
©2005 by American Academy of Pediatrics
Fatalities in Car Trunk
JAMA 1999
Nine cases of fatal car trunk entrapment 19871998
– 19 children died in these incidents
– Cause of death hyperthermia or asphyxia
– Three incidents from summer of 1998
8 of the episodes occurred temp>90
 Ages of involved children were less than 6
 Preventable deaths
– Typically children playing around / in cars
Child safety tips
Public health measures
Child Safety Tips
Stay indoors on very hot humid days
Wear light-colored loose fitting clothing
Wear a hat
Parasol (umbrella)
Avoid over bundling
Vehicular Safety
Outdoor Activities
Restricting duration of intense activity
– During elevated humidity and temperature.
– Limit to 15 minutes
Preload with fluids before exercise
– Avoid drinking high-osmolar fluids
 sodas and high-sugar drinks
 which can stimulate water loss.
Wear appropriate material
– One layer of absorbent, lightweight, light-colored
– Allows for evaporation.
– Sweat-saturated clothing should be changed regularly
Vehicular Safety
Never leave in car unattended
No playing in or around
Check seat/buckle to assure
not hot
Check all passengers left car
Always lock vehicles
Physiological changes
– Increases
 plasma volume
 rate of sweating
 capacity for cutaneous vasodilatation
– Decreases
Threshold for initiating sweating
Electrolyte component of sweat
Heart rate
Core body temperature
Induced by repetitive exposure to heat stress
 1-2 week process
 Transient State:
– 4 weeks after removal of heat stress
Laws Prohibiting Unattended
Children in Vehicles
Institute Public Measures
Meteorological Public Health
Excessive Heat Watch
– Conditions are favorable for an excessive heat event to meet or
exceed local Excessive Heat Warning criteria in the next 24 to
72 hours.
Excessive Heat Warning
– Heat Index values are forecast to meet or exceed locally defined
warning criteria for at least 2 days (daytime highs=105-110° F)
Heat Advisory
– Heat Index values are forecast to meet locally defined advisory
criteria for 1 to 2 days (daytime highs=100-105° F).
Reviewed effects of heat on body
Overview of mechanisms of dissipating heat
Reviewed the diagnosis and management of heat
cramp, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke
Reviewed the unique characteristics of children
Public Health awareness and prevention strategies
Any Questions
Bouchama A et. al. Cooling and hemodynamic manaagement in heatstroke: practical recommendations. 2007.
Critical Care. 11 (3)
CDC :Heat-Related Deaths --- United States, 1999—2003. MMWR 2006;55 (29):796-798
CDC :Heat-Related Deaths --- Arizona 1993, and United States, 1979—2002. MMWR 2005;54 (25):628-630
CDC Report:Fatal Car Trunk Entrapment Involving Children—U.S., 1987-1998. 1999JAMA Vol. 281 No. 6
Chang CK. Chang CP. Liu SY. Lin MT. Oxidative stress and ischemic injuries in heat stroke. [Review] [68 refs]
[Journal Article. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't. Review] Progress in Brain Research. 162:525-46, 2007.
Glazer JL. Management of heatstroke and heat exhaustion. [Review] [32 refs] [Journal Article. Review] American
Family Physician. 71(11):2133-40, 2005 Jun 1
Grubenhoff JA. et. al. Heat-Related Illness. 2007. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine - Volume 8, Issue 1
Hoffman J. Heat-Related Illnesses in Children. 2001 Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine - Volume 2, Issue
Kids Health from Nemours www.KidsHealth.org
Jardine DS. Heat Illness and Heat Stroke. Pediatr. Rev. 2007; 28; 249-258
Lee WC, Wen HC, et. al. Heat Shock Protein 72 Overexpression protects against hyperthermia, circulatory shock,
and cerebral ischemia during heatstroke. Appl Physiology. 2006. 100:2073-2082
Leon LR. Heat Stroke and Cytokines. Progress in Brain Research. 162: 481-524, 2007
Lin J, Losey R, Prendergast H. An Evidence Based Approach to Hyperthermia and Other Heat Related
Emergencies. Ped Emerg Med Pract. 2009 6(4)
Martinez M. Devenport L. Saussy J. Martinez J. Drug-associated heat stroke. [Review] [27 refs] [Journal Article.
Review] Southern Medical Journal. 95(8):799-802, 2002 Aug.
Mao-Tsun Lin International Thermal Physiology Symposium: Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature
Regulation . Journal of Thermal Biology. 2004. 29 (7) 463-469
McLaren C., et. al. Significant Temperature Rise in Enclosed Vehicles Heat Stress From Enclosed Vehicles:
Moderate Ambient Temperatures Cause. Pediatrics 2005;116;e109-e112
Roberts KB., et. al. The Automobile and Heat Stress. Pediatrics. 1976; 58; 101-104
Younggren B, Yao C. The Evaluation and Mangement of Heat Injuries in the Emergency Department. Emer Med
Pract 8(6)
Stewart C: The spectrum of heat illness in children. Pediatr Emerg Med Rep 4:41-52, 1999.
Med Sport Sci. 2011;56:126-49. doi: 10.1159/000320645. Epub 2010 Dec 21.
Temperature regulation and elite young athletes.
Falk B1, Dotan R.
Author information
•1Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ont,
Canada. [email protected]
Children and adults employ different thermoregulatory strategies, particularly
in dealing with heat stress. Children rely more on 'dry' heat exchange, while
evaporative heat loss is adults' foremost heat-dissipation venue. Several
anatomical, physiological, and psychological factors can affect differential risk
of thermal injury in the child vs. the adult athlete, in some situations. Children
have greater surface-area- to-mass ratio, lower sweating rate, higher
peripheral blood flow in the heat, and a greater extent of vasoconstriction in
the cold. They can acclimatise to a similar extent but do so at a lower rate
than adults. Differences in perceived exertion and thermal strain, cumulative
experience, cognitive development, and decision-making capacity may
negatively affect the young athlete's behaviour under competitive and other
situations, possibly subjecting him/her to sub-par performance or to greater
risk of thermal injury. However, except for very limited environmental
conditions, children in general, and young athletes in particular, are